diff --git a/recovery/README.md b/recovery/README.md
index a4d6589..8a4982c 100644
--- a/recovery/README.md
+++ b/recovery/README.md
@@ -9,40 +9,3 @@ the recovery tool.
While that repo does offer prebuilt binary releases, we rebuild from scratch
here so we can be sure about which TamaGo toolchain version is used, etc.
-## Build and Release Process
-[Cloud Build trigger](https://cloud.google.com/build/docs/automating-builds/create-manage-triggers)
-is defined by a yaml config file. The Transparency.dev team invokes it manually
-when we want to publish a release.
-The pipeline includes two main steps: building and making available the recovery
-tool files, and writing the release metadata (Claimant Model Statement) to the
-firmware transparency log.
-1. Cloud Build builds the recovery builder Docker image and copies the compiled
- recovery imx file to a public Google Cloud Storage bucket.
-1. Cloud Build runs the
- [`manifest`](https://github.com/transparency-dev/armored-witness/tree/main/cmd/manifest)
- tool to construct the Claimant Model Statement with arguments specific to
- this release. It signs the Statement with the
- [`sign`](https://github.com/transparency-dev/armored-witness/tree/main/cmd/sign)
- tool and adds the resulting signed Statement as an entry to the public
- firmware transparency log.
-TODO: add links for the GCS buckets once public.
-## Claimant Model
-| Role | Description |
-| ----------- | ----------- |
-| **Claimant** | Transparency.dev team |
-| **Claim** |
- The digest of the recovery tool is derived from this source Github repository, and is reproducible.
- The recovery tool is issued by the Transparency.dev team.
-| **Believer** | The [provision](https://github.com/transparency-dev/armored-witness/tree/main/cmd/provision) and [verify](https://github.com/transparency-dev/armored-witness/tree/main/cmd/verify) tools. |
-| **Verifier** | - For Claim #1: third party auditing the Transparency.dev team
- For Claim #2: the Transparency.dev team
-| **Arbiter** | Log ecosystem participants and reliers |
-The **Statement** is defined in
-An example is available at
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/recovery/cloudbuild_ci.yaml b/recovery/cloudbuild_ci.yaml
deleted file mode 100644
index 30a910f..0000000
--- a/recovery/cloudbuild_ci.yaml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,207 +0,0 @@
- ### Build the recovery binary and upload it to GCS.
- # Build an image containing the trusted applet artifacts with the Dockerfile.
- - name: gcr.io/cloud-builders/docker
- args:
- - build
- - --build-arg
- - --build-arg
- - -t
- - builder-image
- - recovery
- # Prepare a container with a copy of the artifacts.
- - name: gcr.io/cloud-builders/docker
- args:
- - create
- - --name
- - builder_scratch
- - builder-image
- # Copy the artifacts from the container to the Cloud Build VM.
- - name: gcr.io/cloud-builders/docker
- args:
- - cp
- - builder_scratch:/build/armory-ums
- - output
- # List the artifacts.
- - name: bash
- args:
- - ls
- - output
- # Copy the artifacts from the Cloud Build VM to GCS.
- - name: gcr.io/cloud-builders/gcloud
- entrypoint: bash
- args:
- - -c
- - |
- gcloud storage cp \
- output/armory-ums.imx \
- gs://${_FIRMWARE_BUCKET}/$(sha256sum output/armory-ums.imx | cut -f1 -d" ")
- # HAB: Create SRK table & hash
- # TODO(al): we should probably store the generated SRK/hash in a GCS bucket and then compare each time to ensure that nothing bad has happened with our PKI.
- - name: golang
- entrypoint: bash
- args:
- - -c
- - |
- go run github.com/usbarmory/crucible/cmd/habtool@c77ff4b67b3cd86b4328ecbcad23394d54638ddc \
- -z gcp \
- -1 projects/armored-witness/locations/us-central1/caPools/aw-hab-ca-pool-rev0-ci/certificateAuthorities/hab-srk1-rev4-ci \
- -2 projects/armored-witness/locations/us-central1/caPools/aw-hab-ca-pool-rev0-ci/certificateAuthorities/hab-srk2-rev4-ci \
- -3 projects/armored-witness/locations/us-central1/caPools/aw-hab-ca-pool-rev0-ci/certificateAuthorities/hab-srk3-rev4-ci \
- -4 projects/armored-witness/locations/us-central1/caPools/aw-hab-ca-pool-rev0-ci/certificateAuthorities/hab-srk4-rev4-ci \
- -o output/gcp_hab_rev4_ci_srk.hash \
- -t output/gcp_hab_rev4_ci_srk.srk
- # Assert SRK hash value
- - name: golang
- entrypoint: bash
- args:
- - -c
- - |
- if [ -n "${_EXPECTED_SRK_HASH} "]; then \
- GOT=$(od -An -tx1 output/gcp_hab_rev4_ci_srk.hash | tr -d ' \n'); \
- if [ "${_EXPECTED_SRK_HASH}" != "$${GOT}" ]; then \
- echo "Got SRK hash '$${GOT}'"; \
- echo "Expected SRK hash '${_EXPECTED_SRK_HASH}'"; \
- exit 1; \
- fi; \
- fi
- - name: golang
- entrypoint: bash
- args:
- - -c
- - |
- go run github.com/usbarmory/crucible/cmd/habtool@c77ff4b67b3cd86b4328ecbcad23394d54638ddc \
- -z gcp \
- -a projects/1071548024491/locations/us-central1/caPools/aw-hab-ca-pool-rev0-ci/certificates/hab-csf1-rev4-2-ci \
- -A projects/armored-witness/locations/global/keyRings/hab-ci/cryptoKeys/hab-csf1-rev4-ci/cryptoKeyVersions/1 \
- -b projects/1071548024491/locations/us-central1/caPools/aw-hab-ca-pool-rev0-ci/certificates/hab-img1-rev4-2-ci \
- -B projects/armored-witness/locations/global/keyRings/hab-ci/cryptoKeys/hab-img1-rev4-ci/cryptoKeyVersions/1 \
- -x 1 \
- -s \
- -t output/gcp_hab_rev4_ci_srk.srk \
- -i output/armory-ums.imx \
- -o output/armory-ums.csf
- # Copy the HAB signature into the CAS
- - name: gcr.io/cloud-builders/gcloud
- entrypoint: bash
- args:
- - -c
- - |
- gcloud storage cp \
- output/armory-ums.csf \
- gs://${_FIRMWARE_BUCKET}/$(sha256sum output/armory-ums.csf | cut -f1 -d" ")
- ### Construct log entry / Claimant Model statement.
- # This step needs to be a bash script in order to substitute the fake tag in
- # the command args.
- - name: golang
- entrypoint: bash
- args:
- - -c
- - |
- go run github.com/transparency-dev/armored-witness/cmd/manifest@main \
- create \
- --git_tag=${_MANUAL_TAG} \
- --git_commit_fingerprint=${_ARMORY_UMS_VERSION} \
- --firmware_file=output/armory-ums.imx \
- --firmware_type=RECOVERY \
- --tamago_version=${_TAMAGO_VERSION} \
- --hab_signature_file=output/armory-ums.csf \
- --hab_target=ci \
- --raw \
- --output_file=output/recovery_manifest_unsigned.json
- # Sign the log entry.
- - name: golang
- args:
- - go
- - run
- - github.com/transparency-dev/armored-witness/cmd/sign@main
- - --project_name=${PROJECT_ID}
- - --release=ci
- - --artefact=recovery
- - --manifest_file=output/recovery_manifest_unsigned.json
- - --output_file=output/recovery_manifest
- # Print the content of the signed manifest.
- - name: bash
- args:
- - cat
- - output/recovery_manifest
- ### Write the firmware release to the transparency log.
- # Copy the log entry to the sequence bucket, preparing to write to log.
- #
- # Use the SHA256 of the manifest as the name of the manifest. This allows
- # multiple triggers to run without colliding.
- - name: gcr.io/cloud-builders/gcloud
- entrypoint: bash
- args:
- - -c
- - |
- gcloud storage cp output/recovery_manifest \
- gs://${_LOG_NAME}/${_ENTRIES_DIR}/$(sha256sum output/recovery_manifest | cut -f1 -d" ")/recovery_manifest
- # Sequence log entry.
- - name: gcr.io/cloud-builders/gcloud
- entrypoint: bash
- args:
- - -c
- - >
- gcloud functions call sequence \
- --data="{
- \"entriesDir\": \"${_ENTRIES_DIR}/$(sha256sum output/recovery_manifest | cut -f1 -d" ")\",
- \"origin\": \"${_ORIGIN}\",
- \"bucket\": \"${_LOG_NAME}\",
- \"kmsKeyName\": \"ft-log-ci\",
- \"kmsKeyRing\": \"firmware-release-ci\",
- \"kmsKeyVersion\": ${_KEY_VERSION},
- \"kmsKeyLocation\": \"global\",
- \"noteKeyName\": \"transparency.dev-aw-ftlog-ci-${_KEY_VERSION}\",
- \"checkpointCacheControl\": \"${_CHECKPOINT_CACHE}\"
- }"
- # Integrate log entry.
- - name: gcr.io/cloud-builders/gcloud
- args:
- - functions
- - call
- - integrate
- - --data
- - >-
- {
- "origin": "${_ORIGIN}",
- "bucket": "${_LOG_NAME}",
- "kmsKeyName": "ft-log-ci",
- "kmsKeyRing": "firmware-release-ci",
- "kmsKeyVersion": ${_KEY_VERSION},
- "kmsKeyLocation": "global",
- "noteKeyName": "transparency.dev-aw-ftlog-ci-${_KEY_VERSION}",
- "checkpointCacheControl": "${_CHECKPOINT_CACHE}"
- }
- # Clean up the file we added to the _ENTRIES_DIR bucket now that it's been
- # integrated to the log.
- - name: gcr.io/cloud-builders/gcloud
- entrypoint: bash
- args:
- - -c
- - |
- gcloud storage rm \
- gs://${_LOG_NAME}/${_ENTRIES_DIR}/$(sha256sum output/recovery_manifest | cut -f1 -d" ")/recovery_manifest
- # Note that to be a valid CloudBuild config these MUST all be strings.
- # Without explicit quotes, some things may be interpreted as other types since
- # this is a YAML file, so to avoid future tears let's keep these all quoted.
- #
- # Build-related.
- _FIRMWARE_BUCKET: 'armored-witness-firmware-ci-2'
- _MANUAL_TAG: '0.0.0'
- _TAMAGO_VERSION: '1.22.0'
- # Pinned at tag [v20231018](https://github.com/usbarmory/armory-ums/releases/tag/v20231018)
- # This MUST be a full git commit tag for the armory-ums repo
- _ARMORY_UMS_VERSION: '850baf54809bd29548d6f817933240043400a4e1'
- # Log-related.
- # This must correspond with the trailing number on the _FIRMWARE_BUCKET, _ORIGIN, _LOG_NAME values.
- _LOG_NAME: 'armored-witness-firmware-log-ci-2'
- _ORIGIN: 'transparency.dev/armored-witness/firmware_transparency/ci/2'
- _CHECKPOINT_CACHE: 'public, max-age=30'
- # Pinned SRK hash
- _EXPECTED_SRK_HASH: 'b8ba457320663bf006accd3c57e06720e63b21ce5351cb91b4650690bb08d85a'
diff --git a/recovery/cloudbuild_presubmit.yaml b/recovery/cloudbuild_presubmit.yaml
deleted file mode 100644
index bcfd396..0000000
--- a/recovery/cloudbuild_presubmit.yaml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,110 +0,0 @@
- ### Build the recovery binary and upload it to GCS.
- # Build an image containing the trusted applet artifacts with the Dockerfile.
- - name: gcr.io/cloud-builders/docker
- args:
- - build
- - --build-arg
- - -t
- - builder-image
- - recovery
- # Prepare a container with a copy of the artifacts.
- - name: gcr.io/cloud-builders/docker
- args:
- - create
- - --name
- - builder_scratch
- - builder-image
- # Copy the artifacts from the container to the Cloud Build VM.
- - name: gcr.io/cloud-builders/docker
- args:
- - cp
- - builder_scratch:/build/armory-ums
- - output
- # List the artifacts.
- - name: bash
- args:
- - ls
- - output
- # HAB: Create SRK table & hash
- - name: golang
- entrypoint: bash
- args:
- - -c
- - |
- go run github.com/usbarmory/crucible/cmd/habtool@c77ff4b67b3cd86b4328ecbcad23394d54638ddc \
- -z gcp \
- -1 projects/armored-witness/locations/us-central1/caPools/aw-hab-ca-pool-rev0-presubmit/certificateAuthorities/hab-srk1-rev0-presubmit \
- -2 projects/armored-witness/locations/us-central1/caPools/aw-hab-ca-pool-rev0-presubmit/certificateAuthorities/hab-srk2-rev0-presubmit \
- -3 projects/armored-witness/locations/us-central1/caPools/aw-hab-ca-pool-rev0-presubmit/certificateAuthorities/hab-srk3-rev0-presubmit \
- -4 projects/armored-witness/locations/us-central1/caPools/aw-hab-ca-pool-rev0-presubmit/certificateAuthorities/hab-srk4-rev0-presubmit \
- -o output/gcp_hab_rev0_presubmit_srk.hash \
- -t output/gcp_hab_rev0_presubmit_srk.srk
- # Assert SRK hash value
- - name: golang
- entrypoint: bash
- args:
- - -c
- - |
- if [ -n "${_EXPECTED_SRK_HASH}" ]; then \
- GOT=$(od -An -tx1 output/gcp_hab_rev0_presubmit_srk.hash | tr -d ' \n'); \
- if [ "${_EXPECTED_SRK_HASH}" != "$${GOT}" ]; then \
- echo "Got SRK hash '$${GOT}'"; \
- echo "Expected SRK hash '${_EXPECTED_SRK_HASH}'"; \
- exit 1; \
- fi; \
- fi
- - name: golang
- entrypoint: bash
- args:
- - -c
- - |
- go run github.com/usbarmory/crucible/cmd/habtool@c77ff4b67b3cd86b4328ecbcad23394d54638ddc \
- -z gcp \
- -a projects/1071548024491/locations/us-central1/caPools/aw-hab-ca-pool-rev0-presubmit/certificates/hab-csf1-rev0-presubmit \
- -A projects/armored-witness/locations/global/keyRings/hab-presubmit/cryptoKeys/hab-csf1-rev0-presubmit/cryptoKeyVersions/1 \
- -b projects/1071548024491/locations/us-central1/caPools/aw-hab-ca-pool-rev0-presubmit/certificates/hab-img1-rev0-presubmit \
- -B projects/armored-witness/locations/global/keyRings/hab-presubmit/cryptoKeys/hab-img1-rev0-presubmit/cryptoKeyVersions/1 \
- -x 1 \
- -s \
- -t output/gcp_hab_rev0_presubmit_srk.srk \
- -i output/armory-ums.imx \
- -o output/armory-ums.csf
- ### Construct log entry / Claimant Model statement.
- # This step needs to be a bash script in order to substitute the fake tag in
- # the command args.
- - name: golang
- entrypoint: bash
- args:
- - -c
- - |
- go run github.com/transparency-dev/armored-witness/cmd/manifest@main \
- create \
- --git_tag=${_MANUAL_TAG} \
- --git_commit_fingerprint=${COMMIT_SHA} \
- --firmware_file=output/armory-ums.imx \
- --firmware_type=RECOVERY \
- --tamago_version=${_TAMAGO_VERSION} \
- --hab_signature_file=output/armory-ums.csf \
- --hab_target=ci \
- --raw \
- --output_file=output/recovery_manifest_unsigned.json
- # TODO: sign the log entry with github.com/transparency-dev/armored-witness/cmd/sign
- # after we create presubmit keys.
- #
- # Print the content of the signed manifest.
- - name: bash
- args:
- - cat
- - output/recovery_manifest_unsigned.json
- # Note that to be a valid CloudBuild config these MUST all be strings.
- # Without explicit quotes, some things may be interpreted as other types since
- # this is a YAML file, so to avoid future tears let's keep these all quoted.
- #
- # Build-related.
- _MANUAL_TAG: '0.0.0'
- _TAMAGO_VERSION: '1.22.0'
- # Pinned SRK hash
- _EXPECTED_SRK_HASH: 'c91245871a69bd54b9ebd0e540b42c485396d19c338c8a94dc1c4c3a42a8c25e'
diff --git a/release/README.md b/release/README.md
deleted file mode 100644
index 3cfdbd5..0000000
--- a/release/README.md
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,50 +0,0 @@
-# Bootloader Release Process
-## File structure
-* The Dockerfile found in the root of the repo builds an image which installs
- dependencies and compiles the bootloader with TamaGo. The version of
- TamaGo to use can be specified with the Docker
- [build arg](https://docs.docker.com/engine/reference/commandline/build/#build-arg)
-* Cloud Build triggers for the presubmit, continuous integration (CI)m and
- prod environments are defined on the Cloud Build yaml files in this
- directory.
-## Build and Release Process
-[Cloud Build trigger](https://cloud.google.com/build/docs/automating-builds/create-manage-triggers)
-is defined by a yaml config file and is invoked when a new tag is published in
-this repository.
-The pipeline includes two main steps: building and making available the
-bootloader imx, and writing the release metadata (Claimant Model Statement) to
-the firmware transparency log.
-1. Cloud Build builds the bootloader builder Docker image and uploads the
- compiled bootloader imx file to a public Google Cloud Storage bucket.
-1. Cloud Build runs the
- [`manifest`](https://github.com/transparency-dev/armored-witness/tree/main/cmd/manifest)
- tool to construct the Claimant Model Statement with arguments specific to
- this release. It signs the Statement with the
- [`sign`](https://github.com/transparency-dev/armored-witness/tree/main/cmd/sign)
- tool and adds the resulting signed Statement as an entry to the public
- firmware transparency log.
-TODO: add links for the GCS buckets once public.
-## Claimant Model
-| Role | Description |
-| ----------- | ----------- |
-| **Claimant** | Transparency.dev team |
-| **Claim** | - The digest of the bootloader is derived from this source Github repository, and is reproducible.
- The bootloader firmware is issued by the Transparency.dev team.
-| **Believer** | The [provision](https://github.com/transparency-dev/armored-witness/tree/main/cmd/provision) and [verify](https://github.com/transparency-dev/armored-witness/tree/main/cmd/verify) tools. |
-| **Verifier** | - For Claim #1: third party auditing the Transparency.dev team
- For Claim #2: the Transparency.dev team
-| **Arbiter** | Log ecosystem participants and reliers |
-The **Statement** is defined in
-An example is available at
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/release/cloudbuild_ci.yaml b/release/cloudbuild_ci.yaml
deleted file mode 100644
index 14c9d80..0000000
--- a/release/cloudbuild_ci.yaml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,228 +0,0 @@
- # First create a fake tag we'll use throughout the CI build process below.
- # Unfortunately, GCB has no concept of dynamically creating substitutions or
- # passing ENV vars between steps, so the best we can do is to create a file
- # containing our tag in the shared workspace which other steps can inspect.
- - name: bash
- script: |
- date +'0.0.%s-incompatible' > /workspace/fake_tag
- cat /workspace/fake_tag
- ### Build the bootloader binary and upload it to GCS.
- # Use the dockerfile to build an image containing the bootloader artifact.
- - name: gcr.io/cloud-builders/docker
- entrypoint: bash
- args:
- - -c
- - |
- docker build \
- --build-arg=GIT_SEMVER_TAG=$(cat /workspace/fake_tag) \
- --build-arg=LOG_ORIGIN=${_ORIGIN} \
- --build-arg=LOG_PUBLIC_KEY=${_LOG_PUBLIC_KEY} \
- --build-arg=OS_PUBLIC_KEY1=${_OS_PUBLIC_KEY1} \
- --build-arg=OS_PUBLIC_KEY2=${_OS_PUBLIC_KEY2} \
- --build-arg=BEE=${_BEE} \
- --build-arg=CONSOLE=${_CONSOLE} \
- -t builder-image \
- .
- # Prepare a container with a copy of the artifacts.
- - name: gcr.io/cloud-builders/docker
- args:
- - create
- - --name
- - builder_scratch
- - builder-image
- # Copy the artifacts from the container to the Cloud Build VM.
- - name: gcr.io/cloud-builders/docker
- args:
- - cp
- - builder_scratch:/build
- - output
- # List the artifacts.
- - name: bash
- args:
- - ls
- - output
- # Copy the artifacts from the Cloud Build VM to GCS.
- - name: gcr.io/cloud-builders/gcloud
- entrypoint: bash
- args:
- - -c
- - |
- gcloud storage cp \
- output/armored-witness-boot.imx \
- gs://${_FIRMWARE_BUCKET}/$(sha256sum output/armored-witness-boot.imx | cut -f1 -d" ")
- # HAB: Create SRK table & hash
- # TODO(al): we should probably store the generated SRK/hash in a GCS bucket and then compare each time to ensure that nothing bad has happened with our PKI.
- - name: golang
- entrypoint: bash
- args:
- - -c
- - |
- go run github.com/usbarmory/crucible/cmd/habtool@c77ff4b67b3cd86b4328ecbcad23394d54638ddc \
- -z gcp \
- -1 projects/armored-witness/locations/us-central1/caPools/aw-hab-ca-pool-rev0-ci/certificateAuthorities/hab-srk1-rev4-ci \
- -2 projects/armored-witness/locations/us-central1/caPools/aw-hab-ca-pool-rev0-ci/certificateAuthorities/hab-srk2-rev4-ci \
- -3 projects/armored-witness/locations/us-central1/caPools/aw-hab-ca-pool-rev0-ci/certificateAuthorities/hab-srk3-rev4-ci \
- -4 projects/armored-witness/locations/us-central1/caPools/aw-hab-ca-pool-rev0-ci/certificateAuthorities/hab-srk4-rev4-ci \
- -o output/gcp_hab_rev4_ci_srk.hash \
- -t output/gcp_hab_rev4_ci_srk.srk
- # Assert SRK hash value
- - name: golang
- entrypoint: bash
- args:
- - -c
- - |
- if [ -n "${_EXPECTED_SRK_HASH}" ]; then \
- GOT=$(od -An -tx1 output/gcp_hab_rev4_ci_srk.hash | tr -d ' \n'); \
- if [ "${_EXPECTED_SRK_HASH}" != "$${GOT}" ]; then \
- echo "Got SRK hash '$${GOT}'"; \
- echo "Expected SRK hash '${_EXPECTED_SRK_HASH}'"; \
- exit 1; \
- fi; \
- fi
- - name: golang
- entrypoint: bash
- args:
- - -c
- - |
- go run github.com/usbarmory/crucible/cmd/habtool@c77ff4b67b3cd86b4328ecbcad23394d54638ddc \
- -z gcp \
- -a projects/1071548024491/locations/us-central1/caPools/aw-hab-ca-pool-rev0-ci/certificates/hab-csf1-rev4-2-ci \
- -A projects/armored-witness/locations/global/keyRings/hab-ci/cryptoKeys/hab-csf1-rev4-ci/cryptoKeyVersions/1 \
- -b projects/1071548024491/locations/us-central1/caPools/aw-hab-ca-pool-rev0-ci/certificates/hab-img1-rev4-2-ci \
- -B projects/armored-witness/locations/global/keyRings/hab-ci/cryptoKeys/hab-img1-rev4-ci/cryptoKeyVersions/1 \
- -x 1 \
- -t output/gcp_hab_rev4_ci_srk.srk \
- -i output/armored-witness-boot.imx \
- -o output/armored-witness-boot.csf
- # Copy the HAB signature into the CAS
- - name: gcr.io/cloud-builders/gcloud
- entrypoint: bash
- args:
- - -c
- - |
- gcloud storage cp \
- output/armored-witness-boot.csf \
- gs://${_FIRMWARE_BUCKET}/$(sha256sum output/armored-witness-boot.csf | cut -f1 -d" ")
- ### Construct log entry / Claimant Model statement.
- # This step needs to be a bash script in order to substitute the fake tag in
- # the command args.
- - name: golang
- entrypoint: bash
- args:
- - -c
- - |
- go run github.com/transparency-dev/armored-witness/cmd/manifest@main \
- create \
- --git_tag=$(cat /workspace/fake_tag) \
- --git_commit_fingerprint=${COMMIT_SHA} \
- --firmware_file=output/armored-witness-boot.imx \
- --firmware_type=BOOTLOADER \
- --tamago_version=${_TAMAGO_VERSION} \
- --build_env="LOG_ORIGIN=${_ORIGIN}" \
- --build_env="LOG_PUBLIC_KEY=${_LOG_PUBLIC_KEY}" \
- --build_env="OS_PUBLIC_KEY1=${_OS_PUBLIC_KEY1}" \
- --build_env="OS_PUBLIC_KEY2=${_OS_PUBLIC_KEY2}" \
- --build_env="BEE=${_BEE}" \
- --build_env="CONSOLE=${_CONSOLE}" \
- --hab_signature_file=output/armored-witness-boot.csf \
- --hab_target=ci \
- --raw \
- --output_file=output/boot_manifest_unsigned.json
- # Sign the log entry.
- - name: golang
- args:
- - go
- - run
- - github.com/transparency-dev/armored-witness/cmd/sign@main
- - --project_name=${PROJECT_ID}
- - --release=ci
- - --artefact=boot
- - --manifest_file=output/boot_manifest_unsigned.json
- - --output_file=output/boot_manifest
- # Print the content of the signed manifest.
- - name: bash
- args:
- - cat
- - output/boot_manifest
- ### Write the firmware release to the transparency log.
- # Copy the log entry to the sequence bucket, preparing to write to log.
- #
- # Use the SHA256 of the manifest as the name of the manifest. This allows
- # multiple triggers to run without colliding.
- - name: gcr.io/cloud-builders/gcloud
- entrypoint: bash
- args:
- - -c
- - |
- gcloud storage cp output/boot_manifest \
- gs://${_LOG_NAME}/${_ENTRIES_DIR}/$(sha256sum output/boot_manifest | cut -f1 -d" ")/boot_manifest
- # Sequence log entry.
- - name: gcr.io/cloud-builders/gcloud
- entrypoint: bash
- args:
- - -c
- - >
- gcloud functions call sequence \
- --data="{
- \"entriesDir\": \"${_ENTRIES_DIR}/$(sha256sum output/boot_manifest | cut -f1 -d" ")\",
- \"origin\": \"${_ORIGIN}\",
- \"bucket\": \"${_LOG_NAME}\",
- \"kmsKeyName\": \"ft-log-ci\",
- \"kmsKeyRing\": \"firmware-release-ci\",
- \"kmsKeyVersion\": ${_KEY_VERSION},
- \"kmsKeyLocation\": \"global\",
- \"noteKeyName\": \"transparency.dev-aw-ftlog-ci-${_KEY_VERSION}\",
- \"checkpointCacheControl\": \"${_CHECKPOINT_CACHE}\"
- }"
- # Integrate log entry.
- - name: gcr.io/cloud-builders/gcloud
- args:
- - functions
- - call
- - integrate
- - --data
- - >-
- {
- "origin": "${_ORIGIN}",
- "bucket": "${_LOG_NAME}",
- "kmsKeyName": "ft-log-ci",
- "kmsKeyRing": "firmware-release-ci",
- "kmsKeyVersion": ${_KEY_VERSION},
- "kmsKeyLocation": "global",
- "noteKeyName": "transparency.dev-aw-ftlog-ci-${_KEY_VERSION}",
- "checkpointCacheControl": "${_CHECKPOINT_CACHE}"
- }
- # Clean up the file we added to the _ENTRIES_DIR bucket now that it's been
- # integrated to the log.
- - name: gcr.io/cloud-builders/gcloud
- entrypoint: bash
- args:
- - -c
- - |
- gcloud storage rm \
- gs://${_LOG_NAME}/${_ENTRIES_DIR}/$(sha256sum output/boot_manifest | cut -f1 -d" ")/boot_manifest
- # Note that to be a valid CloudBuild config these MUST all be strings.
- # Without explicit quotes, some things may be interpreted as other types since
- # this is a YAML file, so to avoid future tears let's keep these all quoted.
- #
- # Build-related.
- _FIRMWARE_BUCKET: 'armored-witness-firmware-ci-2'
- _TAMAGO_VERSION: '1.22.0'
- _BEE: '1'
- _CONSOLE: 'on'
- # Log-related.
- _ENTRIES_DIR: 'firmware-log-sequence'
- # This must correspond with the trailing number on the _FIRMWARE_BUCKET, _ORIGIN, _LOG_NAME values.
- _LOG_NAME: 'armored-witness-firmware-log-ci-2'
- _ORIGIN: 'transparency.dev/armored-witness/firmware_transparency/ci/2'
- _LOG_PUBLIC_KEY: 'transparency.dev-aw-ftlog-ci-2+f77c6276+AZXqiaARpwF4MoNOxx46kuiIRjrML0PDTm+c7BLaAMt6'
- _OS_PUBLIC_KEY1: 'transparency.dev-aw-os1-ci+7a0eaef3+AcsqvmrcKIbs21H2Bm2fWb6oFWn/9MmLGNc6NLJty2eQ'
- _OS_PUBLIC_KEY2: 'transparency.dev-aw-os2-ci+af8e4114+AbBJk5MgxRB+68KhGojhUdSt1ts5GAdRIT1Eq9zEkgQh'
- _CHECKPOINT_CACHE: 'public, max-age=30'
- # Pinned SRK hash
- _EXPECTED_SRK_HASH: 'b8ba457320663bf006accd3c57e06720e63b21ce5351cb91b4650690bb08d85a'
diff --git a/release/cloudbuild_presubmit.yaml b/release/cloudbuild_presubmit.yaml
deleted file mode 100644
index f985633..0000000
--- a/release/cloudbuild_presubmit.yaml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,112 +0,0 @@
- ### Build the bootloader binary and upload it to GCS.
- # Use the dockerfile to build an image containing the bootloader artifact.
- - name: gcr.io/cloud-builders/docker
- args:
- - build
- - --build-arg
- - --build-arg
- - -t
- - builder-image
- - .
- # Prepare a container with a copy of the artifacts.
- - name: gcr.io/cloud-builders/docker
- args:
- - create
- - --name
- - builder_scratch
- - builder-image
- # Copy the artifacts from the container to the Cloud Build VM.
- - name: gcr.io/cloud-builders/docker
- args:
- - cp
- - builder_scratch:/build
- - output
- # List the artifacts.
- - name: bash
- args:
- - ls
- - output
- # HAB: Create SRK table & hash
- - name: golang
- entrypoint: bash
- args:
- - -c
- - |
- go run github.com/usbarmory/crucible/cmd/habtool@c77ff4b67b3cd86b4328ecbcad23394d54638ddc \
- -z gcp \
- -1 projects/armored-witness/locations/us-central1/caPools/aw-hab-ca-pool-rev0-presubmit/certificateAuthorities/hab-srk1-rev0-presubmit \
- -2 projects/armored-witness/locations/us-central1/caPools/aw-hab-ca-pool-rev0-presubmit/certificateAuthorities/hab-srk2-rev0-presubmit \
- -3 projects/armored-witness/locations/us-central1/caPools/aw-hab-ca-pool-rev0-presubmit/certificateAuthorities/hab-srk3-rev0-presubmit \
- -4 projects/armored-witness/locations/us-central1/caPools/aw-hab-ca-pool-rev0-presubmit/certificateAuthorities/hab-srk4-rev0-presubmit \
- -o output/gcp_hab_rev0_presubmit_srk.hash \
- -t output/gcp_hab_rev0_presubmit_srk.srk
- # Assert SRK hash value
- - name: golang
- entrypoint: bash
- args:
- - -c
- - |
- if [ -n "${_EXPECTED_SRK_HASH}" ]; then \
- GOT=$(od -An -tx1 output/gcp_hab_rev0_presubmit_srk.hash | tr -d ' \n'); \
- if [ "${_EXPECTED_SRK_HASH}" != "$${GOT}" ]; then \
- echo "Got SRK hash '$${GOT}'"; \
- echo "Expected SRK hash '${_EXPECTED_SRK_HASH}'"; \
- exit 1; \
- fi; \
- fi;
- - name: golang
- entrypoint: bash
- args:
- - -c
- - |
- go run github.com/usbarmory/crucible/cmd/habtool@c77ff4b67b3cd86b4328ecbcad23394d54638ddc \
- -z gcp \
- -a projects/1071548024491/locations/us-central1/caPools/aw-hab-ca-pool-rev0-presubmit/certificates/hab-csf1-rev0-presubmit \
- -A projects/armored-witness/locations/global/keyRings/hab-presubmit/cryptoKeys/hab-csf1-rev0-presubmit/cryptoKeyVersions/1 \
- -b projects/1071548024491/locations/us-central1/caPools/aw-hab-ca-pool-rev0-presubmit/certificates/hab-img1-rev0-presubmit \
- -B projects/armored-witness/locations/global/keyRings/hab-presubmit/cryptoKeys/hab-img1-rev0-presubmit/cryptoKeyVersions/1 \
- -x 1 \
- -t output/gcp_hab_rev0_presubmit_srk.srk \
- -i output/armored-witness-boot.imx \
- -o output/armored-witness-boot.csf
- ### Construct log entry / Claimant Model statement.
- # This step needs to be a bash script in order to substitute the fake tag in
- # the command args.
- - name: golang
- entrypoint: bash
- args:
- - -c
- - |
- go run github.com/transparency-dev/armored-witness/cmd/manifest@main \
- create \
- --git_tag=${_MANUAL_TAG} \
- --git_commit_fingerprint=${COMMIT_SHA} \
- --firmware_file=output/armored-witness-boot.imx \
- --firmware_type=BOOTLOADER \
- --tamago_version=${_TAMAGO_VERSION} \
- --hab_signature_file=output/armored-witness-boot.csf \
- --hab_target=presubmit \
- --raw \
- --output_file=output/boot_manifest_unsigned.json
- # TODO: sign the log entry with github.com/transparency-dev/armored-witness/cmd/sign
- # after we create presubmit keys.
- #
- # Print the content of the signed manifest.
- - name: bash
- args:
- - cat
- - output/boot_manifest_unsigned.json
- # Note that to be a valid CloudBuild config these MUST all be strings.
- # Without explicit quotes, some things may be interpreted as other types since
- # this is a YAML file, so to avoid future tears let's keep these all quoted.
- #
- # Build-related.
- _MANUAL_TAG: '0.0.0'
- _TAMAGO_VERSION: '1.22.0'
- _ORIGIN: 'transparency.dev/armored-witness/firmware_transparency/presubmit/1'
- # Pinned SRK hash
- _EXPECTED_SRK_HASH: 'c91245871a69bd54b9ebd0e540b42c485396d19c338c8a94dc1c4c3a42a8c25e'