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alexandernutz edited this page Oct 13, 2015 · 17 revisions


Ultimate does not compile (perhaps after you updated your working copy or just after your initial setup)

  • Refresh packages
    In Eclipse's package explorer:
    Mark all packages, then hit F5 (Refresh)
    Note that if closed packages are marked, refresh will not work (but won't tell you that it did nothing). Either filter them out or mark only open packages.
  • Cleanup the build
    Project->Clean..->Clean all projects->OK
    Project->Build All (or Build automatically)
  • Check plugin dependencies
    "Run" pulldown menu->Run configurations...
    Choose your Run configuration
    Go to Plugins tab
    Click Validate plugins ()
    If any problems are detected, check the boxes in the list for the plugins that are reported as unfulfilled dependencies
    In Eclipse Mars, you have to uncheck "Include optional dependencies.." before clicking "Add required plugins". One should also remove the package org.eclipse.ui.trace, as this is not needed and just gives you trouble.
  • Import new projects
    Existing Projects into workspace
    select Ultimate's trunk/source folder
    check all new plugins in the list (the ones not greyed out)
  • If there are errors in ! during the build, the reason might be that xjc is not found. xjc is part of the Java SDK. Add /path/to/jdk/bin to your PATH environment variable and restart Eclipse.
  • If you work with Eclipse Mars under Windows and get an error message like

"the archive: C:/Program%20Files%20(x86)/Eclipse%20Mars/plugins/org.eclipse.swt.win32.win32.x86_64_3.104.0.v20150528-0211.jar which is referenced by the classpath, does not exist."

you have encountered a bug in Eclipse Mars. Namely it cannot deal with directory names containing spaces. A solution can be found here: [] (summary: make a link of all involved directories with spacesn that is named such that all spaces are replaced by "%20")

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