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A JS utility library (w/ typescript bindings!) to make calls to the Torus network

The Torus network assumes that n/4 of nodes may be malicious, and n/2 + 1 of the nodes are required for key reconstruction. Given these threshold assumptions, all API calls to the Torus nodes need to be checked for consistency while still allowing for early exits in optimistic scenarios where the first n/2 + 1 responses are from honest nodes.

Also, in order to prevent front-running by nodes, a commit-reveal process is also necessary for share retrieval.

This library handles these checks and allows you to query the Torus network easily through these APIs:

  • retrieveShares
  • getPublicAddress


  • Typescript compatible. Includes Type definitions
  • All API's return Promises



This module is distributed in 3 formats

  • lib.esm build dist/lib.esm/index.js in es6 format
  • lib.cjs build dist/lib.cjs/index.js in es5 format
  • umd build dist/torusUtils.umd.min.js in es5 format without polyfilling corejs minified

By default, the appropriate format is used for your specified usecase You can use a different format (if you know what you're doing eg. node) by referencing the correct file

The cjs build is not polyfilled with core-js. It is upto the user to polyfill based on the browserlist they target

Directly in Browser

CDN's serve the non-core-js polyfilled version by default. You can use a different


<script src=""></script>


<script src=""></script>

Tips for NUXT

This is a plugin that works only on the client side. So please register it as a ssr-free plugin.


Add @toruslabs/torus.js to your project:

Needs to be used in conjuction with @toruslabs/fetch-node-details

import { NodeDetailManager } from "@toruslabs/fetch-node-details";
import TorusUtils from "@toruslabs/torus.js";

const fetchNodeDetails = new NodeDetailManager();
const torus = new TorusUtils({ network: "mainnet", clientId: "YOUR_CLIENT_ID" }); // get your Client ID from Web3Auth Dashboard
const verifier = "google";
const verifierId = "[email protected]";
const { torusNodeEndpoints, torusNodePub, torusIndexes } = await fetchNodeDetails.getNodeDetails();
const publicAddress = await torus.getPublicAddress(torusNodeEndpoints, torusNodePub, { verifier, verifierId });

const idToken = "YOUR_ID_TOKEN";
const keyData = await torus.retrieveShares(torusNodeEndpoints, torusIndexes, verifier, { verifier_id: verifierId }, idToken);
const { NodeDetailManager: FetchNodeDetails } = require("@toruslabs/fetch-node-details");
const { Torus: TorusUtils } = require("@toruslabs/torus.js");

const fetchNodeDetails = new FetchNodeDetails();
const torus = new TorusUtils({ network: "mainnet", clientId: "YOUR_CLIENT_ID" }); // get your Client ID from Web3Auth Dashboard
const verifier = "google"; // any verifier
const verifierId = "[email protected]"; // any verifier id
  .then(({ torusNodeEndpoints, torusNodePub }) => torus.getPublicAddress(torusNodeEndpoints, torusNodePub, { verifier, verifierId }))
  .then((publicAddress) => console.log(publicAddress));

const idToken = "YOUR_ID_TOKEN";
  .then(({ torusNodeEndpoints, torusIndexes }) =>
    torus.retrieveShares(torusNodeEndpoints, torusIndexes, verifier, { verifier_id: verifierId }, idToken)
  .then((keyData) => console.log(keyData));


  • This package requires a peer dependency of @babel/runtime
  • Node 20+