I'm porting code from slog to tracing. Here is the slog part: macro_rules! fatal {
($logger:expr, $msg:expr) => {{
let owned_kv = ($logger).list();
let s = crate::util::format_kv_list(&owned_kv);
if s.is_empty() {
panic!("{}", $msg)
} else {
panic!("{}, {}", $msg, s)
($logger:expr, $fmt:expr, $($arg:tt)+) => {{
fatal!($logger, format_args!($fmt, $($arg)+))
fatal!(logger, "cannot find correspond read state from pending map"); where I learned that pub(crate) fn current_span_fields() -> String {
let span = Span::current();
match span.metadata() {
None => "".to_owned(),
Some(metadata) => {
let fields = metadata.fields();
macro_rules! fatal {
($msg:expr) => {{
let s = crate::util::current_span_fields();
if s.is_empty() {
panic!("{}", $msg)
} else {
panic!("{}, {}", $msg, s)
($fmt:expr, $($arg:tt)+) => {{
fatal!(format_args!($fmt, $($arg)+))
} But it doesn't seems we have the counterpart to |
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You're not incorrect. The reason you've run into this limitation is that
With all that being said, I suspect that tracing-error or eyre with a custom spantrace formatter might get you close to what you're looking to accomplish. |
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@davidbarsky I found that it's actually the nested spans capture key values already. I write my own #[macro_export]
macro_rules! fatal {
($($arg:tt)*) => {{
let prev = std::panic::take_hook();
std::panic::set_hook(Box::new(move |info| {
} |
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@davidbarsky I found that it's actually the nested spans capture key values already. I write my own