diff --git a/src/scripts/prepare.sh b/src/scripts/prepare.sh index 1151654d..e7c3fdd8 100755 --- a/src/scripts/prepare.sh +++ b/src/scripts/prepare.sh @@ -28,7 +28,7 @@ fi ici_hook INSTALL_HOST_GPG_KEYS ici_timed "Configure EXTRA_HOST_SOURCES" configure_extra_host_sources -ici_timed "Update apt package list" ici_asroot apt-get -qq update +ici_timed "Update apt package list" ici_asroot apt-get update # Configure apt-cacher-ng echo apt-cacher-ng apt-cacher-ng/tunnelenable boolean true | ici_asroot debconf-set-selections @@ -44,6 +44,11 @@ ici_timed "Install bloom" ici_asroot pip install -U git+https://github.com/rhasc # Install patched vcstool to allow for treeless clones ici_timed "Install vcstool" ici_asroot pip install -U git+https://github.com/rhaschke/vcstool.git@master +# Remove ros2 package repository, now that rosdep and colcon are installed +# This repo might have newer versions, e.g. of colcon, than the ones to be built +ici_asroot sed -i '/packages.ros.org\/ros2\/ubuntu/d' "$REPOS_LIST_FILE" +ici_timed "Update apt package list" ici_asroot apt-get update + # remove existing rosdep config to avoid conflicts with rosdep init ici_asroot rm -f /etc/ros/rosdep/sources.list.d/20-default.list ici_timed "rosdep init" ici_asroot rosdep init