[Done] App Setup (Docker, Electron, React) [Done] Navigation [Done] Layout [Done] Database Embed
- [Done] electron
- [Done] react / ipcrender
[Done] hide menu [Done] disable dev tools
[Done] add list (file upload, select column, which to import, add new table and add bulk data)
[Done] show lists and specific list data
[Done] sort table by column
[Done] search
[Done] export (csv)
[Done] rename [Done] delete list
[Done] remove duplicates from single list (keep oringal, craete two: without duplicate, and duplicate removed data) [Done] remove emails / rows based on filter text e.g. junk word in email, @ missing [Done] remove if emails missing
[Done] union / merge two or more lists together into new list [Done] subtract list from another list(s) (create new list) [Done] unique / common from list(s) (create new list)
[Bug] [Fixed] map columns to first name, last name and email (to avoid mapping during ops) (means fixed columns, instead of dynamic)
- clear state when list changes
[Done] 100, 500, 1000, 5000 pagination [x] csv no header support (can be supported but different upload flow is required) [Done] by default email search [Done] ctl + f keyboard search shortcut [Done] email filter check (with comma seaparated list) [Done] split domain (comma instead of space) [Done] split by max 10 lists or count
[Done] add record [Done] edit record [Done] delete [Done] (multiple) select for delete
gmail duplicate check
[Done] add progress bar (on actions) [Done] style update to blue
csv without header
subtract - email as key to eliminate (skip first_name, last_name) duplicate - preserver last row (instead of first) unique - first_name, last_name (found and copy)
Import: ✅ Remove duplicates (email) on import (keep first one matched)
- Flat list (+, “.”)
- Email extractor
[Done] Duplicate: ✅ Flat list of gmail, outlook email accounts (having + for use with folder) ✅ Remove “.” (flat list)
Email extractor: remove extra characters from email column (validate)
[Done] Subtract: ✅ Parent - child (delete even if name exists or not) email based subtraction ✅ Multiple child lists ✅ On loop (remove child list one by one)
[Done] Merge: ✅ Keep name from parent (even if not null) ✅ After merge apply duplicate actions (and flat list)
- Use Parent name
[Done] email, first, last (list view and export - Email, First, Last) [Done] show toast little bit longer [Done] remove duplicates order up (first) [Done] yahoo, outlook flat [Done] notificatio history for current view [Done] new button to null data, email typos, flat, duplicate [Done] merge, subtract -> trigger new button [Done] trigger master button on import