diff --git a/ASICPhaseCalculator/Source/HTransformers.cpp b/ASICPhaseCalculator/Source/HTransformers.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index c480ce1..0000000
--- a/ASICPhaseCalculator/Source/HTransformers.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,255 +0,0 @@
-This file is part of a plugin for the Open Ephys GUI
-Copyright (C) 2018 Translational NeuroEngineering Lab
-This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
-it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
-(at your option) any later version.
-This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-GNU General Public License for more details.
-You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-along with this program. If not, see .
-#include "HTransformers.h"
-namespace PhaseCalculator
- namespace
- {
- /** Helper to allow assigning to each array one band at a time (within the constructor) **/
- struct HilbertInfo
- {
- const String delta{ L"\u03b4" };
- const String gamma{ L"\u03b3" };
- const String beta{ L"\u03b2" };
- const String Theta{ L"\u03b8" };
- const String alpha{ L"\u03b1" };
- String bandName[NUM_BANDS];
- Array validBand[NUM_BANDS];
- Array defaultBand[NUM_BANDS];
- Array extrema[NUM_BANDS];
- int delay[NUM_BANDS];
- Array transformer[NUM_BANDS];
- static String validBandToString(const Array& band)
- {
- jassert(band.size() == 2);
- return " (" + String(band[0]) + "-" + String(band[1]) + " Hz)";
- }
- HilbertInfo()
- {
- // Added by sumedh and modified
- int del = 7;
- Array htcoeff = Array({ -0.433593750000000,0.0,-0.136718750000000,0.0,-0.216796875000000,0.0,-0.638671875000000 });
- /*delta band*/
- validBand[DELTA] = Array({ 1, 4 });
- bandName[DELTA] = delta + validBandToString(validBand[DELTA]);
- defaultBand[DELTA] = Array({ 1, 4 });
- extrema[DELTA] = Array(/* none */);
- delay[DELTA] = del;
- transformer[DELTA] = htcoeff;
- /*theta band*/
- validBand[THETA] = Array({ 4, 8 });
- bandName[THETA] = Theta + validBandToString(validBand[THETA]);
- defaultBand[THETA] = Array({ 4, 8 });
- extrema[THETA] = Array(/* none */);
- delay[THETA] = del;
- transformer[THETA] = htcoeff;
- /*alpha band*/
- validBand[ALPHA] = Array({ 8, 13 });
- bandName[ALPHA] = alpha + validBandToString(validBand[ALPHA]);
- defaultBand[ALPHA] = Array({ 8, 13 });
- extrema[ALPHA] = Array(/* none */);
- delay[ALPHA] = del;
- transformer[ALPHA] = htcoeff;
- /*beta band*/
- validBand[BETA] = Array({ 12, 30 });
- bandName[BETA] = beta + validBandToString(validBand[BETA]);
- defaultBand[BETA] = Array({ 12, 30 });
- extrema[BETA] = Array(/* none */);
- delay[BETA] = del;
- transformer[BETA] = htcoeff;
- /*lower gamma band*/
- validBand[LOW_GAM] = Array({ 30, 55 });
- bandName[LOW_GAM] = "Lo " + gamma + validBandToString(validBand[LOW_GAM]);
- defaultBand[LOW_GAM] = Array({ 30, 55 });
- extrema[LOW_GAM] = Array(/* none */);
- delay[LOW_GAM] = del;
- transformer[LOW_GAM] = htcoeff;
- /*mid gamma band*/
- validBand[MID_GAM] = Array({ 40, 90 });
- bandName[MID_GAM] = "Mid " + gamma + validBandToString(validBand[MID_GAM]);
- //defaultBand[MID_GAM] = Array({ 40, 90 });
- extrema[MID_GAM] = Array(/* none */);
- extrema[MID_GAM] = Array({ 64.4559 });
- delay[MID_GAM] = del;
- transformer[MID_GAM] = htcoeff;
- /*high gamma band*/
- validBand[HIGH_GAM] = Array({ 60, 200 });
- bandName[HIGH_GAM] = "Hi " + gamma + validBandToString(validBand[HIGH_GAM]);
- defaultBand[HIGH_GAM] = Array({ 60, 200 });
- extrema[HIGH_GAM] = Array(/* none */);
- //extrema[HIGH_GAM] = Array({ 81.6443, 123.1104, 169.3574 });
- delay[HIGH_GAM] = del;
- transformer[HIGH_GAM] = htcoeff;
- /*Ripple band*/
- validBand[RIPPLE] = Array({ 150, 250 });
- bandName[RIPPLE] = "RIP " + validBandToString(validBand[RIPPLE]);
- defaultBand[RIPPLE] = Array({ 150, 250 });
- extrema[RIPPLE] = Array(/* none */);
- delay[RIPPLE] = del;
- transformer[RIPPLE] = htcoeff;
- }
- };
- static const HilbertInfo hilbertInfo; // instantiates all the data through the constructor
- struct BandpassfiltInfo
- {
- String bandName[NUM_BANDS];
- int delay[NUM_BANDS];
- Array transformer[NUM_BANDS];
- BandpassfiltInfo()
- {
- int del = 42;
- /*delta band*/
- delay[DELTA] = del;
- transformer[DELTA] = Array({
- 0.0761718750000000,0.0800781250000000,0.0957031250000000,0.123046875000000,0.158203125000000,0.201171875000000,0.253906250000000,0.312500000000000,0.376953125000000,0.443359375000000,0.513671875000000,0.585937500000000,0.654296875000000,0.722656250000000,0.785156250000000,0.841796875000000,0.892578125000000,0.933593750000000,0.964843750000000,0.986328125000000,0.998046875000000,0.998046875000000,0.986328125000000,0.964843750000000,0.933593750000000,0.892578125000000,0.841796875000000,0.785156250000000,0.722656250000000,0.654296875000000,0.585937500000000,0.513671875000000,0.443359375000000,0.376953125000000,0.312500000000000,0.253906250000000,0.201171875000000,0.158203125000000,0.123046875000000,0.0957031250000000,0.0800781250000000,0.0761718750000000 });
- /*theta band*/
- delay[THETA] = del;
- transformer[THETA] = Array({
- 0.0566406250000000,0.0625000000000000,0.0761718750000000,0.0996093750000000,0.132812500000000,0.171875000000000,0.222656250000000,0.277343750000000,0.341796875000000,0.408203125000000,0.480468750000000,0.552734375000000,0.626953125000000,0.697265625000000,0.765625000000000,0.826171875000000,0.880859375000000,0.925781250000000,0.960937500000000,0.986328125000000,0.998046875000000,0.998046875000000,0.986328125000000,0.960937500000000,0.925781250000000,0.880859375000000,0.826171875000000,0.765625000000000,0.697265625000000,0.626953125000000,0.552734375000000,0.480468750000000,0.408203125000000,0.341796875000000,0.277343750000000,0.222656250000000,0.171875000000000,0.132812500000000,0.0996093750000000,0.0761718750000000,0.0625000000000000,0.0566406250000000 });
- /*alpha band*/
- delay[ALPHA] = del;
- transformer[ALPHA] = Array({
- 0.0175781250000000,0.0234375000000000,0.0351562500000000,0.0507812500000000,0.0742187500000000,0.107421875000000,0.148437500000000,0.199218750000000,0.259765625000000,0.326171875000000,0.400390625000000,0.478515625000000,0.558593750000000,0.638671875000000,0.716796875000000,0.789062500000000,0.855468750000000,0.910156250000000,0.953125000000000,0.982421875000000,0.998046875000000,0.998046875000000,0.982421875000000,0.953125000000000,0.910156250000000,0.855468750000000,0.789062500000000,0.716796875000000,0.638671875000000,0.558593750000000,0.478515625000000,0.400390625000000,0.326171875000000,0.259765625000000,0.199218750000000,0.148437500000000,0.107421875000000,0.0742187500000000,0.0507812500000000,0.0351562500000000,0.0234375000000000,0.0175781250000000 });
- /*beta band*/
- delay[BETA] = del;
- transformer[BETA] = Array({
- -0.0566406250000000,-0.0585937500000000,-0.0644531250000000,-0.0722656250000000,-0.0800781250000000,-0.0839843750000000,-0.0781250000000000,-0.0605468750000000,-0.0273437500000000,0.0234375000000000,0.0917968750000000,0.175781250000000,0.277343750000000,0.388671875000000,0.505859375000000,0.623046875000000,0.734375000000000,0.833984375000000,0.912109375000000,0.968750000000000,0.998046875000000,0.998046875000000,0.968750000000000,0.912109375000000,0.833984375000000,0.734375000000000,0.623046875000000,0.505859375000000,0.388671875000000,0.277343750000000,0.175781250000000,0.0917968750000000,0.0234375000000000,-0.0273437500000000,-0.0605468750000000,-0.0781250000000000,-0.0839843750000000,-0.0800781250000000,-0.0722656250000000,-0.0644531250000000,-0.0585937500000000,-0.0566406250000000 });
- /*low gamma band*/
- delay[LOW_GAM] = del;
- transformer[LOW_GAM] = Array({
- 0.0351562500000000,0.0273437500000000,0.0156250000000000,-0.00390625000000000,-0.0371093750000000,-0.0878906250000000,-0.156250000000000,-0.238281250000000,-0.322265625000000,-0.396484375000000,-0.443359375000000,-0.447265625000000,-0.398437500000000,-0.289062500000000,-0.125000000000000,0.0839843750000000,0.318359375000000,0.552734375000000,0.761718750000000,0.916015625000000,0.998046875000000,0.998046875000000,0.916015625000000,0.761718750000000,0.552734375000000,0.318359375000000,0.0839843750000000,-0.125000000000000,-0.289062500000000,-0.398437500000000,-0.447265625000000,-0.443359375000000,-0.396484375000000,-0.322265625000000,-0.238281250000000,-0.156250000000000,-0.0878906250000000,-0.0371093750000000,-0.00390625000000000,0.0156250000000000,0.0273437500000000,0.0351562500000000 });
- /*mid gamma band*/
- delay[MID_GAM] = del;
- transformer[MID_GAM] = Array({
- 0.00195312500000000,0.0,0.00195312500000000,0.0117187500000000,0.0312500000000000,0.0566406250000000,0.0839843750000000,0.0937500000000000,0.0703125000000000,-0.00390625000000000,-0.132812500000000,-0.298828125000000,-0.466796875000000,-0.582031250000000,-0.595703125000000,-0.476562500000000,-0.220703125000000,0.128906250000000,0.501953125000000,0.818359375000000,0.998046875000000,0.998046875000000,0.818359375000000,0.501953125000000,0.128906250000000,-0.220703125000000,-0.476562500000000,-0.595703125000000,-0.582031250000000,-0.466796875000000,-0.298828125000000,-0.132812500000000,-0.00390625000000000,0.0703125000000000,0.0937500000000000,0.0839843750000000,0.0566406250000000,0.0312500000000000,0.0117187500000000,0.00195312500000000,0.0,0.00195312500000000 });
- /*High gamma band*/
- delay[HIGH_GAM] = del;
- transformer[HIGH_GAM] = Array({
- -0.00195312500000000,-0.00781250000000000,-0.0117187500000000,-0.00195312500000000,0.0117187500000000,0.0175781250000000,0.00390625000000000,0.0,0.0390625000000000,0.0917968750000000,0.0820312500000000,-0.0117187500000000,-0.0859375000000000,-0.0371093750000000,0.0468750000000000,-0.0546875000000000,-0.392578125000000,-0.640625000000000,-0.390625000000000,0.341796875000000,0.998046875000000,0.998046875000000,0.341796875000000,-0.390625000000000,-0.640625000000000,-0.392578125000000,-0.0546875000000000,0.0468750000000000,-0.0371093750000000,-0.0859375000000000,-0.0117187500000000,0.0820312500000000,0.0917968750000000,0.0390625000000000,0.0,0.00390625000000000,0.0175781250000000,0.0117187500000000,-0.00195312500000000,-0.0117187500000000,-0.00781250000000000,-0.00195312500000000 });
- /*Ripple band*/
- delay[RIPPLE] = del;
- transformer[RIPPLE] = Array({
- 0.00195312500000000,-0.00195312500000000,0.00195312500000000,0.0195312500000000,0.00976562500000000,-0.0390625000000000,-0.0527343750000000,0.0234375000000000,0.0800781250000000,0.0195312500000000,-0.0234375000000000,0.0292968750000000,-0.0410156250000000,-0.251953125000000,-0.121093750000000,0.449218750000000,0.580078125000000,-0.269531250000000,-0.998046875000000,-0.335937500000000,0.921875000000000,0.921875000000000,-0.335937500000000,-0.998046875000000,-0.269531250000000,0.580078125000000,0.449218750000000,-0.121093750000000,-0.251953125000000,-0.0410156250000000,0.0292968750000000,-0.0234375000000000,0.0195312500000000,0.0800781250000000,0.0234375000000000,-0.0527343750000000,-0.0390625000000000,0.00976562500000000,0.0195312500000000,0.00195312500000000,-0.00195312500000000,0.00195312500000000 });
- }
- };
- static const BandpassfiltInfo bandpassfiltInfo; // instantiates all the data through the constructor
- struct LowpassfiltInfo
- {
- String bandName[NUM_BANDS];
- int delay[NUM_BANDS];
- Array transformer[NUM_BANDS];
- LowpassfiltInfo()
- {
- int del = 25;
- Array lpfcoeff = Array({ 0.0,0.00195312500000000,0.00585937500000000,0.00781250000000000,0.0,-0.0332031250000000,-0.0800781250000000,-0.0917968750000000,0.0,0.238281250000000,0.574218750000000,0.875000000000000,0.998046875000000,0.875000000000000,0.574218750000000,0.238281250000000,0.0,-0.0917968750000000,-0.0800781250000000,-0.0332031250000000,0.0,0.00781250000000000,0.00585937500000000,0.00195312500000000,0.0 });
- /*delta band*/
- delay[DELTA] = del;
- transformer[DELTA] = lpfcoeff;
- /*theta band*/
- delay[THETA] = del;
- transformer[THETA] = lpfcoeff;
- /*alpha band*/
- delay[ALPHA] = del;
- transformer[ALPHA] = lpfcoeff;
- /*beta band*/
- delay[BETA] = del;
- transformer[BETA] = lpfcoeff;
- /*low gamma band*/
- delay[LOW_GAM] = del;
- transformer[LOW_GAM] = lpfcoeff;
- /*mid gamma band*/
- delay[MID_GAM] = del;
- transformer[MID_GAM] = lpfcoeff;
- /*High gamma band*/
- delay[HIGH_GAM] = del;
- transformer[HIGH_GAM] = lpfcoeff;
- /*Ripple band*/
- delay[RIPPLE] = del;
- transformer[RIPPLE] = lpfcoeff;
- }
- };
- static const LowpassfiltInfo lowpassfiltInfo; // instantiates all the data through the constructor
- }
- namespace Hilbert
- {
- // exported constants
- extern const String* const bandName = hilbertInfo.bandName;
- extern const Array* const validBand = hilbertInfo.validBand;
- extern const Array* const defaultBand = hilbertInfo.defaultBand;
- extern const Array* const extrema = hilbertInfo.extrema;
- extern const int* const delay = hilbertInfo.delay;
- extern const Array* const transformer = hilbertInfo.transformer;
- }
- namespace bandpassfilt
- {
- // exported constants
- extern const String* const bandName = bandpassfiltInfo.bandName;
- extern const int* const delay = bandpassfiltInfo.delay;
- extern const Array* const transformer = bandpassfiltInfo.transformer;
- }
- namespace lowpassfilt
- {
- // exported constants
- extern const String* const bandName = lowpassfiltInfo.bandName;
- extern const int* const delay = lowpassfiltInfo.delay;
- extern const Array* const transformer = lowpassfiltInfo.transformer;
- }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/ASICPhaseCalculator/backupSource.zip b/ASICPhaseCalculator/backupSource.zip
deleted file mode 100644
index 3a2e273..0000000
Binary files a/ASICPhaseCalculator/backupSource.zip and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/ASICPhaseCalculator/Build/.gitignore b/PhaseCalculator/Build/.gitignore
similarity index 100%
rename from ASICPhaseCalculator/Build/.gitignore
rename to PhaseCalculator/Build/.gitignore
diff --git a/ASICPhaseCalculator/CMAKE_README.txt b/PhaseCalculator/CMAKE_README.txt
similarity index 100%
rename from ASICPhaseCalculator/CMAKE_README.txt
rename to PhaseCalculator/CMAKE_README.txt
diff --git a/ASICPhaseCalculator/CMakeLists.txt b/PhaseCalculator/CMakeLists.txt
similarity index 100%
rename from ASICPhaseCalculator/CMakeLists.txt
rename to PhaseCalculator/CMakeLists.txt
diff --git a/ASICPhaseCalculator/Source/ARModeler.h b/PhaseCalculator/Source/ARModeler.h
similarity index 100%
rename from ASICPhaseCalculator/Source/ARModeler.h
rename to PhaseCalculator/Source/ARModeler.h
diff --git a/PhaseCalculator/Source/HTransformers.cpp b/PhaseCalculator/Source/HTransformers.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8d70cce
--- /dev/null
+++ b/PhaseCalculator/Source/HTransformers.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,146 @@
+This file is part of a plugin for the Open Ephys GUI
+Copyright (C) 2018 Translational NeuroEngineering Lab
+This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+(at your option) any later version.
+This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+GNU General Public License for more details.
+You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+along with this program. If not, see .
+#include "HTransformers.h"
+namespace PhaseCalculator
+ namespace
+ {
+ /** Helper to allow assigning to each array one band at a time (within the constructor) **/
+ struct HilbertInfo
+ {
+ const String gamma{ L"\u03b3" };
+ const String beta{ L"\u03b2" };
+ const String alphaTheta{ L"\u03b1/\u03b8" };
+ String bandName[NUM_BANDS];
+ Array validBand[NUM_BANDS];
+ Array defaultBand[NUM_BANDS];
+ Array extrema[NUM_BANDS];
+ int delay[NUM_BANDS];
+ Array transformer[NUM_BANDS];
+ static String validBandToString(const Array& band)
+ {
+ jassert(band.size() == 2);
+ return " (" + String(band[0]) + "-" + String(band[1]) + " Hz)";
+ }
+ HilbertInfo()
+ {
+ validBand[ALPHA_THETA] = Array({ 4, 18 });
+ bandName[ALPHA_THETA] = alphaTheta + validBandToString(validBand[ALPHA_THETA]);
+ defaultBand[ALPHA_THETA] = Array({ 4, 8 });
+ extrema[ALPHA_THETA] = Array(/* none */);
+ delay[ALPHA_THETA] = 9;
+ // from Matlab: firpm(18, [4 246]/250, [1 1], 'hilbert')
+ transformer[ALPHA_THETA] = Array({
+ -0.28757250783614413,
+ 0.000027647225074994485,
+ -0.094611325643268351,
+ -0.00025887439499763831,
+ -0.129436276914844,
+ -0.0001608427426424053,
+ -0.21315096860055227,
+ -0.00055322197399797961,
+ -0.63685698210351149
+ });
+ validBand[BETA] = Array({ 10, 40 });
+ bandName[BETA] = beta + validBandToString(validBand[BETA]);
+ defaultBand[BETA] = Array({ 12, 30 });
+ extrema[BETA] = Array({ 21.5848 });
+ delay[BETA] = 9;
+ // from Matlab: firpm(18, [12 30 40 240]/250, [1 1 0.7 0.7], 'hilbert')
+ transformer[BETA] = Array({
+ -0.099949575596234311,
+ -0.020761484963254036,
+ -0.080803573080958854,
+ -0.027365064225587619,
+ -0.11114477443975329,
+ -0.025834076852645271,
+ -0.16664116044989324,
+ -0.015661948619847599,
+ -0.45268524264113719
+ });
+ validBand[LOW_GAM] = Array({ 30, 55 });
+ bandName[LOW_GAM] = "Lo " + gamma + validBandToString(validBand[LOW_GAM]);
+ defaultBand[LOW_GAM] = Array({ 30, 55 });
+ extrema[LOW_GAM] = Array({ 43.3609 });
+ delay[LOW_GAM] = 2;
+ // from Matlab: firls(4, [30 55]/250, [1 1], 'hilbert')
+ transformer[LOW_GAM] = Array({
+ -1.5933788446351915,
+ 1.7241339075391682
+ });
+ validBand[MID_GAM] = Array({ 40, 90 });
+ bandName[MID_GAM] = "Mid " + gamma + validBandToString(validBand[MID_GAM]);
+ defaultBand[MID_GAM] = Array({ 40, 90 });
+ extrema[MID_GAM] = Array({ 64.4559 });
+ delay[MID_GAM] = 2;
+ // from Matlab: firls(4, [35 90]/250, [1 1], 'hilbert')
+ transformer[MID_GAM] = Array({
+ -0.487176162115735,
+ -0.069437334858668653
+ });
+ validBand[HIGH_GAM] = Array({ 60, 200 });
+ bandName[HIGH_GAM] = "Hi " + gamma + validBandToString(validBand[HIGH_GAM]);
+ defaultBand[HIGH_GAM] = Array({ 70, 150 });
+ extrema[HIGH_GAM] = Array({ 81.6443, 123.1104, 169.3574 });
+ delay[HIGH_GAM] = 3;
+ // from Matlab: firls(6, [60 200]/250, [1 1], 'hilbert')
+ transformer[HIGH_GAM] = Array({
+ -0.10383410506573287,
+ 0.0040553935691102303,
+ -0.59258484603659545
+ });
+ }
+ };
+ static const HilbertInfo hilbertInfo; // instantiates all the data through the constructor
+ }
+ namespace Hilbert
+ {
+ // exported constants
+ extern const String* const bandName = hilbertInfo.bandName;
+ extern const Array* const validBand = hilbertInfo.validBand;
+ extern const Array* const defaultBand = hilbertInfo.defaultBand;
+ extern const Array* const extrema = hilbertInfo.extrema;
+ extern const int* const delay = hilbertInfo.delay;
+ extern const Array* const transformer = hilbertInfo.transformer;
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/ASICPhaseCalculator/Source/HTransformers.h b/PhaseCalculator/Source/HTransformers.h
similarity index 68%
rename from ASICPhaseCalculator/Source/HTransformers.h
rename to PhaseCalculator/Source/HTransformers.h
index 4b51751..4525ddd 100644
--- a/ASICPhaseCalculator/Source/HTransformers.h
+++ b/PhaseCalculator/Source/HTransformers.h
@@ -46,14 +46,11 @@ namespace PhaseCalculator
enum Band
- DELTA = 0,
@@ -79,52 +76,6 @@ namespace PhaseCalculator
// contain the first delay[band] coefficients; the rest are redundant and can be inferred
extern const Array* const transformer;
- namespace bandpassfilt
- {
- const int fs = 500;
- // Each pointer below points to an array of length NUM_BANDS.
- extern const String* const bandName;
- // each is a pair (lower limit, upper limit)
- extern const Array* const validBand;
- // each is a pair (low cut, high cut)
- extern const Array* const defaultBand;
- extern const Array* const extrema;
- // samples of group delay (= order of filter / 2)
- extern const int* const delay;
- // contain the first delay[band] coefficients; the rest are redundant and can be inferred
- extern const Array* const transformer;
- }
- namespace lowpassfilt
- {
- const int fs = 500;
- // Each pointer below points to an array of length NUM_BANDS.
- extern const String* const bandName;
- // each is a pair (lower limit, upper limit)
- extern const Array* const validBand;
- // each is a pair (low cut, high cut)
- extern const Array* const defaultBand;
- extern const Array* const extrema;
- // samples of group delay (= order of filter / 2)
- extern const int* const delay;
- // contain the first delay[band] coefficients; the rest are redundant and can be inferred
- extern const Array* const transformer;
- }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/ASICPhaseCalculator/Source/OpenEphysLib.cpp b/PhaseCalculator/Source/OpenEphysLib.cpp
similarity index 97%
rename from ASICPhaseCalculator/Source/OpenEphysLib.cpp
rename to PhaseCalculator/Source/OpenEphysLib.cpp
index a275cc0..3c02236 100644
--- a/ASICPhaseCalculator/Source/OpenEphysLib.cpp
+++ b/PhaseCalculator/Source/OpenEphysLib.cpp
@@ -48,7 +48,7 @@ extern "C" EXPORT int getPluginInfo(int index, Plugin::PluginInfo* info)
case 0:
info->type = Plugin::PLUGIN_TYPE_PROCESSOR;
- info->processor.name = "ASIC";
+ info->processor.name = "Phase Calculator";
info->processor.type = Plugin::FilterProcessor;
info->processor.creator = &(Plugin::createProcessor);
diff --git a/ASICPhaseCalculator/Source/PhaseCalculator.cpp b/PhaseCalculator/Source/PhaseCalculator.cpp
similarity index 72%
rename from ASICPhaseCalculator/Source/PhaseCalculator.cpp
rename to PhaseCalculator/Source/PhaseCalculator.cpp
index 79c570a..c4fcca7 100644
--- a/ASICPhaseCalculator/Source/PhaseCalculator.cpp
+++ b/PhaseCalculator/Source/PhaseCalculator.cpp
@@ -37,6 +37,9 @@ namespace PhaseCalculator
// (meant to be larger than actual minimum floating-point eps)
static const float passbandEps = 0.01F;
+ // priority of the AR model calculating thread (0 = lowest, 10 = highest)
+ static const int arPriority = 3;
// "glitch limit" (how long of a segment is allowed to be unwrapped or smoothed, in samples)
static const int glitchLimit = 200;
@@ -46,6 +49,7 @@ namespace PhaseCalculator
static const int visMinDelayMs = 675;
static const int visMaxDelayMs = 1000;
/*** ReverseStack ***/
ReverseStack::ReverseStack(int size)
: freeSpace (size)
@@ -134,34 +138,36 @@ namespace PhaseCalculator
void ActiveChannelInfo::update()
const Node& p = chanInfo.owner;
+ int arOrder = p.getAROrder();
float highCut = p.getHighCut();
float lowCut = p.getLowCut();
Band band = p.getBand();
- int bpforder = p.getBpfOrder();
+ // update length of history based on sample rate
+ // the history buffer should have enough samples to calculate phases for the viusalizer
+ // with the proper Hilbert transform length AND train an AR model of the requested order,
+ // using at least 1 second of data
+ int newHistorySize = chanInfo.dsFactor * jmax(
+ visHilbertLengthMs * Hilbert::fs / 1000,
+ arOrder + 1,
+ 1 * Hilbert::fs);
+ history.resetAndResize(newHistorySize);
// set filter parameters
- // set filter parameters
- for (auto filt : { &filter, &reverseFilter })
- {
- filt->setup(
- bpforder, // order
- chanInfo.sampleRate, // sample rate
- (highCut + lowCut) / 2, // center frequency
- highCut - lowCut); // bandwidth
- }
- // added by sumedh
- int lpforder = p.getLpfOrder();
- // low pass at 250 Hz
- for (auto lpffilt1 : { &filterlpf })
- {
- lpffilt1->setup(lpforder, (double)chanInfo.sampleRate, (double)(.8*(chanInfo.sampleRate/2)/ (chanInfo.sampleRate / 4000)),0.05);
- }
+ for (auto filt : { &filter, &reverseFilter })
+ {
+ filt->setup(
+ 2, // order
+ chanInfo.sampleRate, // sample rate
+ (highCut + lowCut) / 2, // center frequency
+ highCut - lowCut); // bandwidth
+ }
+ arModeler.setParams(arOrder, newHistorySize, chanInfo.dsFactor);
htState.resize(Hilbert::delay[band] * 2 + 1);
- bpfState.resize(bandpassfilt::delay[band]);
- lpfState.resize(lowpassfilt::delay[band]);
// visualization stuff
hilbertLengthMultiplier = Hilbert::fs * chanInfo.dsFactor / 1000;
visHilbertBuffer.resize(visHilbertLengthMs * hilbertLengthMultiplier);
@@ -173,11 +179,8 @@ namespace PhaseCalculator
- //added by sumedh
- filterlpf.reset();
+ arModeler.reset();
FloatVectorOperations::clear(htState.begin(), htState.size());
- FloatVectorOperations::clear(bpfState.begin(), bpfState.size());
- FloatVectorOperations::clear(lpfState.begin(), lpfState.size());
interpCountdown = 0;
lastComputedPhase = 0;
lastComputedMag = 0;
@@ -247,17 +250,16 @@ namespace PhaseCalculator
/**** phase calculator node ****/
- : GenericProcessor("ASIC Phase Calculator")
+ : GenericProcessor("Phase Calculator")
, Thread("AR Modeler")
- // added by sumedh
- , lpforder(8)
- , bpforder(2)
+ , calcInterval(50)
+ , arOrder(20)
, outputMode(PH)
, visEventChannel(-1)
, visContinuousChannel(-1)
- setBand(THETA, true);
+ setBand(ALPHA_THETA, true);
Node::~Node() {}
@@ -309,10 +311,27 @@ namespace PhaseCalculator
void Node::setParameter(int parameterIndex, float newValue)
switch (parameterIndex) {
+ calcInterval = int(newValue);
+ break;
+ case AR_ORDER:
+ arOrder = int(newValue);
+ updateActiveChannels();
+ break;
case BAND:
+ case LOWCUT:
+ setLowCut(newValue);
+ break;
+ case HIGHCUT:
+ setHighCut(newValue);
+ break;
OutputMode oldMode = outputMode;
@@ -369,147 +388,168 @@ namespace PhaseCalculator
- int downsampleA = 4000;
- int downsampleB = 1000;
- /*Get a pointer to the data wpInput*/
- float* const wpInput = buffer.getWritePointer(chan);
- /*active channel info -> acInfo*/
- /*Step I: IIR Low pass filter over entire data */
- acInfo->filterlpf.process(nSamples, &wpInput);
- std::vector dslpf;
- int preDSample = int(floor(float(acInfo->chanInfo.sampleRate) / downsampleA));
- for (int i = 0; i < nSamples; i = i + preDSample) {
- dslpf.push_back(wpInput[i]);
- }
- /*Step II: FIR low pass filter from MATLAB*/
- /*lpf again with the coeff from MATLAB*/
- std::vector lpfData;
- for (int lpfIndex = 0; lpfIndex < dslpf.size(); ++lpfIndex) {
- lpfData.push_back(lpfFilterSamp(dslpf[lpfIndex], band, acInfo->lpfState));
- }
- /*Step III: Downsampling from 40000K to 1K*/
- int new_sr_size = downsampleA / downsampleB;// int(floor(float(acInfo->chanInfo.sampleRate) / float(new_sampling_rate)));
- std::vector dsLpfData;
- for (int i = 0; i < dslpf.size(); i=i+new_sr_size) {
- dsLpfData.push_back(lpfData[i]);
- }
- /*Step IV: FIR Band pass filtering on the downsampled data*/
- int newdatasize = dsLpfData.size();
- std::vector dsBPFdata;
- for (int bpfIndex = 0; bpfIndex < dsLpfData.size(); ++bpfIndex) {
- dsBPFdata.push_back(bpfFilterSamp(dsLpfData[bpfIndex], band, acInfo->bpfState));
- }
- /*Step V: calculate Hilbert transform*/
- int htOutputSamps = dsBPFdata.size();
- if (htOutput.size() < htOutputSamps)
- {
- htOutput.resize(htOutputSamps);
- }
- htOutput.resize(htOutputSamps);
- /*Changes Both real and imaginary part are calculated from the same*/
- //float* wpOut = buffer.getWritePointer(chan);
- for (int hilbertIndex = 0; hilbertIndex < htOutputSamps; ++hilbertIndex)
- {
- double samp = htFilterSamp(dsBPFdata[hilbertIndex], band, acInfo->htState);
- double rc = dsBPFdata[hilbertIndex];
- double ic = htScaleFactor * samp;
- htOutput.set(hilbertIndex, std::complex(rc, ic));
- //wpOut[hilbertIndex] = (float)rc;
- }
- /*Step VI: Interpolation: No new changes proposed*/
- int stride = int(floor(float(acInfo->chanInfo.sampleRate) / float(downsampleB))) + 2;
- float* wpOut = buffer.getWritePointer(chan);
- float* wpOut2;
- if (outputMode == PH_AND_MAG)
- {
- // second output channel
- int outChan2 = getNumInputs() + ac;
- jassert(outChan2 < buffer.getNumChannels());
- wpOut2 = buffer.getWritePointer(outChan2);
- }
- double nextComputedPhase, phaseStep;
- double nextComputedMag, magStep;
- bool needPhase = outputMode != MAG;
- bool needMag = outputMode != PH;
- if (needPhase)
- {
- nextComputedPhase = LAA(htOutput[0]);//std::arg(htOutput[0]);
- phaseStep = circDist(nextComputedPhase, acInfo->lastComputedPhase, Dsp::doublePi) / stride;
- }
- if (needMag)
- {
- nextComputedMag = std::abs(htOutput[0]);
- magStep = (nextComputedMag - acInfo->lastComputedMag) / stride;
- }
- for (int i = 0, frame = 0; i < nSamples; ++i, --acInfo->interpCountdown)
- {
- if (acInfo->interpCountdown == 0)
- {
- // update interpolation frame
- ++frame;
- acInfo->interpCountdown = stride;
- if (needPhase)
- {
- acInfo->lastComputedPhase = nextComputedPhase;
- nextComputedPhase = LAA(htOutput[frame]);//std::arg(htOutput[frame]);
- phaseStep = circDist(nextComputedPhase, acInfo->lastComputedPhase, Dsp::doublePi) / stride;
- }
- if (needMag)
- {
- acInfo->lastComputedMag = nextComputedMag;
- nextComputedMag = std::abs(htOutput[frame]);
- magStep = (nextComputedMag - acInfo->lastComputedMag) / stride;
- }
- }
- double thisPhase, thisMag;
- if (needPhase)
- {
- thisPhase = circDist(nextComputedPhase, phaseStep * acInfo->interpCountdown, Dsp::doublePi);
- }
- if (needMag)
- {
- thisMag = nextComputedMag - magStep * acInfo->interpCountdown;
- }
- switch (outputMode)
- {
- case MAG:
- wpOut[i] = float(thisMag);
- break;
- case PH_AND_MAG:
- wpOut2[i] = float(thisMag);
- // fall through
- case PH:
- // output in degrees
- wpOut[i] = float(thisPhase * (180.0 / Dsp::doublePi));
- break;
- case IM:
- wpOut[i] = float(thisMag * std::sin(thisPhase));
- break;
- }
- }
- // unwrapping / smoothing
- if (outputMode == PH || outputMode == PH_AND_MAG)
- {
- unwrapBuffer(wpOut, nSamples, acInfo->lastPhase);
- smoothBuffer(wpOut, nSamples, acInfo->lastPhase);
- acInfo->lastPhase = wpOut[nSamples - 1];
- }
- // if this is the monitored channel for events, check whether we can add a new phase
- /*if (hasCanvas && chan == visContinuousChannel && acInfo->history.isFull())
- {
- calcVisPhases(acInfo, getTimestamp(chan) + getNumSamples(chan));
- }*/
+ // filter the data
+ float* const wpIn = buffer.getWritePointer(chan);
+ acInfo->filter.process(nSamples, &wpIn);
+ // enqueue as much new data as can fit into history
+ acInfo->history.enqueue(wpIn, nSamples);
+ // calc phase and write out (only if AR model has been calculated)
+ if (acInfo->history.isFull() && acInfo->arModeler.hasBeenFit())
+ {
+ // read current AR parameters safely (uses lock internally)
+ acInfo->arModeler.getModel(localARParams);
+ // use AR model to fill predSamps (which is downsampled) based on past data.
+ int htDelay = Hilbert::delay[band];
+ int stride = acInfo->chanInfo.dsFactor;
+ double* pPredSamps = predSamps.getRawDataPointer();
+ const double* pLocalParam = localARParams.getRawDataPointer();
+ arPredict(acInfo->history, acInfo->interpCountdown, pPredSamps, pLocalParam,
+ htDelay + 1, stride, arOrder);
+ // identify indices of current buffer to execute HT
+ htInds.clearQuick();
+ for (int i = acInfo->interpCountdown; i < nSamples; i += stride)
+ {
+ htInds.add(i);
+ }
+ int htOutputSamps = htInds.size() + 1;
+ if (htOutput.size() < htOutputSamps)
+ {
+ htOutput.resize(htOutputSamps);
+ }
+ // execute tranformer on current buffer
+ int kOut = -htDelay;
+ for (int kIn = 0; kIn < htInds.size(); ++kIn, ++kOut)
+ {
+ double samp = htFilterSamp(wpIn[htInds[kIn]], band, acInfo->htState);
+ if (kOut >= 0)
+ {
+ double rc = wpIn[htInds[kOut]];
+ double ic = htScaleFactor * samp;
+ htOutput.set(kOut, std::complex(rc, ic));
+ }
+ }
+ // copy state to transform prediction without changing the end-of-buffer state
+ htTempState = acInfo->htState;
+ // execute transformer on prediction
+ for (int i = 0; i <= htDelay; ++i, ++kOut)
+ {
+ double samp = htFilterSamp(predSamps[i], band, htTempState);
+ if (kOut >= 0)
+ {
+ double rc = i == htDelay ? predSamps[0] : wpIn[htInds[kOut]];
+ double ic = htScaleFactor * samp;
+ htOutput.set(kOut, std::complex(rc, ic));
+ }
+ }
+ // output with upsampling (interpolation)
+ float* wpOut = buffer.getWritePointer(chan);
+ float* wpOut2;
+ if (outputMode == PH_AND_MAG)
+ {
+ // second output channel
+ int outChan2 = getNumInputs() + ac;
+ jassert(outChan2 < buffer.getNumChannels());
+ wpOut2 = buffer.getWritePointer(outChan2);
+ }
+ double nextComputedPhase, phaseStep;
+ double nextComputedMag, magStep;
+ bool needPhase = outputMode != MAG;
+ bool needMag = outputMode != PH;
+ if (needPhase)
+ {
+ nextComputedPhase = std::arg(htOutput[0]);
+ phaseStep = circDist(nextComputedPhase, acInfo->lastComputedPhase, Dsp::doublePi) / stride;
+ }
+ if (needMag)
+ {
+ nextComputedMag = std::abs(htOutput[0]);
+ magStep = (nextComputedMag - acInfo->lastComputedMag) / stride;
+ }
+ for (int i = 0, frame = 0; i < nSamples; ++i, --acInfo->interpCountdown)
+ {
+ if (acInfo->interpCountdown == 0)
+ {
+ // update interpolation frame
+ ++frame;
+ acInfo->interpCountdown = stride;
+ if (needPhase)
+ {
+ acInfo->lastComputedPhase = nextComputedPhase;
+ nextComputedPhase = std::arg(htOutput[frame]);
+ phaseStep = circDist(nextComputedPhase, acInfo->lastComputedPhase, Dsp::doublePi) / stride;
+ }
+ if (needMag)
+ {
+ acInfo->lastComputedMag = nextComputedMag;
+ nextComputedMag = std::abs(htOutput[frame]);
+ magStep = (nextComputedMag - acInfo->lastComputedMag) / stride;
+ }
+ }
+ double thisPhase, thisMag;
+ if (needPhase)
+ {
+ thisPhase = circDist(nextComputedPhase, phaseStep * acInfo->interpCountdown, Dsp::doublePi);
+ }
+ if (needMag)
+ {
+ thisMag = nextComputedMag - magStep * acInfo->interpCountdown;
+ }
+ switch (outputMode)
+ {
+ case MAG:
+ wpOut[i] = float(thisMag);
+ break;
+ case PH_AND_MAG:
+ wpOut2[i] = float(thisMag);
+ // fall through
+ case PH:
+ // output in degrees
+ wpOut[i] = float(thisPhase * (180.0 / Dsp::doublePi));
+ break;
+ case IM:
+ wpOut[i] = float(thisMag * std::sin(thisPhase));
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ // unwrapping / smoothing
+ if (outputMode == PH || outputMode == PH_AND_MAG)
+ {
+ unwrapBuffer(wpOut, nSamples, acInfo->lastPhase);
+ smoothBuffer(wpOut, nSamples, acInfo->lastPhase);
+ acInfo->lastPhase = wpOut[nSamples - 1];
+ }
+ }
+ else // fifo not full or AR model not ready
+ {
+ // just output zeros
+ buffer.clear(chan, 0, nSamples);
+ }
+ // if this is the monitored channel for events, check whether we can add a new phase
+ if (hasCanvas && chan == visContinuousChannel && acInfo->history.isFull())
+ {
+ calcVisPhases(acInfo, getTimestamp(chan) + getNumSamples(chan));
+ }
@@ -518,7 +558,7 @@ namespace PhaseCalculator
if (isEnabled)
- //startThread(arPriority);
+ startThread(arPriority);
// have to manually enable editor, I guess...
Editor* editor = static_cast(getEditor());
@@ -576,6 +616,34 @@ namespace PhaseCalculator
Array reverseData;
+ uint32 startTime, endTime;
+ while (!threadShouldExit())
+ {
+ startTime = Time::getMillisecondCounter();
+ for (auto acInfo : activeChans)
+ {
+ if (!acInfo->history.isFull())
+ {
+ continue;
+ }
+ // unwrap reversed history and add to temporary data array
+ double* dataPtr = reverseData.getRawDataPointer();
+ acInfo->history.unwrapAndCopy(dataPtr, true);
+ // calculate parameters
+ acInfo->arModeler.fitModel(reverseData);
+ }
+ endTime = Time::getMillisecondCounter();
+ int remainingInterval = calcInterval - (endTime - startTime);
+ if (remainingInterval >= 10) // avoid WaitForSingleObject
+ {
+ sleep(remainingInterval);
+ }
+ }
void Node::updateSettings()
@@ -657,16 +725,10 @@ namespace PhaseCalculator
return int(getProcessorFullId(sourceNodeId, subProcessorIdx));
- // Added by Sumedh to access private variables
- int Node::getLpfOrder() const
- {
- return lpforder;
- }
- int Node::getBpfOrder() const
- {
- return bpforder;
- }
+ int Node::getAROrder() const
+ {
+ return arOrder;
+ }
float Node::getHighCut() const
@@ -779,10 +841,71 @@ namespace PhaseCalculator
const Array& defaultBand = Hilbert::defaultBand[band];
lowCut = defaultBand[0];
highCut = defaultBand[1];
+ auto editor = static_cast(getEditor());
+ if (editor)
+ {
+ editor->refreshLowCut();
+ editor->refreshHighCut();
+ }
+ updateScaleFactor();
+ updateActiveChannels();
+ }
+ void Node::setLowCut(float newLowCut)
+ {
+ if (newLowCut == lowCut) { return; }
+ auto editor = static_cast(getEditor());
+ const Array& validBand = Hilbert::validBand[band];
+ if (newLowCut < validBand[0] || newLowCut >= validBand[1])
+ {
+ // invalid; don't set parameter and reset editor
+ editor->refreshLowCut();
+ CoreServices::sendStatusMessage("Low cut outside valid band of selected filter.");
+ return;
+ }
+ lowCut = newLowCut;
+ if (lowCut >= highCut)
+ {
+ // push highCut up
+ highCut = jmin(lowCut + passbandEps, validBand[1]);
+ editor->refreshHighCut();
+ }
+ void Node::setHighCut(float newHighCut)
+ {
+ if (newHighCut == highCut) { return; }
+ auto editor = static_cast(getEditor());
+ const Array& validBand = Hilbert::validBand[band];
+ if (newHighCut <= validBand[0] || newHighCut > validBand[1])
+ {
+ // invalid; don't set parameter and reset editor
+ editor->refreshHighCut();
+ CoreServices::sendStatusMessage("High cut outside valid band of selected filter.");
+ return;
+ }
+ highCut = newHighCut;
+ if (highCut <= lowCut)
+ {
+ // push lowCut down
+ lowCut = jmax(highCut - passbandEps, validBand[0]);
+ editor->refreshLowCut();
+ }
+ updateScaleFactor();
+ updateActiveChannels();
+ }
void Node::setVisContChan(int newChan)
@@ -815,7 +938,7 @@ namespace PhaseCalculator
void Node::updateScaleFactor()
- htScaleFactor = getScaleFactor(THETA, 4.0, 8.0);
+ htScaleFactor = getScaleFactor(band, lowCut, highCut);
void Node::unwrapBuffer(float* wp, int nSamples, float lastPhase)
@@ -1064,7 +1187,7 @@ namespace PhaseCalculator
acInfo->reverseFilter.process(hilbertLength, &wpHilbert);
- //un-reverse values
+ // un-reverse values
// Hilbert transform!
@@ -1143,6 +1266,29 @@ namespace PhaseCalculator
+ void Node::arPredict(const ReverseStack& history, int interpCountdown, double* prediction,
+ const double* params, int samps, int stride, int order)
+ {
+ const double* rpHistory = history.begin();
+ int histSize = history.size();
+ int histStart = history.getHeadOffset() + stride - interpCountdown;
+ // s = index to write output
+ for (int s = 0; s < samps; ++s)
+ {
+ prediction[s] = 0;
+ // p = which AR param we are on
+ for (int p = 0; p < order; ++p)
+ {
+ double pastSamp = p < s
+ ? prediction[s - 1 - p]
+ : rpHistory[(histStart + (p - s) * stride) % histSize];
+ prediction[s] -= params[p] * pastSamp;
+ }
+ }
+ }
double Node::getScaleFactor(Band band, double lowCut, double highCut)
@@ -1212,117 +1358,6 @@ namespace PhaseCalculator
std::memmove(state_p, state_p + 1, order * sizeof(double));
return sampOut;
- //Added by Sumedh
- /*
- input: gets the current value to be filtered
- Band: The band that needs to be filtered, actually this is identified with Matlab function
- state: the bandpass filter states needs to keep track of the data
- Steps
- 1) move the memory and add the input at the 0
- 2) std::multiplies state * coefficient
- 3) sum the entire states
- 4) return the sum
- */
- double Node::lpfFilterSamp(double input, Band band, Array& state)
- {
- double* state_p = state.getRawDataPointer();
- int nCoefs = lowpassfilt::delay[band];
- /*Considering the entire coefficient*/
- int order = nCoefs; // considering the current even order
- //to the right
- //double temp = state_p[order - 1]; //remember last element
- for (int i = order - 1; i >= 0; i--)
- {
- state_p[i + 1] = state_p[i]; //move all element to the right except last one
- }
- state_p[0] = 0.0; //assign remembered value to first element
- //std::memmove(state_p + 1, state_p, order * sizeof(double));
- state_p[0] = input;
- double retValue = 0.0;
- const double* transf = lowpassfilt::transformer[band].begin();
- for (int kCoef = 0; kCoef < nCoefs; ++kCoef)
- {
- retValue = retValue + state_p[kCoef] * transf[kCoef];
- }
- return retValue;
- }
- /*
- input: gets the current value to be filtered
- Band: The band that needs to be filtered, actually this is identified with Matlab function
- state: the bandpass filter states needs to keep track of the data
- Steps
- 1) move the memory and add the input at the 0
- 2) std::multiplies state * coefficient
- 3) sum the entire states
- 4) return the sum
- */
- double Node::bpfFilterSamp(double input, Band band, Array& state)
- {
- double* state_p = state.getRawDataPointer();
- int nCoefs = bandpassfilt::delay[band];
- double retValue = 0.0;
- int order = nCoefs; // considering the current even order
- state_p[order - 1] = 0.0;
- for (int i = order - 1; i >= 0; i--)
- {
- state_p[i + 1] = state_p[i]; //move all element to the right except last one
- }
- state_p[0] = 0.0; //assign remembered value to first element
- //std::memmove(state_p + 1, state_p, order-1 * sizeof(double));
- state_p[0] = input;
- const double* transf = bandpassfilt::transformer[band].begin();
- for (int kCoef = 0; kCoef < nCoefs; ++kCoef)
- {
- retValue = retValue + state_p[kCoef] * transf[kCoef];
- }
- return retValue;
- }
- double Node::LAA(std::complex c)
- {
- // Hold phase before quantization
- double q;
- // Determine phase based on octant. See LAA alg details.
- if (std::abs(c.real()) >= std::abs(c.imag()))
- {
- if (c.real() >= 0)
- {
- q = (1. / 8.) * (c.imag() / c.real()); // octant 1 and 8
- }
- else
- {
- if (c.imag() >= 0)
- {
- q = .5 + (1. / 8.) * (c.imag() / c.real()); // octant 4
- }
- else
- {
- q = -.5 + (1. / 8.) * (c.imag() / c.real()); // octant 5
- }
- }
- }
- else
- {
- if (c.imag() >= 0)
- {
- q = 0.25 - (1. / 8.) * (c.real() / c.imag()); // octant 2 and 3
- }
- else
- {
- q = -.25 - (1. / 8.) * (c.real() / c.imag()); // octant 6 and 7
- }
- }
- // Do quantization on phase (based on bit percision). We are testing 8 bits.
- double lsb = 1. / pow(2., 8.);
- double ans = floor(q / lsb) * lsb * 3.14 / 0.5;
- if (std::isnan(ans))
- ans = 0.0;
- return ans;
- }
diff --git a/ASICPhaseCalculator/Source/PhaseCalculator.h b/PhaseCalculator/Source/PhaseCalculator.h
similarity index 90%
rename from ASICPhaseCalculator/Source/PhaseCalculator.h
rename to PhaseCalculator/Source/PhaseCalculator.h
index 1445e10..24e17fc 100644
--- a/ASICPhaseCalculator/Source/PhaseCalculator.h
+++ b/PhaseCalculator/Source/PhaseCalculator.h
@@ -62,13 +62,11 @@ namespace PhaseCalculator
enum Param
- // Added by Sumedh
@@ -110,18 +108,10 @@ namespace PhaseCalculator
// reset to perform after end of acquisition or update
void reset();
- // Added by Sumedh to create low pass filter
- // filter design copied from FilterNode
- using LowPassFilter = Dsp::SimpleFilter
- , // order
- 1, // number of channels
- Dsp::DirectFormI>; // realization
- LowPassFilter filterlpf;
// filter design copied from FilterNode
using BandpassFilter = Dsp::SimpleFilter
- , // order
1, // number of channels
Dsp::DirectFormII>; // realization
@@ -130,11 +120,9 @@ namespace PhaseCalculator
BandpassFilter filter;
+ ARModeler arModeler;
Array htState;
- Array bpfState;
- Array lpfState;
- Array lpfStateMain;
// number of samples until a new non-interpolated output. e.g. if this
// equals 1 after a buffer is processed, then there is one interpolated
@@ -232,13 +220,11 @@ namespace PhaseCalculator
int getFullSourceId(int chan);
// getters
+ int getAROrder() const;
float getHighCut() const;
float getLowCut() const;
Band getBand() const;
- // Added by Sumedh to access the private variables
- int getLpfOrder() const;
- int getBpfOrder() const;
// reads from the visPhaseBuffer if it can acquire a TryLock. returns true if successful.
bool tryToReadVisPhases(std::queue& other);
@@ -267,6 +253,11 @@ namespace PhaseCalculator
// Resets lowCut and highCut to defaults for the current band
void resetCutsToDefaults();
+ // Sets lowCut (which in turn influences highCut)
+ void setLowCut(float newLowCut);
+ // Sets highCut (which in turn influences lowCut)
+ void setHighCut(float newHighCut);
// Sets visContinuousChannel and updates the visualization filter
void setVisContChan(int newChan);
@@ -324,6 +315,22 @@ namespace PhaseCalculator
void deactivateInputChannel(int chan);
+ // ---- static utility methods ----
+ /*
+ * arPredict: use autoregressive model of order to predict future data.
+ *
+ * lastSample points to the most recent sample of past data that will be used to
+ * compute phase, and there must be at least stride * (order - 1) samples
+ * preceding it in order to do the AR prediction.
+ *
+ * Input params is an array of coefficients of an AR model of length 'order'.
+ *
+ * Writes samps future data values to prediction.
+ */
+ static void arPredict(const ReverseStack& history, int interpCountdown, double* prediction,
+ const double* params, int samps, int stride, int order);
// Get the htScaleFactor for the given band's Hilbert transformer,
// over the range from lowCut and highCut. This is the reciprocal of the geometric
// mean (i.e. mean in decibels) of the maximum and minimum magnitude responses over the range.
@@ -331,17 +338,14 @@ namespace PhaseCalculator
// Execute the hilbert transformer on one sample and update the state.
static double htFilterSamp(double input, Band band, Array& state);
- //Added by Sumedh
- static double bpfFilterSamp(double input, Band band, Array& state);
- static double lpfFilterSamp(double input, Band band, Array& state);
- static double lpfFilter(double input, Band band, Array& state);
- // ---- customizable parameters ------
- // Added by Sumedh
- // Use LAA to return phase angle in degrees
- double LAA(std::complex);
- int lpforder;
- int bpforder;
+ // ---- customizable parameters ------
+ // time to wait between AR model recalculations in ms
+ int calcInterval;
+ // order of the AR model
+ int arOrder;
OutputMode outputMode;
diff --git a/ASICPhaseCalculator/Source/PhaseCalculatorCanvas.cpp b/PhaseCalculator/Source/PhaseCalculatorCanvas.cpp
similarity index 100%
rename from ASICPhaseCalculator/Source/PhaseCalculatorCanvas.cpp
rename to PhaseCalculator/Source/PhaseCalculatorCanvas.cpp
diff --git a/ASICPhaseCalculator/Source/PhaseCalculatorCanvas.h b/PhaseCalculator/Source/PhaseCalculatorCanvas.h
similarity index 100%
rename from ASICPhaseCalculator/Source/PhaseCalculatorCanvas.h
rename to PhaseCalculator/Source/PhaseCalculatorCanvas.h
diff --git a/ASICPhaseCalculator/Source/PhaseCalculatorEditor.cpp b/PhaseCalculator/Source/PhaseCalculatorEditor.cpp
similarity index 64%
rename from ASICPhaseCalculator/Source/PhaseCalculatorEditor.cpp
rename to PhaseCalculator/Source/PhaseCalculatorEditor.cpp
index 7c47462..7a1ecc5 100644
--- a/ASICPhaseCalculator/Source/PhaseCalculatorEditor.cpp
+++ b/PhaseCalculator/Source/PhaseCalculatorEditor.cpp
@@ -28,14 +28,14 @@ along with this program. If not, see .
#include // abs
namespace PhaseCalculator
-{ //added by sumedh
Editor::Editor(Node* parentNode, bool useDefaultParameterEditors)
- : VisualizerEditor(parentNode, 250, useDefaultParameterEditors)
+ : VisualizerEditor(parentNode, 220, useDefaultParameterEditors)
, extraChanManager(parentNode)
, prevExtraChans(0)
tabText = "Event Phase Plot";
- int filterWidth = 5;
+ int filterWidth = 120;
// make the canvas now, so that restoring its parameters always works.
canvas = new Canvas(parentNode);
@@ -57,8 +57,88 @@ namespace PhaseCalculator
+ lowCutLabel = new Label("lowCutL", "Low:");
+ lowCutLabel->setBounds(5, 70, 50, 20);
+ lowCutLabel->setFont({ "Small Text", 12, Font::plain });
+ lowCutLabel->setColour(Label::textColourId, Colours::darkgrey);
+ addAndMakeVisible(lowCutLabel);
+ lowCutEditable = new Label("lowCutE");
+ lowCutEditable->setEditable(true);
+ lowCutEditable->addListener(this);
+ lowCutEditable->setBounds(50, 70, 35, 18);
+ lowCutEditable->setText(String(parentNode->lowCut), dontSendNotification);
+ lowCutEditable->setColour(Label::backgroundColourId, Colours::grey);
+ lowCutEditable->setColour(Label::textColourId, Colours::white);
+ addAndMakeVisible(lowCutEditable);
+ lowCutUnit = new Label("lowCutU", "Hz");
+ lowCutUnit->setBounds(85, 70, 25, 18);
+ lowCutUnit->setFont({ "Small Text", 12, Font::plain });
+ lowCutUnit->setColour(Label::textColourId, Colours::darkgrey);
+ addAndMakeVisible(lowCutUnit);
+ highCutLabel = new Label("highCutL", "High:");
+ highCutLabel->setBounds(5, 100, 50, 20);
+ highCutLabel->setFont({ "Small Text", 12, Font::plain });
+ highCutLabel->setColour(Label::textColourId, Colours::darkgrey);
+ addAndMakeVisible(highCutLabel);
+ highCutEditable = new Label("highCutE");
+ highCutEditable->setEditable(true);
+ highCutEditable->addListener(this);
+ highCutEditable->setBounds(50, 100, 35, 18);
+ highCutEditable->setText(String(parentNode->highCut), dontSendNotification);
+ highCutEditable->setColour(Label::backgroundColourId, Colours::grey);
+ highCutEditable->setColour(Label::textColourId, Colours::white);
+ addAndMakeVisible(highCutEditable);
+ highCutUnit = new Label("highCutU", "Hz");
+ highCutUnit->setBounds(85, 100, 25, 18);
+ highCutUnit->setFont({ "Small Text", 12, Font::plain });
+ highCutUnit->setColour(Label::textColourId, Colours::darkgrey);
+ addAndMakeVisible(highCutUnit);
+ recalcIntervalLabel = new Label("recalcL", "AR Refresh:");
+ recalcIntervalLabel->setBounds(filterWidth, 25, 100, 20);
+ recalcIntervalLabel->setFont({ "Small Text", 12, Font::plain });
+ recalcIntervalLabel->setColour(Label::textColourId, Colours::darkgrey);
+ addAndMakeVisible(recalcIntervalLabel);
+ recalcIntervalEditable = new Label("recalcE");
+ recalcIntervalEditable->setEditable(true);
+ recalcIntervalEditable->addListener(this);
+ recalcIntervalEditable->setBounds(filterWidth + 5, 44, 55, 18);
+ recalcIntervalEditable->setColour(Label::backgroundColourId, Colours::grey);
+ recalcIntervalEditable->setColour(Label::textColourId, Colours::white);
+ recalcIntervalEditable->setText(String(parentNode->calcInterval), dontSendNotification);
+ recalcIntervalEditable->setTooltip(recalcIntervalTooltip);
+ addAndMakeVisible(recalcIntervalEditable);
+ recalcIntervalUnit = new Label("recalcU", "ms");
+ recalcIntervalUnit->setBounds(filterWidth + 60, 47, 25, 15);
+ recalcIntervalUnit->setFont({ "Small Text", 12, Font::plain });
+ recalcIntervalUnit->setColour(Label::textColourId, Colours::darkgrey);
+ addAndMakeVisible(recalcIntervalUnit);
+ arOrderLabel = new Label("arOrderL", "Order:");
+ arOrderLabel->setBounds(filterWidth, 65, 60, 20);
+ arOrderLabel->setFont({ "Small Text", 12, Font::plain });
+ arOrderLabel->setColour(Label::textColourId, Colours::darkgrey);
+ addAndMakeVisible(arOrderLabel);
+ arOrderEditable = new Label("arOrderE");
+ arOrderEditable->setEditable(true);
+ arOrderEditable->addListener(this);
+ arOrderEditable->setBounds(filterWidth + 55, 66, 25, 18);
+ arOrderEditable->setColour(Label::backgroundColourId, Colours::grey);
+ arOrderEditable->setColour(Label::textColourId, Colours::white);
+ arOrderEditable->setText(String(parentNode->arOrder), sendNotificationAsync);
+ arOrderEditable->setTooltip(arOrderTooltip);
+ addAndMakeVisible(arOrderEditable);
outputModeLabel = new Label("outputModeL", "Output:");
- outputModeLabel->setBounds(filterWidth, 72, 70, 20);
+ outputModeLabel->setBounds(filterWidth, 87, 70, 20);
outputModeLabel->setFont({ "Small Text", 12, Font::plain });
outputModeLabel->setColour(Label::textColourId, Colours::darkgrey);
@@ -70,7 +150,7 @@ namespace PhaseCalculator
outputModeBox->addItem("IMAG", IM);
- outputModeBox->setBounds(filterWidth + 5, 92, 76, 19);
+ outputModeBox->setBounds(filterWidth + 5, 105, 76, 19);
@@ -97,6 +177,47 @@ namespace PhaseCalculator
void Editor::labelTextChanged(Label* labelThatHasChanged)
Node* processor = static_cast(getProcessor());
+ if (labelThatHasChanged == recalcIntervalEditable)
+ {
+ int intInput;
+ bool valid = updateControl(labelThatHasChanged, 0, INT_MAX, processor->calcInterval, intInput);
+ if (valid)
+ {
+ processor->setParameter(RECALC_INTERVAL, static_cast(intInput));
+ }
+ }
+ else if (labelThatHasChanged == arOrderEditable)
+ {
+ int intInput;
+ bool valid = updateControl(labelThatHasChanged, 1, INT_MAX, processor->arOrder, intInput);
+ if (valid)
+ {
+ processor->setParameter(AR_ORDER, static_cast(intInput));
+ }
+ }
+ else if (labelThatHasChanged == lowCutEditable)
+ {
+ float floatInput;
+ bool valid = updateControl(labelThatHasChanged, 0.0f, FLT_MAX, processor->lowCut, floatInput);
+ if (valid)
+ {
+ processor->setParameter(LOWCUT, floatInput);
+ }
+ }
+ else if (labelThatHasChanged == highCutEditable)
+ {
+ float floatInput;
+ bool valid = updateControl(labelThatHasChanged, 0.0f, FLT_MAX, processor->highCut, floatInput);
+ if (valid)
+ {
+ processor->setParameter(HIGHCUT, floatInput);
+ }
+ }
void Editor::channelChanged(int chan, bool newState)
@@ -144,7 +265,10 @@ namespace PhaseCalculator
void Editor::startAcquisition()
- bandBox->setEnabled(true);
+ bandBox->setEnabled(false);
+ lowCutEditable->setEnabled(false);
+ highCutEditable->setEnabled(false);
+ arOrderEditable->setEnabled(false);
@@ -152,6 +276,9 @@ namespace PhaseCalculator
void Editor::stopAcquisition()
+ lowCutEditable->setEnabled(true);
+ highCutEditable->setEnabled(true);
+ arOrderEditable->setEnabled(true);
@@ -223,6 +350,8 @@ namespace PhaseCalculator
Node* processor = (Node*)(getProcessor());
XmlElement* paramValues = xml->createNewChildElement("VALUES");
+ paramValues->setAttribute("calcInterval", processor->calcInterval);
+ paramValues->setAttribute("arOrder", processor->arOrder);
paramValues->setAttribute("lowCut", processor->lowCut);
paramValues->setAttribute("highCut", processor->highCut);
paramValues->setAttribute("outputMode", processor->outputMode);
@@ -239,11 +368,26 @@ namespace PhaseCalculator
forEachXmlChildElementWithTagName(*xml, xmlNode, "VALUES")
// some parameters have two fallbacks for backwards compatability
+ recalcIntervalEditable->setText(xmlNode->getStringAttribute("calcInterval", recalcIntervalEditable->getText()), sendNotificationSync);
+ arOrderEditable->setText(xmlNode->getStringAttribute("arOrder", arOrderEditable->getText()), sendNotificationSync);
bandBox->setSelectedId(selectBandFromSavedParams(xmlNode) + 1, sendNotificationSync);
+ lowCutEditable->setText(xmlNode->getStringAttribute("lowCut", lowCutEditable->getText()), sendNotificationSync);
+ highCutEditable->setText(xmlNode->getStringAttribute("highCut", highCutEditable->getText()), sendNotificationSync);
outputModeBox->setSelectedId(xmlNode->getIntAttribute("outputMode", outputModeBox->getSelectedId()), sendNotificationSync);
+ void Editor::refreshLowCut()
+ {
+ auto p = static_cast(getProcessor());
+ lowCutEditable->setText(String(p->lowCut), dontSendNotification);
+ }
+ void Editor::refreshHighCut()
+ {
+ auto p = static_cast(getProcessor());
+ highCutEditable->setText(String(p->highCut), dontSendNotification);
+ }
void Editor::refreshVisContinuousChan()
diff --git a/ASICPhaseCalculator/Source/PhaseCalculatorEditor.h b/PhaseCalculator/Source/PhaseCalculatorEditor.h
similarity index 88%
rename from ASICPhaseCalculator/Source/PhaseCalculatorEditor.h
rename to PhaseCalculator/Source/PhaseCalculatorEditor.h
index a9864e5..174f0e1 100644
--- a/ASICPhaseCalculator/Source/PhaseCalculatorEditor.h
+++ b/PhaseCalculator/Source/PhaseCalculatorEditor.h
@@ -62,6 +62,8 @@ namespace PhaseCalculator
void loadCustomParameters(XmlElement* xml) override;
// display updaters - do not trigger listeners.
+ void refreshLowCut();
+ void refreshHighCut();
void refreshVisContinuousChan();
@@ -139,15 +141,30 @@ namespace PhaseCalculator