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Olá, pessoal! Estive lendo as sugestões propostas para aprimorar a interface do usuário e gostaria de compartilhar algumas impressões e ideias. Primeiramente, concordo com a proposta de remover o gráfico de barras de detecção. Parece que ele não adiciona valor suficiente para justificar o espaço que ocupa na interface. Talvez, poderíamos substituí-lo por um componente mais interativo ou informativo que ofereça insights mais diretos sobre os dados coletados. A ideia de adicionar controles de navegação rápida ao seletor de datas é excelente. Isso certamente melhoraria a usabilidade, permitindo aos usuários navegar mais facilmente entre os dias. Além disso, a funcionalidade de seleção de intervalos de datas parece ser um recurso extremamente útil, especialmente para análises de tendências a longo prazo ou comparações entre diferentes períodos. A sugestão de expandir a visualização de uma única espécie para mostrar uma tabela com horas nas colunas e dias nas linhas é particularmente interessante. Isso poderia proporcionar uma visão clara da atividade da espécie ao longo do tempo, o que seria valioso para estudos comportamentais ou ambientais. Em relação à minha própria experiência, estou atualmente desenvolvendo um software para gerenciar meus laudos de perícia grafotécnica. Este projeto tem me dado uma perspectiva valiosa sobre a importância de ter interfaces intuitivas e funcionalidades que realmente atendam às necessidades dos usuários finais. Estou sempre buscando formas de como a tecnologia pode melhor servir nossas necessidades específicas e, nesse sentido, as discussões aqui são sempre muito iluminadoras. Aguardo ansiosamente para ver como essas sugestões serão implementadas e como elas poderão melhorar nossa eficiência e compreensão dos dados coletados. Obrigado por compartilharem suas ideias! |
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It all sounds great to me at least! I can give some input on point one, about the bar graph. Personally I am using it to quickly identify where in the audio clip the actual bird sound is: In this example graph I can see that there really only is something to listen to for the first half of it. Meaning that I can ignore the 2nd half. It can also be useful in a similar manner if there only is something at the end of the clip. Though I agree, it is kind of a waste of space currently. Maybe the same functionality could be achieved in different ways? |
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Jotting this down for my own reference later, a quick and dirty way to calculate the values in No. 5: WITH
-- Get all distinct species in the selected range
species_in_range AS (
SELECT scientific_name
FROM notes
date >= date('2024-04-01')
AND date < date('2024-04-01', '+3 day')
GROUP BY scientific_name
-- Look at the 28 days preceeding the selected range, and for each
-- species found in the selected range find the days where that
-- species had any detections
previous_days_with_species_in_range AS (
SELECT species_in_range.scientific_name, date
FROM species_in_range
INNER JOIN notes ON species_in_range.scientific_name = notes.scientific_name
date >= date('2024-04-01', '-28 days')
AND date < date('2024-04-01')
GROUP BY species_in_range.scientific_name, date
-- For each species found in the selected range, return the number
-- of days in the preceeding 28 days where that species was detected
SELECT scientific_name, count() AS count_of_days_with_detections
FROM previous_days_with_species_in_range
GROUP BY scientific_name |
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I like the bar graph as I can tell relative bird abundance for the day at a quick glance. Like all your other ideas though. |
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I was looking to do some damage to the UI myself (I am not a web dev but I saw a couple of fixes) but devcontainer crashed on me (Error response from daemon: error gathering device information while adding custom device "/dev/snd": no such file or directory) Now to the point here are a couple of observations:
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I have been slowly picking away at some of this work, but my dev environment setup right now is a major hurdle. So far the best setup I've found is running Linux in a VM (I use Macs), and using VSCode's remote coding extension to connect to a copy of the source code in the VM. Then I'm recompiling the whole thing after every HTML change, which is very fast, but still slows things down a lot when making small CSS changes. If someone can recommend a better setup for easier development development of the project on a Mac I'm all ears – would love to be able to move faster on this. |
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If you looking for PRs on the web UI, I'm starting to think about changes to work on. Here's a few that I've come up with:
last 24 hours
,this week
, etc.Date range support is needed first, but if that gets implemented, it would allow for showing all activity since the last time someone loaded the dashboard. Meaning, if someone doesn't check the dashboard for 3 days, the next time they load it, the date picker would default to the last 3 days, so they get an overview of everything that's happened since they last checked in.
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