index 300edb7a7..40e337fff 100644
@@ -65,6 +65,15 @@ licensed under MIT licence.
+Bias in Big Data
+Copyright 2019 Mark Henszey Wolgin
+licensed under MIT licence.
@@ -184,12 +193,12 @@ third-party-licences/cytoscape-no-overlap.txt
-Bias in Big Data
+Data Visualization
-Copyright 2019 Mark Henszey Wolgin
+Copyright 2019 ahallak, sestrobel, joy-kitson, KMeyerUD.
licensed under MIT licence.
diff --git a/csfieldguide/interactives/content/en/interactives.yaml b/csfieldguide/interactives/content/en/interactives.yaml
index 13bedddc2..cb35ccedc 100644
--- a/csfieldguide/interactives/content/en/interactives.yaml
+++ b/csfieldguide/interactives/content/en/interactives.yaml
@@ -48,6 +48,8 @@ confusing-error:
name: Confusing Error
name: Data Bias
+ name: Data Visualisation
name: Date Picker
diff --git a/csfieldguide/interactives/content/structure/interactives.yaml b/csfieldguide/interactives/content/structure/interactives.yaml
index 4e8805c8a..b84a97cd9 100644
--- a/csfieldguide/interactives/content/structure/interactives.yaml
+++ b/csfieldguide/interactives/content/structure/interactives.yaml
@@ -115,6 +115,10 @@ data-bias:
en: interactives/data-bias.html
is_interactive: true
+ languages:
+ en: interactives/data-visualisation.html
+ is_interactive: true
en: interactives/date-picker.html
diff --git a/csfieldguide/package.json b/csfieldguide/package.json
index b7b4f4318..5c5b6594a 100644
--- a/csfieldguide/package.json
+++ b/csfieldguide/package.json
@@ -24,6 +24,7 @@
"csfg-interactive-cmy-mixer": "file:./static/interactives/cmy-mixer/",
"csfg-interactive-colour-matcher": "file:./static/interactives/colour-matcher/",
"csfg-interactive-data-bias": "file:./static/interactives/data-bias/",
+ "csfg-interactive-data-visualisation": "file:./static/interactives/data-visualisation/",
"csfg-interactive-frequency-anaylsis": "file:./static/interactives/frequency-analysis/",
"csfg-interactive-jpeg-compression": "file:./static/interactives/jpeg-compression/",
"csfg-interactive-matrix-simplifier": "file:./static/interactives/matrix-simplifier/",
diff --git a/csfieldguide/static/interactives/data-visualisation/README.md b/csfieldguide/static/interactives/data-visualisation/README.md
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..dd631625a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/csfieldguide/static/interactives/data-visualisation/README.md
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+# Data Visualisation interactive
+- Amjed Hallak
+- sestrobel
+- Joy Kitson
+- KMeyerUD
+The original can be found [here](https://github.com/ahallak/CISC374).
+**Recreated by:** Alasdair Smith
+This game serves to teach students that visualisation can help a user quickly identify trends in data, and that some visualisations are more helpful than others.
+## The Game
+The user is presented with a data set for a short period, then expected to enter the mode (most common value) of the data.
+This process is repeated with different visualisation techniques, including: a grid, heatmap, pie chart and bar chart.
+## Licences
+This interactive uses [Chart.js](https://www.chartjs.org/).
+Its licence, and that of the original game, is listed in `LICENCE-THIRD-PARTY`, with a full copy available in the `third-party-licences` directory.
diff --git a/csfieldguide/static/interactives/data-visualisation/js/data-visualisation.js b/csfieldguide/static/interactives/data-visualisation/js/data-visualisation.js
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..192d1e2df
--- /dev/null
+++ b/csfieldguide/static/interactives/data-visualisation/js/data-visualisation.js
@@ -0,0 +1,494 @@
+const CHART = require('chart.js');
+const MIN = 0; // Numbers for data
+const MAX = 9;
+const WAIT = 5000; // Time (milliseconds) to show the chart
+const BASE_DATA_POINTS = 16;
+const MAX_DATA_POINTS = 256;
+const CHART_TYPES = {
+ GRID: gettext("Plain grid"),
+ MAP: gettext("Heatmap"),
+ PIE: gettext("Pie chart"),
+ BAR: gettext("Bar chart"),
+const TITLES = { // Bar/Pie chart titles
+ PIE: gettext("Relative frequency of each number (%)."),
+ BAR: gettext("Occurences of each number."),
+ RESULTS: gettext("Your accuracy (%) when finding the mode of data with different visualisations.")
+const COLOURS = [ // Pie chart colours
+ "#3e95cd", "#8e5ea2", "#3cba9f", "#e8c3b9", "#c45850",
+ "#28a745","#2a3da0","#34fcfe","#fb8532","#a37533",
+const HEATMAP = [ // Heatmap colours
+ "#0006bf", "#2500c3", "#5200c7", "#8200cb", "#b400cf",
+ "#d400bf","#d80092","#dc0063","#e00032","#e50000",
+var dataVis = {}; // https://google.github.io/styleguide/javascriptguide.xml#Naming
+dataVis.renderChart; // Chart to be rendered
+dataVis.numberOfDataPoints; // Number of values in the data
+dataVis.typesAndSolutions; // List of lists: [[type of representation, correct answer]]
+dataVis.userResponses; // User's choices
+dataVis.dataFrequencies; // Frequency of each value in dataVis.currentDataSet
+dataVis.chartBar; // Charts
+dataVis.tableHeadings; // For storing just the headings of the results table
+$(document).ready(function() {
+ init();
+ $('#button-start').on('click', runStart);
+ $('#button-submit').on('click', runGuessCheck);
+ $('#button-next').on('click', runNext);
+ $('#button-quit').on('click', runQuit);
+ $('#button-restart').on('click', init);
+ * Returns everything to the initial 'page loaded' state
+ */
+function init() {
+ showStartScreen();
+ dataVis.renderChart = CHART_TYPES.GRID;
+ dataVis.numberOfDataPoints = BASE_DATA_POINTS;
+ dataVis.typesAndSolutions = [];
+ dataVis.userResponses = [];
+ dataVis.currentDataSet = [];
+ dataVis.dataFrequencies = {};
+ if (dataVis.tableHeadings) {
+ $('#data-vis-performance').html(dataVis.tableHeadings);
+ } else {
+ dataVis.tableHeadings = $('#data-vis-performance').html();
+ }
+ newDataSet();
+ * Shows the next data representation then, after some time, shows the guess checker
+ */
+function runStart() {
+ $('#button-start').addClass('d-none');
+ buildChart();
+ setTimeout(showGuessScreen, WAIT);
+ * Runs the guess-checking functionality, then shows the user their performance so far
+ */
+function runGuessCheck() {
+ var guess = $('#data-vis-selector').val();
+ dataVis.userResponses.push(guess);
+ if (dataVis.userResponses.length != dataVis.typesAndSolutions.length) { // At this point the two should always be equal
+ console.log("ERROR: Number of responses does not match number of solutions.")
+ }
+ populatePerformanceTable();
+ showPerformanceScreen();
+ * Prepares the next chart type and dataset
+ */
+function runNext() {
+ getNextChart();
+ showStartScreen();
+ newDataSet();
+ * Runs the quit functionality; shows the user their overall performace (results)
+ */
+function runQuit() {
+ buildResultsChart();
+ showResultsScreen();
+ * Assigns the chart type that should be used next, in a circular fashion.
+ * If the loop has completed, doubles the amount of data to create, up to MAX_DATA_POINTS
+ */
+function getNextChart() {
+ if (dataVis.renderChart == CHART_TYPES.GRID) {
+ dataVis.renderChart = CHART_TYPES.MAP;
+ } else if (dataVis.renderChart == CHART_TYPES.MAP) {
+ dataVis.renderChart = CHART_TYPES.PIE;
+ } else if (dataVis.renderChart == CHART_TYPES.PIE) {
+ dataVis.renderChart = CHART_TYPES.BAR;
+ } else /*(dataVis.renderChart == CHART_TYPES.BAR)*/ {
+ dataVis.numberOfDataPoints = Math.min(MAX_DATA_POINTS, dataVis.numberOfDataPoints * 2); // More data points for the next cycle
+ dataVis.renderChart = CHART_TYPES.GRID;
+ }
+ * Creates the next chart to be displayed
+ */
+function buildChart() {
+ $('#data-vis-barchart').addClass('d-none');
+ $('#data-vis-piechart').addClass('d-none');
+ $('#data-vis-grid').addClass('d-none');
+ var type = dataVis.renderChart;
+ if (type == CHART_TYPES.GRID || type == CHART_TYPES.MAP) {
+ buildGridChart();
+ } else if (type == CHART_TYPES.BAR) {
+ buildBarChart();
+ } else if (type == CHART_TYPES.PIE) {
+ buildPieChart();
+ }
+ $('#data-vis-game').removeClass('d-none');
+ * Builds a grid of values in the data.
+ * If the representation should be a heatmap, also colours each grid square appropriately
+ */
+function buildGridChart() {
+ var numValues = dataVis.currentDataSet.length;
+ // We can afford to have fewer columns with a low number of values
+ var numColumns = numValues > (65) ? (8) : (4);
+ var html = "";
+ var i=0;
+ while (i < numValues) {
+ html += "
+ for (var x=0; x < numColumns; x++) {
+ if (dataVis.renderChart == CHART_TYPES.MAP) {
+ html += "" + dataVis.currentDataSet[i] + " | \n";
+ } else {
+ html += "" + dataVis.currentDataSet[i] + " | \n";
+ }
+ i++;
+ }
+ html += "
+ }
+ $('#data-vis-grid').html(html).removeClass('d-none');
+ * Builds a pie chart showing the relative frequency of each point in the data
+ */
+function buildPieChart() {
+ var valueLabels = [];
+ var dataPoints = [];
+ for (var i in dataVis.dataFrequencies) {
+ if (dataVis.dataFrequencies[i]) {
+ valueLabels.push(i.toString());
+ dataPoints.push(Math.round(dataVis.dataFrequencies[i] / dataVis.currentDataSet.length * 100)); // Percentage of total
+ }
+ }
+ var canvas = $('#data-vis-piechart');
+ if (dataVis.chartPie) {
+ dataVis.chartPie.destroy();
+ }
+ canvas.attr('width', Math.min(600, 0.8 * $( window ).width())); // 600 is the value in the html
+ canvas.attr('height', canvas.attr('width') / 2);
+ dataVis.chartPie = new CHART.Chart(canvas, {
+ type: 'pie',
+ data: {
+ labels: valueLabels,
+ datasets: [{
+ backgroundColor: COLOURS,
+ data: dataPoints
+ }]
+ },
+ options: {
+ responsive: true,
+ legend: {
+ display: true,
+ position: 'right'
+ },
+ title: {
+ display: true,
+ text: TITLES.PIE
+ }
+ }
+ });
+ canvas.removeClass('d-none');
+ * Builds a bar chart showing the number of times each value appears in the data
+ */
+function buildBarChart() {
+ var valueLabels = [];
+ var dataPoints = [];
+ for (var i in dataVis.dataFrequencies) {
+ valueLabels.push(i.toString());
+ dataPoints.push(dataVis.dataFrequencies[i]);
+ }
+ var canvas = $('#data-vis-barchart');
+ if (dataVis.chartBar) {
+ dataVis.chartBar.destroy();
+ }
+ canvas.attr('width', Math.min(800, 0.8 * $( window ).width())); // 800 is the value in the html
+ canvas.attr('height', canvas.attr('width') / 2);
+ dataVis.chartBar = new CHART.Chart(canvas, {
+ type: 'bar',
+ data: {
+ labels: valueLabels,
+ datasets: [{
+ label: gettext("Occurences"),
+ backgroundColor: '#2a3da0', // Primary CSFG colour
+ data: dataPoints
+ }]
+ },
+ options: {
+ responsive: true,
+ legend: {
+ display: false
+ },
+ title: {
+ display: true,
+ text: TITLES.BAR
+ }
+ }
+ });
+ canvas.removeClass('d-none');
+ * Builds a bar chart showing the user's accuracy when finding the mode for each representation of data
+ */
+function buildResultsChart() {
+ var dataPoints = getFinalResults();
+ var canvas = $('#data-vis-results-chart');
+ if (dataVis.chartResults) {
+ dataVis.chartResults.destroy();
+ }
+ canvas.attr('width', Math.min(800, 0.8 * $( window ).width())); // 800 is the value in the html
+ canvas.attr('height', canvas.attr('width') / 2);
+ dataVis.chartResults = new CHART.Chart(canvas, {
+ type: 'bar',
+ data: {
+ labels: valueLabels,
+ datasets: [{
+ label: gettext("Success (%)"),
+ backgroundColor: '#2a3da0', // Primary CSFG colour
+ data: dataPoints
+ }]
+ },
+ options: {
+ responsive: true,
+ legend: {
+ display: false
+ },
+ scales: {
+ yAxes: [{
+ display: true,
+ ticks: {
+ beginAtZero: true,
+ stepValue: 10,
+ max: 100
+ }
+ }]
+ },
+ title: {
+ display: true,
+ }
+ }
+ });
+ canvas.removeClass('d-none');
+function populatePerformanceTable() {
+ var table = $('#data-vis-performance');
+ var data = [last(dataVis.typesAndSolutions), last(dataVis.userResponses)]; // [[type, solution], response]
+ var newRow = "\n"
+ + "" + data[0][0] + " | \n"
+ + "" + data[0][1] + " | \n"
+ + "" + data[1] + " | \n"
+ + "
+ table.append(newRow);
+ * Returns a list of four items:
+ * The percentage of correct answers for the mode of each data visualisation type
+ *
+ * [grid, heatmap, pie, bar]
+ */
+function getFinalResults() {
+ var localSolutions = dataVis.typesAndSolutions; // List of [[type, solution]]
+ var localResponses = dataVis.userResponses; // List of [response]
+ var proportionGrid = [0, 0]; // [correct, out-of]
+ var proportionHeatmap = [0, 0];
+ var proportionPie = [0, 0];
+ var proportionBar = [0, 0];
+ for (var i=0; i < localSolutions.length; i++) {
+ if (localSolutions[i][0] == CHART_TYPES.GRID) {
+ if (localSolutions[i][1] == localResponses[i]) {
+ proportionGrid[0]++;
+ }
+ proportionGrid[1]++;
+ } else if (localSolutions[i][0] == CHART_TYPES.MAP) {
+ if (localSolutions[i][1] == localResponses[i]) {
+ proportionHeatmap[0]++;
+ }
+ proportionHeatmap[1]++;
+ } else if (localSolutions[i][0] == CHART_TYPES.PIE) {
+ if (localSolutions[i][1] == localResponses[i]) {
+ proportionPie[0]++;
+ }
+ proportionPie[1]++;
+ } else if (localSolutions[i][0] == CHART_TYPES.BAR) {
+ if (localSolutions[i][1] == localResponses[i]) {
+ proportionBar[0]++;
+ }
+ proportionBar[1]++;
+ }
+ }
+ return [
+ Math.round(proportionGrid[0] / proportionGrid[1] * 100),
+ Math.round(proportionHeatmap[0] / proportionHeatmap[1] * 100),
+ Math.round(proportionPie[0] / proportionPie[1] * 100),
+ Math.round(proportionBar[0] / proportionBar[1] * 100)
+ ];
+ * Prepares a new set of data for the next chart.
+ * Also sets the next solution appropriately.
+ */
+function newDataSet() {
+ fillDataSet(dataVis.numberOfDataPoints);
+ var [solution, frequencies] = getFrequencies();
+ dataVis.typesAndSolutions.push([dataVis.renderChart, solution])
+ dataVis.dataFrequencies = frequencies;
+ * Sets the 'dataVis.currentDataSet' global to a list of the given number of random values.
+ */
+function fillDataSet(num) {
+ var newDataSet = [];
+ for (var i=0; i < num; i++) {
+ newDataSet.push(getRandomInteger(MIN, MAX))
+ }
+ dataVis.currentDataSet = newDataSet;
+ * Returns two values in a list:
+ * [
+ * The mode (most common value) of the global dataVis.currentDataSet - ensuring only one value is most common
+ * ,
+ * The frequency of each value in the global dataVis.currentDataSet
+ * ]
+ *
+ * If two or more values share the mode (most common value), one of the mode values is chosen at random.
+ * A random datapoint that is not that value is replaced with that value, resulting in a singular mode value.
+ */
+function getFrequencies() {
+ // Get the mode(s)
+ // Based on parts of https://stackoverflow.com/questions/3783950/get-the-item-that-appears-the-most-times-in-an-array
+ var modes = [];
+ var frequencies = {};
+ var max = 0;
+ var localDataSet = dataVis.currentDataSet; // Store a copy locally for performance
+ for (var v in localDataSet) {
+ frequencies[localDataSet[v]] = (frequencies[localDataSet[v]] || 0) + 1;
+ if (frequencies[localDataSet[v]] == max) { // More than one current mode
+ modes.push(localDataSet[v]);
+ } else if (frequencies[localDataSet[v]] > max) { // New (singular) mode
+ modes = [localDataSet[v]];
+ max = frequencies[localDataSet[v]];
+ }
+ }
+ // Deal with conflicts
+ var mode;
+ if (modes.length > 1) {
+ mode = modes[getRandomInteger(0, modes.length - 1)]; // Choose a random best mode
+ var randomValue = getRandomInteger(0, localDataSet.length);
+ while (localDataSet[randomValue] == mode) { // Find a random not-best-mode number
+ randomValue++;
+ }
+ frequencies[localDataSet[randomValue]]--; // Reduce the frequecy of that number
+ dataVis.currentDataSet[randomValue] = mode; // Set best mode (actual dataVis.currentDataSet)
+ frequencies[localDataSet[randomValue]]++; // Increase the frequency of best-mode
+ } else {
+ mode = modes[0];
+ }
+ // Return the mode and frequencies
+ return [mode, frequencies];
+ * Returns a random integer between min and max inclusive.
+ * From https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/Math/random
+ */
+function getRandomInteger(min, max) {
+ return Math.floor(Math.random() * (max - min + 1)) + min;
+ * Returns the last item in the array, like the python expression: `array[-1]`
+ */
+function last(array) {
+ return array[array.length - 1];
+ * Hides irrrelevant HTML divs, then reveals relevant ones.
+ */
+function showStartScreen() {
+ $('#data-vis-guesser').addClass('d-none');
+ $('#data-vis-next').addClass('d-none');
+ $('#data-vis-restart').addClass('d-none');
+ $('#data-vis-game').addClass('d-none');
+ $('#data-vis-results').addClass('d-none');
+ $('#data-vis-instructions').removeClass('d-none');
+ $('#button-start').removeClass('d-none');
+ * Hides irrrelevant HTML divs, then reveals relevant ones.
+ */
+function showGuessScreen() {
+ $('#data-vis-instructions').addClass('d-none');
+ $('#data-vis-game').addClass('d-none');
+ $('#data-vis-guesser').removeClass('d-none');
+ * Hides irrrelevant HTML divs, then reveals relevant ones.
+ */
+function showPerformanceScreen() {
+ $('#data-vis-guesser').addClass('d-none');
+ $('#data-vis-restart').addClass('d-none');
+ $('#data-vis-game').addClass('d-none');
+ $('#data-vis-results-chart').addClass('d-none');
+ $('#data-vis-next').removeClass('d-none');
+ $('#data-vis-performance').removeClass('d-none');
+ $('#data-vis-results').removeClass('d-none');
+ * Hides irrrelevant HTML divs, then reveals relevant ones.
+ */
+function showResultsScreen() {
+ $('#data-vis-next').addClass('d-none');
+ $('#data-vis-performance').addClass('d-none');
+ $('#data-vis-restart').removeClass('d-none');
+ $('#data-vis-results-chart').removeClass('d-none');
diff --git a/csfieldguide/static/interactives/data-visualisation/package.json b/csfieldguide/static/interactives/data-visualisation/package.json
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..abc1ac3d8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/csfieldguide/static/interactives/data-visualisation/package.json
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+ "name": "csfg-interactive-data-visualisation",
+ "version": "1.0.0",
+ "private": true,
+ "dependencies": {
+ "chart.js": "2.9.1"
+ }
diff --git a/csfieldguide/static/interactives/data-visualisation/scss/data-visualisation.scss b/csfieldguide/static/interactives/data-visualisation/scss/data-visualisation.scss
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..2e38258c8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/csfieldguide/static/interactives/data-visualisation/scss/data-visualisation.scss
@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
+@import "node_modules/bootstrap/scss/functions";
+@import "node_modules/bootstrap/scss/variables";
+@import "node_modules/bootstrap/scss/mixins";
+canvas {
+ margin: auto;
+table, th, td {
+ margin: auto;
+ font-family: monospace;
+ text-align: center;
+ padding: 1rem;
+ padding-left: 3rem;
+ padding-right: 3rem;
+ border: 1px solid #000;
+ border-collapse: collapse;
+#data-vis-results, #data-vis-game {
+ position: relative;
+ margin: auto;
+ max-width: 800px;
+@include media-breakpoint-down(md) {
+ table, th, td {
+ padding: 0.3rem;
+ padding-left: 1rem;
+ padding-right: 1rem;
+ }
diff --git a/csfieldguide/templates/appendices/contributors.html b/csfieldguide/templates/appendices/contributors.html
index 59b0d31db..6c0b1ee9b 100644
--- a/csfieldguide/templates/appendices/contributors.html
+++ b/csfieldguide/templates/appendices/contributors.html
@@ -139,6 +139,10 @@