The HyperSpy version 0.6 Windows full installer, i.e. the installer that does not require the installation of any other library, has a bug that can cause the deletion of files unrelated to HyperSpy in customized installations. If you have installed HyperSpy 0.6 using the full installers please read further before uninstalling HyperSpy 0.6.
The safest way to uninstall HyperSpy Bundle 0.6 is by using the Hyperspy Bundle 0.7 installer (or newer) that automatically detects and uninstall previous installations.
If you prefer to uninstall HyperSpy Bundle 0.6 manually you can read the rest of this document that explains how to determine if your installation is affected by this issue and how to manually uninstall HyperSpy 0.6 if that is the case. If after reading this document you are still unsure about what to do, please do not heasitate to contact us through the developers mailing list before taking any action.
This issue should be rare but it has already affected at least one installation. Given the seriousness of the potential consequences it is worth to verify that your installation is not affected by this bug before uninstalling HyperSpy. You may be affected if:
- You have installed HyperSpy 0.6 in Windows using the full installer. (This issue affects both the 32bit and 64bit versions.) If you have installed HyperSpy in an already existing Python installation (e.g. EPD, Canopy, Anaconda...) using the HyperSpy python installers this bug does not affect you.
- You have not installed HyperSpy in the default location and you have selected an already-existing, non-empty folder to install HyperSpy.
If you do not know where you have installed HyperSpy 0.6 you can find it out as follows:
Find HyperSpy in the Windows "Start Menu".
Right-click on the "Uninstall HyperSpy" icon to open the context menu.
Left-click in "Open file location".
Following the above instruction the file manager should appear showing the HyperSpy installation folder as in the following image.
Normally this folder contains only HyperSpy related files. However, if you have customized the installation folder during the installation process this folder can contain other files that you do not want to delete. In the worst scenarios this folder can be your "My Documents" or "Program Files". If that is your case do not use the uninstaller to uninstall HyperSpy and follow the following instructions instead to uninstall it. Failing to do this will cause the uninstaller to delete all the files in the installation folder, not only the HyperSpy related ones.
If you are affected by this bug you need to uninstall HyperSpy manually or use the Hyperspy Bundle 0.7 installer (or newer) to uninstall it (reccommended).
You only need to uninstall HyperSpy following these instructions if your installation is affected by this bug.
This step is only necessary if you have installed HyperSpy with administrator rights.
Find HyperSpy in the Windows "Start Menu".
Right-click on the "HyperSpy QtConsole" icon to open the context menu.
Left-click on "Run as administrator". The QtConsole should open.
Type "!uninstall_hyperspy_here" in the qtconsole and press enter.
- Follow :ref:`these instructions <find_hyperspy_folder>` to find your HyperSpy installation folder.
- Delete manually the "python-2.7.4" folder.
- Delete manually following files:
- IPython Notebook.exe
- IPython Qt Console.exe
- python-2.7.4.amd64
- Qt Assistant.exe
- Qt Demo.exe
- Qt Designer.exe
- Qt Linguist.exe
- Spyder (light).exe
- Spyder.exe
- Uninstaller.exe
- WinPython Command Prompt.exe
- WinPython Control Panel.exe
Find HyperSpy in the Windows "Start Menu".
- Right-click on the HyperSpy entry to open the context menu.
Left-click on "Delete".