1. Debugger Reference Manual
HI-TECH C is supplied with an interactive debugging
tool oriented toward C programs. It is not a "source level"
debugger, i.e. it has no knowledge of the C source code,
however it does have the facility to handle C symbols and to
show the C function calling sequence.
The command structure is modelled on that of the Unix
debugger known as adb. It provides facilities to display
memory in various radices or as instructions, to set and
remove breakpoints, which may have a repeat count and/or a
command associated with them. It is possible to set a break-
point which will stop only if a certain condition is true.
The debugger may be used on any .COM file, however in
order to take advantage of the symbolic facilities, it is
necessary to generate a symbol file, usually with the -F
option to the C command. This file consists of one line per
symbol, with the hexadecimal value of the symbol preceding
the symbol on the line.
1.1. Invoking Debug
The debugger is invoked by the command DEBUG. It may
have zero, one or two file arguments. The first argument is
the name of a file in .COM format to be be debugged, and the
second a symbol file name. If the symbol file name is omit-
ted, no symbols will be available. If the .COM format file
is omitted, no code will be loaded. Some examples:
DEBUG fred.com
DEBUG bill.com l.sym
1.2. Run Time Organization
DEBUG relocates itself below the BDOS when executed,
allowing the debugee to be loaded at the start of the TPA,
as usual. The symbol table, if loaded, grows downwards from
the base of the relocated debugger. The BDOS entry at loca-
tion 5 is changed to reflect the base of the symbol table
rather than the base of the BDOS. Thus the symbol table and
the debugger are not owerwritten by the debugee's stack.
Breakpoints are inserted in the code as RST 8 instruc-
tions. A jump is placed at location 8 to the debugger's trap
handler. This is unfortunate if your system happens to use
RST 8 for interrupts, but this is probably no more likely
than that it uses any other restart location.
1.3. Commands
The basic debugger command syntax is:
address , count command modifier extrastuff
This may seem a little obscure, so read on. Address and
count are expressions, in their simplest form simply hexade- cimal numbers. Both address and count are optional, but if count is to be specified with no address, the comma must appear.
Command is a single character specifying what the com-
mand should do. Modifier is another character which deter- mines more specifically what the command is. Extrastuff is dependent on the particular command, and is usually omitted.
1.3.1. Expressions
Expressions may consist of:
. The value of the current location (not necessarily the current PC or last breakpoint, this is an internal current value).
SYMBOL The value of a symbol, as looked up in the symbol table. If the symbol is not found, the same symbol prepended by and underscore will be looked for. This allows C symbols to be referred to without the leading underscore tacked on by the compiler.
INTEGER A hexadecimal integer. It must start with a digit, oth- erwise the debugger will think it is a symbol.
<REGNAME This yields the contents of the specified Z80 register. The register names are the usual Z80 names, in lower case only. See the $r command below.
(EXPR) Parentheses may be uses to enclose expressions to force evaluation order.
*EXPR The contents of the word at address EXPR. This is indirection analogous to the C indirection operator.
-EXPR The negation of EXPR.
The bitwise complement of EXPR.
The sum of E1 and E2.
The value of E1 less the value of E2.
The value of E1 multiplied by E2.
E1 divided by E2.
E1 anded with E2.
The usual precedence relationships apply; parentheses
may be used to alter the order of evaluation.
1.3.2. Command Characters
The main command character used is /. This is used to
display memory in various radices or as instructions. The
exact format is determined by the modifier character, or the
previous format used if the modifier character is omitted.
The modifiers are:
i Print as Z80 instructions
h or b
Print as hexadecimal bytes.
o Print as octal bytes.
d Print as decimal bytes.
H or W
Print as hexadecimal words.
O Octal words.
D Decimal words.
c Print each byte as an ascii character.
C Print as ascii characters if printable, as @x if not,
where x is the corresponding alphabetic character, e.g.
@C for 3.
s Print a string of characters up to a null.
a Print the address as a symbolic value.
If address is specified, the display starts from the
specified address. Count bytes, instructions, words, strings or whatever will be printed, or 1 if count is omitted. For example:
The first command prints 16 bytes from the address of the symbol fred. The second displays one instruction from loca- tion 123H.
When such a command is issued, the value of dot is tem-
porarily incremented by the total number of bytes displayed. A subsequent command consisting solely of a RETURN or LINE FEED will make the temporary increment of dot permanent, and execute a / command. Thus RETURN may be used to step along in memory, displaying memory in the same format as the last / command.
The / command may also be used to alter memory. /w EXPR
will write the value of expr into memory at the current location (dot). Either a word or a byte will be written depending on the last format used for a / command. A /w com- mand may not be issued if the current format is not a byte or word type. Thus memory may not be modified in the i for- mat. One day there will be an in-line assembler built in, but not yet.
The ] command is like the / command, except that it
displays I/O ports rather than memory. It may be used with only the h, b, o or d formats. In addition, ]w may be used to write to an I/O port.
The $ command has various modifiers as described below:
c Print a C stack backtrace. Note that this is not reli- able when used on an optimized program since the optim- izer changes stack manipulation code. There may appear to be fewer arguments than there really are. Long argu- ments will always appear as two integer arguments.
b Display currently set breakpoints
s Set the limit for symbol matches to the given address. This determines the maximum value of offset when print- ing out a value as sym+offset.
w Set the terminal width to address. The default is 80 decimal.
r Display the contents of all Z80 registers.
The : command has the following modifiers:
r Run the program from address. If address is omitted,
try for the symbol start. If it is not found, the
debugger will complain. With this command, extrastuff
will be supplied as an argument string to the program,
i.e. in the default buffer at 80H. You should ensure
there is a space between the r and extrastuff. E.g.:
100:r arg1 arg2
c Continue the program from address, or the contents of
PC if address is omitted. Used after a breakpoint.
s As for c, but execute only count instructions, or 1 if
count is omitted. Thus this single steps the debugee.
b Set a breakpoint at address. If count is supplied, the
breakpoint will not stop until it has been hit count
times. Extrastuff may be a command to execute every
time the breakpoint is hit. If the command sets dot to
zero, then the breakpoint will stop even if count is
not zero.
. Set a temporary breakpoint at address and continue exe-
cution. When the next breakpoint is encountered, this
temporary breakpoint will be removed.
d Clear the breakpoint at address.
The command > allows the values of registers to be
changed. Both word and byte registers may be specified. The
interrupt flag may also be changed. 0 means off, 1 means
1.4. Example
An example of the use of the debugger follows:
A>type tst.c
int i, j;
scanf("%d", &i);
printf("%d\n", j); Note the error - j should be i
A>c -f tst.c Compile requesting a symbol file
A>debug tst.com l.sym Default symbol file name is l.sym ZDEBUG : printf/i Disassemble at printf _printf: call csv : Step down with RETURN _printf+3: push ix : :b Set a breakpoint here : :r Run the program - no arguments 123 Scanf waits for input - enter 123 Breakpoint _printf+3 _printf+3: push ix Stopped at the breakpoint : $c Get a stack trace _printf(1872,0) 1872 is the format string "d\n" _main() : main/i Look at main() now _main: call csv : Step down with RETURN _main+3: ld hl,FFFC : _main+6: add hl,sp : ,10 Disassemble 16 instructions _main+7: ld sp,hl _main+8: push ix _main+A: pop hl _main+B: dec hl _main+C: dec hl _main+D: push hl _main+E: ld hl,186F _main+11: push hl _main+12: call _scanf _main+15: ld hl,4 _main+18: add hl,sp _main+19: ld sp,hl _main+1A: ld l,(ix+-4) here j is loaded _main+1D: ld h,(ix+-3) _main+20: push hl And pushed onto the stack _main+21: ld hl,1872 : main+1a/i _main+1A: ld l,(ix+-4) : /h Look at the bytes as hex _main+1A: DD Indexing prefix byte : Step down with RETURN _main+1B: 6E : _main+1C: FC The index offset = -4 : /w 0fe Change to -2 : _main+1D: DD : _main+1E: 66 : _main+1F: FD : /w 0ff Change the hi byte to -1 to address i instead of j : :r Run it again
123 Enter the same number again
Breakpoint _printf+3
_printf+3: push ix
: $c
: 7b=d 7b was the argument above
123 Now we have the correct value
: :c Continue the program
123 Which prints the correct value