- Optimize 6.0.3
6.0.3 2024-05-24 stephdl@github
- Alpine 3.19 base
- Introduce patch from BackupPC upstream to solve Data:Dumper incompatibility with smbclient
- Add libgomp to suppoer executing PAR2
- Rollback to using Alpine 3.16 (Perl 5.34.1) due to compatibility issues
This introduces breaking changes due to the deprecation of the BACKUPPC_UUID and BACKUPPC_GID environment variables. They have now been replaced with USER_BACKUPPC and GROUP_BACKUPPC respectively. Additionally, the defaults for volume mappings is going to change in an upcoming release. This release introduces the capabilities of altering them from current locations
- Introduce CONFIG_PATH, DATA_PATH, LOG_PATH, SSH_KEY_PATH for customization on where you want to store bits related to this image. See README or code for defaults
- Switch to using container base image User and Group ID modifications (USER_BACKUPPC + GROUP_BACKUPPC)
- Rework Dockerfile to cleanup issues relating to installation, home directory creation (#13)
- Rework container initialization scripts splitting into functions / modernizing to latest tiredfoit base image
- Removal of BACKUPPC_UUID variable (see New features for replacement)
- Removal of BACKUPPC_GUID variable (see new features for replacement)
- Rework Dockerfile
- Alpine 3.17 base
- Fix legacy nginx configuration
- Switch to clone_git_repo function
- Switch to using exec statements
- Support tiredofit/nginx:6.0.0 and tiredofit/nginx-php-fpm:7.0.0 changes
- Switch to using secure CPAN mirror when installing Net::FTP
- Alpine 3.16 base
- Update to support upstream base image features
- Add perl-date-parsetime package
- Fix for BackuPC Zabbix template not appearing
- Cleanup for Zabbix Auto agent registration
- Alpine 3.15 base
- Rework Zabbix Templates
- Add Zabbix auto register support for templates
- Add perl packages to support metrics export
- Update to Alpine 3.14 base
- Add ed25519 SSH client key
- Add smoke test for testing if smtp is enabled/disabled
- Permissions fix on script execution
- Permissions fix on script
- Alpine 3.13 Base
- Update rsync-bpc to 3.13.0
- BackupPC 4.40
- BackupPC_XS 0.62
- Rsync BPC 3.12.2
- Alpine 3.12
- Change to support tiredofit/alpine base image
- Update msmtp configuration
- BackupPC 4.3.2
- Add ttf-dejavu package to properly generate graphs
- Change to allow BackupPC process to execute properly
- Additional changes to support new tiredofit/backuppc image
- Changes to support new tiredofit/alpine base
- Refactored entire image to use tiredofit/nginx as a base
- Reworked authentication mechanisms
- Cleaned up code
- BackupPC 4.3.1
- BackupPCXS 0.59
- BackupPC Rsync
- Alpine 3.10
- Add some error checking
- Add Debug during build
- Bump to Alpine 3.9
- Add acl-dev during build process
- Startup Script cleanup
- BackupPC 4.3.0
- BackupPCXS 0.58
- BackupPC Rsync 3.12.0
- Update permissions to write for Nginx
- Patchup for LLNG Handler Function
- Update BackupPC to 4.2.0
- Add $PORT_NUMBER env variable for changing Nginx Port if using on user_ns: host
- Switch to Nginx w/fcgiwrap from Lightttpd
- Update Rsync_BPC to
- Update to Alpine 3.7
- Add new AUTHENTICATION_TYPE variable for BASIC, LLNG (LemonLDAP:NG) and NONE
- Cleanup Source
- Update PAR2 0.80
- Update Rsync BPC to
- Zabbix Tweaks
- Filesystem Cleanup
- Version Bump to 4.15
- BackupPC:XS 0.57
- Update BackupXS to 0.56
- Version bump to 4.14
- Version Bump and MSMTP Fixup
- File Cleanup
- MSMTP Fixup
- Rebase with s6
- Add Sudo
- Zabbix Agent Monitoring Scripts Update
- Rebase w/Alpine 3.5
- Zabbix Monitoring Enabled
- BackupPC 4.1.2
- Lighthttpd
- Initial Commit