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Hot Update via Server

A React Native module that enables you to manage hot updates similar to CodePush but with less configuration. With this library, you can take full control of version management and host the JavaScript bundle yourself. This library focuses on installing the hot update after the bundle is downloaded from your server. Since CodePush is retiring soon, this library provides an alternative for managing bundle updates on your backend.

iOS GIF Android GIF

Guidelines for Managing the Bundle

This guide demonstrates how to manage the JavaScript bundle yourself. In this example, Firebase Storage is used to host the bundle and a JSON file to announce new versions:

1. Add Scripts to Your package.json to Export the JavaScript Bundle and Source Map Files

For React Native CLI:

"scripts": {
"export-android": "mkdir -p android/output && react-native bundle --platform android --dev false --entry-file index.js --bundle-output android/output/ --assets-dest android/output --sourcemap-output android/sourcemap.js && cd android && find output -type f | zip -@ && zip sourcemap.js && cd .. && rm -rf android/output && rm -rf android/sourcemap.js",
"export-ios": "mkdir -p ios/output && react-native bundle --platform ios --dev false --entry-file index.js --bundle-output ios/output/main.jsbundle --assets-dest ios/output --sourcemap-output ios/sourcemap.js && cd ios && find output -type f | zip -@ && zip sourcemap.js && cd .. && rm -rf ios/output && rm -rf ios/sourcemap.js"

For Expo/Expo Bare Projects:

"scripts": {
"export-android": "mkdir -p android/output && npx expo export:embed --platform android --entry-file node_modules/expo/AppEntry.js --bundle-output android/output/ --dev false --assets-dest android/output --sourcemap-output android/sourcemap.js && cd android && find output -type f | zip -@ && zip sourcemap.js && cd .. && rm -rf android/output && rm -rf android/sourcemap.js",
"export-ios": "mkdir -p ios/output && npx expo export:embed --platform ios --entry-file node_modules/expo/AppEntry.js --bundle-output ios/output/main.jsbundle --dev false --assets-dest ios/output --sourcemap-output ios/sourcemap.js && cd ios && find output -type f | zip -@ && zip sourcemap.js && cd .. && rm -rf ios/output && rm -rf ios/sourcemap.js"

Note: For Expo projects, verify the path of --entry-file node_modules/expo/AppEntry.js in your package.json.

These scripts export the bundle and source map files, then compress them into a zip file (one for Android and one for iOS). You can customize these scripts to automate uploading to your server. Source map files can be ignored or used for debugging in release mode.

2. Create an update.json File

The update.json file should look like this:

  "version": 1,
  "downloadAndroidUrl": "",
  "downloadIosUrl": ""

Upload your bundle files and update.json to Firebase Storage. The structure will look like this:

3. Fetch the Update and Apply It

After setting up your version management, fetch the update.json file to get the download URL and call the following function:

import hotUpdate from 'react-native-ota-hot-update';
import ReactNativeBlobUtil from 'react-native-blob-util';

hotUpdate.downloadBundleUri(ReactNativeBlobUtil, url, version, {
  updateSuccess: () => {
    console.log('Update successful!');
  updateFail: (message) => {
    Alert.alert('Update failed!', message, [
        text: 'Cancel',
        onPress: () => console.log('Cancel Pressed'),
        style: 'cancel',
  restartAfterInstall: true,

Important: Always pass the version parameter in downloadBundleUri. This library caches the version and uses it to check for updates in the future. The default version is 0.

Note: You can use either react-native-blob-util or rn-fetch-blob as the DownloadManager, but do not install both libraries at the same time. Installing both will cause a duplicate symbol error on iOS.

Tips for Managing Bundles

In this demo, Firebase Storage is used to manage bundles and versions. While effective, a CMS might be more efficient.

For example, using Strapi CMS allows you to:

  • Control versions easily.
  • Automate releases with CI/CD pipelines.

Here are some screenshots of Strapi CMS:

Other CMS options include CraftCMS and PayloadCMS.

Check the sampleComponent folder for logic related to CMS updates and scripts for auto-uploading bundles. For implementation support (service fee required), feel free to contact me via email.

Library Functions

Function Return Type Description Parameters
downloadBundleUri void Downloads and installs the bundle. (downloadManager: DownloadManager, uri: string, version: number, option?: UpdateOption)
setupBundlePath boolean Installs the bundle from a custom path. Ignore if using downloadBundleUri. path: string - Path of the zip file containing the bundle.
setupExactBundlePath boolean Installs the bundle from an extracted file path. path: string - Path of the extracted bundle file.
removeUpdate void Removes the update and reverts to the previous version. restartAfterRemoved?: boolean - Restarts the app to apply changes.
resetApp void Restarts the app to apply changes. None
getCurrentVersion number Retrieves the current version for update comparison. None
setCurrentVersion boolean Sets the current version for update comparison. version: number
rollbackToPreviousBundle boolean Rollback to previous bundle, by default app will store 2 versions of bundle from the second updating. None


Option Required Type Description
headers No Object Headers for downloading the bundle file (e.g., for authentication tokens).
updateSuccess No Callback Triggered when the update is installed successfully.
updateFail No Callback Triggered when the update fails. Passes a message parameter.
restartAfterInstall No boolean Defaults to false. If true, restarts the app after a successful installation.
progress No Callback Reports download progress.
extensionBundle No string Extension of the bundle file. Defaults: .bundle (Android), .jsbundle (iOS).


Supports methods provided by react-native-blob-util or rn-fetch-blob.