- Giới thiệu AWS là gì?
- Hạ tầng AWS
- Services
- Certifications
- Multi account và single account
- MFA, switch role script
- Encryption
- S3 Select use case
- Use case (Host static website)
- Pricing
- Presigned URL
- Backup and restore instance
- Connect via bastion host
- Design table and access pattern
- Use case (pros/cons)
- Failover
- Create a complete custom VPC
- LB
- SQS Lambda
- Fargate
- Login / SSO
- Design Fargate Cluster and reusable
- Feature Flag service Serverless
- CRUD Lambda DynamoDB
- Backup / restore / disaster recovery
- MFE (UI hook)
- Tracing
- Sync / Async
- Single Repo / Common API Gateway
- Profiling
- Common Libraries
- Activity Feed
- Webhook
- Schema for EB
- User API
- Consent / Pinpoint
- Document gen
- Email template
- Messaging
- Outlook
- Doc outdate
- Design builder
- Low latency
- Automation
- Contact form
- Blueprint
- Image
- File
- Comment
- Roles
- Aurora Cluster