Thank you for going through this lab! I hope that it was enjoyable and that you learned some cool tricks and were inspired to build more things for yourself!
We were able to do a lot for very cheap dollars! At the end of this lab you should not have spent more than $1!
That is incredible given what you get for your efforts. AWS microservices constantly evolve and cooler ways are developed all the time.
A few things to notice:
- You built a distributed Photo App in under 3 hours that can scale past the amount of real users you can acquire!
- Some of the microservices we built on our own (Our lambda functions) but most of them we just used!
- We can switch out different parts. If we decide Cognito is not good enough, we can use Auth0. Same with the database and object storage.
- What else could you add to this? How about search, using Elastisearch? What about email notifications with SES? There are so many ways to take this!
If you have any questions, please hit me up on twitter. PRs are of course accepted!