command line
support for file lists
implement more tags
@code tags on file and section level (done)
@see for references
@tags for tag clouds
@media? or parse this from css?
rewrite css url() parameters to correctly point to assets
index page support
maybe sub page support?
nicer default template
support for more templates (done)
more templates
specify template path for custom templates
textile, markdown or something else (or both?)
syntax highlighting in code examples?
highlighting of css properties:
font face
font size (maybe via tooltip)
highlighting of tag information
Browser names (maybe use their logos)
more index lists
package list
hack list
invalid list
browser specific rule set list
example index
supported browsers list (browser names should be parsed in a smart fashion, ie5 = ie 5 = IE5 = IE 5 = Internet Explorer 5 € all IEs or IE or ie5-7 or ie 5 - 7)