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File metadata and controls

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This page will present examples to show the full functionality of otoole. It will walk through the convert, results, setup, viz and validate functionality in separate simple use cases.


To follow these examples, clone the Simplicity repository and run all commands from the simplicity/ directory:

git clone
cd simplicity

Solver Setup


Install GLPK (required) and CBC (optional) to use in the otoole examples. While otoole does not require a solver, these examples will use the free and open source solvers GLPK and CBC.

1. Install GLPK

GLPK is a free and open-source linear program solver. Full install instructions can be found on the GLPK Website, however, the abbreviated instructions are shown below

To install GLPK on Linux, run the command:

$ sudo apt-get update
$ sudo apt-get install glpk glpk-utils

To install GLPK on Mac, run the command:

$ brew install glpk

To install GLPK on Windows, follow the instructions on the GLPK Website. Be sure to add GLPK to your environment variables after installation

Alternatively, if you use Anaconda to manage your Python packages, you can install GLPK via the command:

$ conda install -c conda-forge glpk

2. Test the GLPK install

Once installed, you should be able to call the glpsol command:

$ glpsol
GLPSOL: GLPK LP/MIP Solver, v4.65
No input problem file specified; try glpsol --help


See the GLPK Wiki for more information on the glpsol command

3. Install CBC

CBC is a free and open-source mixed integer linear programming solver. Full install instructions can be found on the CBC website, however, the abbreviated instructions are shown below

To install CBC on Linux, run the command:

$ sudo apt-get install coinor-cbc coinor-libcbc-dev

To install CBC on Mac, run the command:

$ brew install coin-or-tools/coinor/cbc

To install CBC on Windows, follow the install instruction on the CBC website.

Alternatively, if you use Anaconda to manage your Python packages, you can install CBC via the command:

$ conda install -c conda-forge coincbc

4. Test the CBC install

Once installed, you should be able to directly call CBC:

$ cbc
Welcome to the CBC MILP Solver
Version: 2.10.3
Build Date: Mar 24 2020

CoinSolver takes input from arguments ( - switches to stdin)
Enter ? for list of commands or help

You can exit the solver by typing quit

Input Data Conversion


Convert input data between CSV, Excel, and GNU MathProg data formats.

1. Clone Simplicity

If not already done so, clone the Simplicity repository:

$ git clone
$ cd simplicity


Further information on the config.yaml file is in the :ref:`template-setup` section

2. Convert CSV data into MathProg data

Convert the folder of Simplicity CSVs (data/) into an OSeMOSYS datafile called simplicity.txt:

$ otoole convert csv datafile data simplicity.txt config.yaml

3. Convert MathProg data into Excel Data

Convert the new Simplicity datafile (simplicity.txt) into Excel data called simplicity.xlsx:

$ otoole convert datafile excel simplicity.txt simplicity.xlsx config.yaml


Excel workbooks are an easy way for humans to interface with OSeMOSYS data!

4. Convert Excel Data into CSV data

Convert the new Simplicity excel data (simplicity.xlsx) into a folder of CSV data called simplicity/. Note that this data will be the exact same as the original CSV data folder (data/):

$ otoole convert excel csv simplicity.xlsx simplicity config.yaml

Process Solutions from Different Solvers


Process solutions from GLPK, CBC, Gurobi, and CPLEX. This example assumes you have an existing GNU MathProg datafile called simplicity.txt (from the previous example).

1. Process a solution from GLPK

Use GLPK to build the model, save the problem as simplicity.glp, solve the model, and save the solution as simplicity.sol. Use otoole to create a folder of CSV results called results-glpk/. When processing solutions from GLPK, the model file (*.glp) must also be passed:

$ glpsol -m OSeMOSYS.txt -d simplicity.txt --wglp simplicity.glp --write simplicity.sol

$ otoole results glpk csv simplicity.sol results-glpk datafile simplicity.txt config.yaml --glpk_model simplicity.glp


By default, MathProg OSeMOSYS models will write out folder of CSV results to a results/ directory if solving via GLPK. However, using otoole allows the user to programmatically access results and control read/write locations

2. Process a solution from CBC

Use GLPK to build the model and save the problem as simplicity.lp. Use CBC to solve the model and save the solution as simplicity.sol. Use otoole to create a folder of CSV results called results/ from the solution file:

$ glpsol -m OSeMOSYS.txt -d simplicity.txt --wlp simplicity.lp --check

$ cbc simplicity.lp solve -solu simplicity.sol

$ otoole results cbc csv simplicity.sol results csv data config.yaml

3. Process a solution from Gurobi

Use GLPK to build the model and save the problem as simplicity.lp. Use Gurobi to solve the model and save the solution as simplicity.sol. Use otoole to create a folder of CSV results called results/ from the solution file:

$ glpsol -m OSeMOSYS.txt -d simplicity.txt --wlp simplicity.lp --check

$ gurobi_cl ResultFile=simplicity.sol simplicity.lp

$ otoole results gurobi csv simplicity.sol results csv data config.yaml

4. Process a solution from CPLEX

Use GLPK to build the model and save the problem as simplicity.lp. Use CPLEX to solve the model and save the solution as simplicity.sol. Use otoole to create a folder of CSV results called results/ from the solution file:

$ glpsol -m OSeMOSYS.txt -d simplicity.txt --wlp simplicity.lp --check

$ cplex -c "read simplicity.lp" "optimize" "write simplicity.sol"

$ otoole results cplex csv simplicity.sol results csv data config.yaml

Model Visualization


Use otoole to visualize the reference energy system.

1. otoole Visualise

The visualization functionality of otoole will work with any supported input data format (csv, datafile, or excel). In this case, we will use the excel file, simplicity.xlsx, to generate the RES.

Run the following command, where the RES will be saved as the file res.png:

$ otoole viz res excel simplicity.xlsx res.png config.yaml

2. View the RES

Open the newly created file, res.png and the following image should be displayed


Template Setup


Generate a template configuration file and excel input file to use with otoole convert commands

1. Create the Configuration File

Run the following command, to create a template configuration file called config.yaml:

$ otoole setup config template_config.yaml

2. Create the Template Data CSVs

otoole will only generate template CSV data, however, we want to input data in Excel format. Therefore, we will first generate CSV data and convert it to Excel format:

$ otoole setup csv template_data

3. Add Year Definitions

Open up the the file template_data/YEARS.csv and add all the years over the model horizon. For example, if the model horizon is from 2020 to 2050, the template_data/YEARS.csv file should be formatted as follows:



While this step in not technically required, by filling out the years in CSV format otoole will pivot all the Excel sheets on these years. This will save significant formatting time!

4. Convert the CSV Template Data

Convert the template CSV data into Excel formatted data:

$ otoole convert csv excel template_data template.xlsx template_config.yaml

5. Add Model Data

There should now be a file called template.xlsx that the user can open and add data to.

Model Validation


In this example, we will use a very simple model instead of the Simplicity demonstration model. This way the user does not need to be familiar with the naming conventions of the model.


Use otoole to validate an input data file. The model we are going to validate is shown below, where the fuel and technology codes are shown in bold face.


1. Download the example datafile

The MathProg datafile describing this model can be found on the :ref:`examples-validation` page. Download the file and save it as data.txt

2. Create the Validation File

Create a configuration validation yaml file:

$ touch validate.yaml

3. Create FUEL Codes

Create the fuel codes and descriptions in the validation configuration file:

    'WND': Wind
    'COA': Coal
    'ELC': Electricity
    '00': Primary Resource
    '01': Intermediate
    '02': End Use

4. Create TECHNOLOGY Codes

Add the technology codes to the validation configuration file. Note that the powerplant types are the same codes as the fuels, so there is no need to redefine these codes:

    'MIN': Mining
    'PWR': Generator
    'TRN': Transmission

5. Create FUEL Schema

Use the defined codes to create a schema for the fuel codes:

  - name: fuel_name
    - name: type
      valid: fuels
      position: (1, 3)
    - name: identifier
      valid: identifiers
      position: (4, 5)

6. Create TECHNOLOGY Schema

Use the defined codes to create a schema for the technology codes:

  - name: technology_name
    - name: tech
      valid: techs
      position: (1, 3)
    - name: fuel
      valid: fuels
      position: (4, 6)

7. Save changes

The final validation configuration file for this example will look like:

    'WND': Wind
    'COA': Coal
    'ELC': Electricity
    '00': Primary Resource
    '01': Intermediate
    '02': End Use
    'MIN': Mining
    'PWR': Generator
    'TRN': Transmission

  - name: fuel_name
    - name: type
      valid: fuels
      position: (1, 3)
    - name: identifier
      valid: identifiers
      position: (4, 5)
  - name: technology_name
    - name: tech
      valid: techs
      position: (1, 3)
    - name: fuel
      valid: fuels
      position: (4, 6)

8. otoole validate

Use otoole to validate the input data (can be any of a datafile, csv, or excel) against the validation configuration file:

$ otoole validate datafile data.txt config.yaml --validate_config validate.yaml

***Beginning validation***

Validating FUEL with fuel_name

4 valid names:
WND00, COA00, ELC01, ELC02

Validating TECHNOLOGY with technology_name

5 valid names:

***Checking graph structure***


Do not confuse the user configuration file (config.yaml) and the validation configuration file (validate.yaml). Both configuration files are required for validation functionality.

9. Use otoole validate to identify an issue

In the datafile create a new technology that does not follow the specified schema. For example, add the value ELC03 to the FUEL set:

set FUEL :=

Running otoole validate again will flag this improperly named value. Moreover it will also flag it as an isolated fuel. This means the fuel is unconnected from the model:

$ otoole validate datafile data.txt config.yaml --validate_config validate.yaml

***Beginning validation***

Validating FUEL with fuel_name

1 invalid names:

4 valid names:
WND00, COA00, ELC01, ELC02

Validating TECHNOLOGY with technology_name

5 valid names:

***Checking graph structure***

1 'fuel' nodes are isolated: