##About This is a ListView solution for Unity’s new UI(uGUI) system. This solution provides following conveniences:
- Attach scrollview related components automatically
- Resize scrollview length as desired automatically
- Reuse list items gameobject
- Easy to use and easy to extend
- Create a list item prefab;
- Create a Class derived from IUListItemView and implement its SetData function;
- Attach the Class above to list item prefab;
- Create an empty ui gameobject (with RectTransform attached) to show the listview;
- Attach an IUListView implementation, eg. USimpleListView;
- Set propertities of the IUListView subclass;
- Create another MonoBehavior Class to invoke the IUListView's SetData function;
- Run.
- USimpleListView: provides simple horizontal/vertical layout, one item per row/column (Completed);
- UGridListView: provides grid horizontal/vertical layout, allowing multi items per row/column (Completed);
- USimpleDiffSizeListView: provides simple horizontal/vertical layout, one item per row/column, each item has a different size (Completed).
##Author tnqiang
##License MIT