This guide explains how to use the distributed training capabilities of the Quantum Geometric Learning library for training large-scale models across multiple nodes.
The distributed training system provides:
- Data parallel training across multiple nodes
- Automatic workload distribution
- Fault tolerance with automatic recovery
- Gradient synchronization
- Checkpoint management
- Performance monitoring
- MPI implementation (OpenMPI recommended)
- Multiple compute nodes or processes
- Shared filesystem for checkpoints
Here's a minimal example of setting up distributed training:
#include "quantum_geometric/distributed/distributed_training_manager.h"
// Initialize configuration
distributed_config_t config = {
.world_size = size, // Total number of processes
.local_rank = rank, // This process's rank
.num_gpus_per_node = 1, // GPUs per node
.batch_size = 32, // Global batch size
.micro_batch_size = 8, // Per-process batch size
.use_data_parallel = true, // Enable data parallelism
.use_model_parallel = false, // Disable model parallelism
.learning_rate = 0.001f, // Learning rate
.warmup_steps = 100, // LR warmup steps
.max_steps = 1000, // Total training steps
.save_interval = 50, // Checkpoint interval
.checkpoint_dir = "/path/to/checkpoints"
// Create manager
distributed_manager_t* manager = distributed_manager_create(&config);
// Initialize environment
// Create and prepare pipeline
quantum_pipeline_t* pipeline = quantum_pipeline_create(...);
distributed_manager_prepare_training(manager, pipeline, total_samples);
// Training loop
for (size_t step = 0; step < max_steps; step++) {
// Train step with automatic fault recovery
if (distributed_manager_train_step(manager, pipeline, batch_data,
batch_size, step, &metrics) != 0) {
if (metrics.error_code == ERROR_PROCESS_FAILURE) {
// Handle process failure
// Retry step
distributed_manager_train_step(manager, pipeline, batch_data,
batch_size, step, &metrics);
The system automatically handles process failures through:
- Failure detection via heartbeat monitoring
- Communicator reconstruction
- Checkpoint recovery
- Workload redistribution
When a process fails:
// In training loop
if (metrics.error_code == ERROR_PROCESS_FAILURE) {
// Get failed rank from metrics
size_t failed_rank = metrics.failed_process_rank;
// Handle failure and reconstruct environment
if (distributed_manager_handle_failure(manager, failed_rank) == 0) {
// Retry failed operation
The manager automatically handles data distribution:
// Get this process's data shard
size_t start_idx, end_idx;
distributed_manager_get_local_batch(manager, total_samples,
&start_idx, &end_idx);
// Load shard
size_t shard_size = end_idx - start_idx;
load_data_range(start_idx, end_idx, ...);
Automatic checkpoint management:
// Configuration
config.save_interval = 100; // Save every 100 steps
config.checkpoint_dir = "/path/to/checkpoints";
// Saving (automatic in train_step)
distributed_manager_save_checkpoint(manager, pipeline, step);
// Loading
distributed_manager_load_checkpoint(manager, pipeline, step);
The training metrics provide detailed performance information:
training_metrics_t metrics;
distributed_manager_train_step(manager, pipeline, data, size, step, &metrics);
printf("Step %zu:\n", step);
printf("- Loss: %.4f\n", metrics.loss);
printf("- Accuracy: %.2f%%\n", metrics.accuracy * 100);
printf("- Training time: %.2f s\n", metrics.training_time);
printf("- Communication time: %.2f s\n", metrics.comm_time);
printf("- Compute efficiency: %.2f%%\n", metrics.compute_efficiency * 100);
Enable model parallelism for large models:
config.use_model_parallel = true;
config.model_parallel_size = 2; // Split model across 2 devices
Enable pipeline parallelism for deep models:
config.use_pipeline_parallel = true;
config.num_pipeline_stages = 4; // Split into 4 stages
Enable memory optimization:
config.use_gradient_checkpointing = true;
config.checkpoint_granularity = CHECKPOINT_GRANULARITY_LAYER;
See examples/advanced/ai/distributed_mnist_example.c
for a complete example of distributed training with MNIST.
To run the example:
# Compile with MPI support
cmake -DQGT_USE_MPI=ON ..
# Run with 4 processes
mpirun -np 4 ./bin/examples/advanced/ai/distributed_mnist_example \
/path/to/mnist/train.bin \
Batch Size: Set micro_batch_size = batch_size / world_size for optimal scaling
Checkpointing: Save checkpoints frequently enough to minimize lost work on failure
GPU Assignment: Use num_gpus_per_node to control GPU allocation
Learning Rate: Scale learning rate with global batch size
Monitoring: Track metrics.compute_efficiency to identify bottlenecks
Common issues and solutions:
Process Failures
- Check system logs for OOM or hardware errors
- Verify checkpoint directory permissions
- Monitor GPU memory usage
Poor Scaling
- Increase batch size
- Check network bandwidth
- Monitor communication/compute ratio
Memory Issues
- Enable gradient checkpointing
- Reduce model size or batch size
- Use pipeline parallelism
Slow Training
- Verify GPU utilization
- Check process placement
- Monitor I/O patterns
The library now provides comprehensive distributed training capabilities with the following components:
Core Infrastructure:
- Distributed training manager with fault tolerance
- MPI-based communication layer
- Automatic data sharding and workload distribution
- Checkpoint management and recovery
- Performance monitoring and optimization
User Tools:
- Environment setup script (tools/
- Configuration template (etc/quantum_geometric/distributed_config.json)
- System verification script (tools/
Documentation & Examples:
- This comprehensive guide
- MNIST example for basic distributed training
- CIFAR example for advanced distributed training
# Install dependencies and configure environment sudo ./tools/ # Verify setup ./tools/
mkdir build && cd build cmake -DQGT_USE_MPI=ON .. make -j$(nproc)
Run Examples:
# Start with MNIST mpirun -np 4 ./bin/examples/advanced/ai/distributed_mnist_example # Move to CIFAR for more complex tasks mpirun -np 4 ./bin/examples/advanced/ai/distributed_cifar_example
# Watch training progress tail -f /tmp/quantum_geometric/logs/distributed_training.log # Check performance metrics quantum_geometric-monitor-distributed
See the following header files for detailed API documentation: