The API model files subsystem-model.conf and component-model.conf contain a field: modelVersion
that was previously
set to "1.0" to indicate that the model files for that component or subsystem use that version of the JSON Schema
for validation. The new vesion "2.0" contains some changes. Existing APIs that use model version "1.0" are still
backward compatible. To upgrade to the new version, set modelVersion to "2.0" and mkae the necessary changes
to the model files (See the "schema-2.0" branch in each API repo, where that has already been done).
Alarms have new required fields: location, alarmType, probableCause, operatorResponse, and two new optional field: autoAck and latched.
The "severity" field has been renamed to "severityLevels", which is an array of [Warning, Major, Critical].
The "archive" field has been removed.
Removed "telemetry", "eventStreams"
Added "observeEvents", "currentState"
Added attribute types: enum: [ array, struct, boolean, integer, string, byte, short, long, float, double, taiDate, utcDate, raDec, eqCoord, solarSystemCoord, minorPlanetCoord, cometCoord, altAzCoord, coord ] ("number" should not be used anymore).
exclusiveMinimum and exclusiveMaximum are no longer boolean values: Now they are numerical (the exclusive min or max value).
- Commands have new fields: preconditions, postconditions, requiredArgs, args, completionType, resultType, completionCondition, role
Component names may no longer contain a dash "-".
The prefix field has been removed (Now the prefix is always $subsystem.$component).
The list of subsystem APIs has changed:
SUM, // (SUM, Components: FMCS, HBS)
CLN, // Mirror Cleaning System
TCS, // Telescope Control System (Components K, CM, MCS, SHS, ENC, M2, M3, PFC, GMS...)
M1CS, // M1 Control System
APS, // Alignment and Phasing System
OSS, // Observatory Safety System
ESEN, // Engineering Sensor System
NFIRAOS, // Narrow Field Infrared AO System
NSCU, // NFIRAOS Science Calibration Unit
LGSF, // Lasert Guide Star Facility
AOESW, // AO Executive Software
CRYO, // Cryogenic Cooling System
IRIS, // InfraRed Imaging Spectrometer
MODHIS, // Multi-Object Diffraction-limited High-resolution Infrared Spectrograph
REFR, // Refrigeration Control System
WFOS, // Wide Field Optical Spectrometer
CIS, // Communications and Information Systems
CSW, // Common Software
DMS, // Data Management System
ESW, // Executive Software System
SOSS, // Science Operations Support System
DPS, // Data Processing System
SCMS, // Site Conditions Monitoring System