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Releases: tjtanjin/react-chatbotify


16 Mar 15:58
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  • Fixed an issue where chat window auto-scrolling does not work for streamed messages
  • Fixed an issue where loading chat history caused current scroll position to shift
  • Fixed an issue where extremely long words get abruptly cut-off at the tail end of the message bubble


14 Mar 00:39
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A minor patch to clean up the previous release.


  • Added simStream and streamSpeed options for user bubble to be consistent with bot bubble


  • Fixed an issue where users can quickly click on options or checkboxes in rapid succession resulting in multiple inputs
  • Fixed an issue where simulating stream messages would ignore the blockSpam option


12 Mar 18:04
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This version brings about significant updates/changes, the details have laid out below:


  • New simStream and streamSpeed options within botBubble to simulate streaming of messages
  • New params.streamMessage parameter that allows real-time streaming of messages (great for integration with LLMs)


  • The isUser field within messages has been updated to sender
  • Both params.injectMessage and params.streamMessage are now async functions (previously, params.injectMessage was non-async)
  • Internally, logic for chat history, notifications and a few other minor areas have been updated to support stream messages
  • Documentation website has been updated to reflect all the latest information

Note: A possible "breaking" change would be params.injectMessage which is now async. Depending on your existing usage, there might not be a need to make any changes. However, if you are using multiple params.injectMessage in quick succession, this could mean multiple messages are being sent at once without the use of await.


12 Feb 13:26
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  • Fixed chatbot window resizing on mobile devices (previously window is out of view on some devices/browsers)
  • Fixed chatbot window orientation (previously chatbot would not re-orientate on phone rotation)

The above fixes are important for users who wish to properly support the chatbot on mobile devices. While there has been significantly more mobile view tests done for these fixes, it is near-impossible to exhaustively run through all devices/browsers. Should anyone still encounter issues with mobile view, please do not hesitate to reach out.


28 Jan 11:32
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  • Added support for enforcing & showing character count/limit via the following options:

    • chatInput.showCharacterCount: false
    • chatInput.characterLimit: -1
  • Added support for styling the above character limit display via the following styles:

    • characterLimitStyle
    • characterLimitReachedStyle

The above additions have been updated on the documentation website for reference.


10 Sep 08:48
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  • Fixed async file uploads
  • Disabled speech recognition on unsupported browsers (e.g. Opera)


31 Aug 12:13
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  • Fixed missing support for user defined async functions (important fix if you wish to make use of API calls and wait for completion)


12 Aug 19:51
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  • Fixed module export (imports by consumers should work properly for both cjs and mjs)


04 Aug 19:23
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  • Fixed a bug where embedded chat windows resize on mobile
  • Added desktopEnabled and mobileEnabled options under the theme section to allow developers to control chatbot visibility based on platform


02 Aug 18:43
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  • Fixed missing export in package.json