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Luminate is a free, open-source, embeddable, command-line wallet for people who want to manage crypto on the Stellar network.


Stellar has an excellent APIand several excellent wallets.

The goal of Luminate is to add to this ecosystem by providing an embeddable wallet that any developer can use to manage Stellar wallets in his own application and to provide a lightweight, powerful, scriptable command-line wallet for users who who do not want to install a full desktop application or trust a web service.

QuickStart (Command-line Wallet)

Luminate is a node application. Make sure you have node (and the yarn package manager) installed then do the following:

  1. Download Luminate from Github
  2. Run yarn install
  3. Run ./luminate

QuickStart (Embedded Version)

Add Luminate as a Nodejs dependency. For example, if you are using yarn

  1. yarn add theproductiveprogrammer/luminate

  2. Require luminate in your program:

     const luminate = require('luminate')
  3. Use the wallet functionality:

     luminate.wallet.create(password, walletpath, accountname, cb)
     luminate.wallet.list(walletpath, cb)
     luminate.wallet.find(walletpath, accountnameOrpublickey, cb)
     luminate.wallet.load(password, walletpath, accountname, cb)
     luminate.wallet.importSecret(password, walletpath, accountname, secret, cb)

You can create a new account in the wallet, list all the accounts, find an account (by name or public key), load an account (which gives you access to the secret key), and import existing accounts if you have access to their secret keys.

Other Embedded functionality

Luminate also provides access to all it's other functionality so that you can use it if you feel it is convenient. Specifically you can use the stellar functionality and the crypto primitives used if you need them.

    luminate.stellar. ...
    luminate.crypt. ...

Detailed Command-line Usage

Luminate can manage all your Stellar accounts for you. It stores all your accounts in a local folder called the "wallet".

These accounts are strongly encrypted so they can be safely stored and backed up.

If you forget your password your accounts CANNOT be used anymore! Ensure you choose a good password and make sure you remember it.

Create your first wallet account:

./luminate create myFirstAccount

Luminate create a new account, name it "myFirstAccount" and ask you for a password to encrypt this account. You can use different passwords for each account but it is generally more convienient to use the same password for all accounts (just because it's easier to remember).

Now, the way Stellar works, this account is not yet active (or available) on the network. In order to activate this account you will need to transfer some funds into it using an already active account and you're ready to go.

Once you have an active account, you can activate another accounts using:

./luminate activate --from activeAccount --amt 2 inactiveAccount

After adding a few accounts to your wallet, you can list all of them:

./luminate list

You can check the status of your account on Stellar using:

./luminate status myFirstAccount

You can check the status of ANY account on Stellar using:


You can also simply check if an account is active (valid) using:

./luminate is-account-active myFirstAccount

You can import an existing account so that it can be managed by Luminate by using the SECRET Key:


You can export your account out of luminate by exposing the SECRET Key:


You can make payments from Luminate:

./luminate pay --from myFirstAccount --amt XLM:12.345 --to GBHEJM54VIBM6GPC5FZTD7A4O5VZCZAUOYSEIQUXKWJMHL3QMUOJHKHR


You can list all assets on the Stellar network:

./luminate list-assets

You can also set or clear the auth flags assets you manage:

./luminate set-flags --for myFirstAccount --flags AuthRequired,AuthRevokable,AuthImmutable
./luminate clear-flags --for myFirstAccount --flags AuthRequired,AuthRevokable,AuthImmutable

You can set up a trustline on for a particular asset:

./luminate set-trustline --for myFirstAccount --assetcode EVER --issuer GDRCJ5OJTTIL4VUQZ52PCZYAUINEH2CUSP5NC2R6D6WQ47JBLG6DF5TE

You can also revoke a trustline:

./luminate revoke-trustline --for myFirstAccount --assetcode EVER --issuer GDRCJ5OJTTIL4VUQZ52PCZYAUINEH2CUSP5NC2R6D6WQ47JBLG6DF5TE

And you can check if a trustline is set:

./luminate is-trustline-set --for myFirstAccount --assetcode EVER --issuer GDRCJ5OJTTIL4VUQZ52PCZYAUINEH2CUSP5NC2R6D6WQ47JBLG6DF5TE

You can allow/remove trust for a trustline holding your assets:

./luminate allow-trust --for myAssetIssuingAccount --assetcode EVER --to GDRCJ5OJTTIL4VUQZ52PCZYAUINEH2CUSP5NC2R6D6WQ47JBLG6DF5TE
./luminate remove-trust --for myAssetIssuingAccount --assetcode EVER --to GDRCJ5OJTTIL4VUQZ52PCZYAUINEH2CUSP5NC2R6D6WQ47JBLG6DF5TE


The allow/remove trust for a trustline also supports batch mode operation using the --to-batch parameter which takes a file with a list of accounts, one per row as an argument.

 ./luminate allow-trust --for myAssetIssuingAccount --assetcode EVER --to-batch accounts-to-allow.txt
./luminate remove-trust --for myAssetIssuingAccount --assetcode EVER --to-batch accounts-to-freeze.txt

The file with accounts used with --to-batch may use # at the start of the row to ignore that row when processing the file.


Stellar allows an account to have multiple signatories. To do this use:

./luminate add-signer --for myFirstAccount --weight 1 GDRCJ5OJTTIL4VUQZ52PCZYAUINEH2CUSP5NC2R6D6WQ47JBLG6DF5TE

Of course, you can remove a signatory from your account as well:

./luminate remove-signer --for myFirstAccount GDRCJ5OJTTIL4VUQZ52PCZYAUINEH2CUSP5NC2R6D6WQ47JBLG6DF5TE

This means that the additional signer can can submit transactions for the other accounts as well. This means you can submit transactions for accounts that are different from the current wallet account.

To do this simply specify the --source flag and the transaction will submitted against the given source account.

(For now you can only add other accounts as signers)

For example:

./luminate activate --from activeAccount --amt 2 inactiveAccount --source GDRCJ5OJTTIL4VUQZ52PCZYAUINEH2CUSP5NC2R6D6WQ47JBLG6DF5TE

will activate the new account but use funds from GDRCJ5OJTTIL4VUQZ52PCZYAUINEH2CUSP5NC2R6D6WQ47JBLG6DF5TE instead of the activeAccount.


Herea again myFirstAccount is making a payment but the funds will be taken from the source account GD6E56QMLH4IYFMWDIRRGRVUEWS2ZHEKHO7Y2OTGWD6VSEQGP4BSJXPV.

In the same manner the --source flag can be set for these other operations:

./luminate set-flags ...
./luminate clear-flags ...
./luminate set-trustline ...
./luminate revoke-trustline ...
./luminate allow-trust ...
./luminate remove-trust ...
./luminate set-weight ...
./luminate set-master-weight ...

You can set the weights for the different operations as follows:

./luminate set-weights --for account --low lowThreshold --medium mediumThreshold --high highThreshold

And you can set the master weight for the current account using:

./luminate set-master-weight --for account --weight masterKeyWeight

MEMO Support:

Transactions like activate, pay, and operations like trustline, flags, signing, and weights also support adding a memo:

./luminate ... --memo 'My Memo'

for example

./luminate activate --from activeAccount --amt 2 --memo 'Activating now' inactiveAccount


The following environmental variables control the behaviour of Luminate.

They can also be set in a file called ".env".

LM__AS_SCRIPT         :   Script friendly output
                          (easier to extract and parse)
LM__NO_COLOR          :   Output plain text
                          (no color or format)
LM__WALLET_PASSWORD   :   Password for wallet account used
                          (only valid in scripts: "LM__AS_SCRIPT" must be set)
LM__WALLET_FOLDER     :   Path to wallet folder
                          (defaults to .wallet/)
LM__TIMEOUT           :   Time in seconds to wait before failing
                          (defaults to 30)
LM__HORIZON           :   Horizon server to use
                          (defaults to "LIVE". Can be set to "TEST")


Running Luminate without any command or any of the following:

./luminate help
./luminate --help
./luminate -h

Will bring up a help screen.

You can find the current Luminate version using:

./luminate version

How to Contribute to Luminate

Luminate is open to everyone and any help is greatly appreciated. Feel free to raise issues, contribute features, improve the documentation, and add suggestions.

Pending Features

  • Multi-Signature Support
  • Offer Management
  • Mapping Stellar Error Codes
  • Implement Whisper
  • Support named wallet accounts as --source accounts