These documents are relevant to Spark 3.0 and the SCC 3.0 and Greater Please See Datasource V1 for documentation of older versions.
Datasets provide a new API for manipulating data within Spark. These provide a more user friendly experience than pure Scala for common queries. The Spark Cassandra Connector provides an integrated Data Source Version 2 to make creating Cassandra Datasets and DataFrames easy.
Spark Docs:
The Spark Cassandra Connector includes a variety of catalyst rules which rewrite internal Spark plans and provide unique C* specific optimizations. To load these rules you can either directly add the extensions to your Spark environment or they can be added via a configuration property
to com.datastax.spark.connector.CassandraSparkExtensions
This can also be done programmatically in most Spark Language implementations
Scala Example:
.withExtensions(new CassandraSparkExtensions)
It is equivalent to set the configuration parameter or programmatically add the extensions.
Spark 3.0 provides an API for connecting an external catalog directly to Spark Catalyst ecosystem. Setting up a catalog this way provides a connection to DDL in the underlying Datasource. This means any DDL or modifications to schema done in Spark will result in actual transformation in the underlying Cassandra Schema, Tables and Keyspace.
Upgrade Note: This is different than DSE's previous CassandraHiveMetastore which only provided facade and could not perform DDL on the underlying Cluster
To set up a catalog put the following configuration into your SparkSession configuration (or any other Spark Configuration file or Object)
to com.datastax.spark.connector.datasource.CassandraCatalog
This will set up an identifier of "casscatalog" to point to the catalog for the default Cassandra Cluster For information on configuring Cassandra Catalogs see documentation on Connecting
Because the Catalog connects directly to the Cluster's underlying schema it will allow access to all
underlying keyspaces and tables without any further action. Tables can be accessed using a three part
identifier of catalogName.keyspaceName.tableName
in any SparkSQL statement of DataFrame method.
A Spark Session can have as many catalogs as a user would like to configure.
Creating a keyspace in a Cassandra Catalog can be done via SparkSQL. The only requirements are that you provide valid options for the replication of the Keyspace. As with CQL you must specify both the class and it's associated parameters. If no default catalog is set, be sure to set one in the keyspace's name. Only SimpleStrategy and NetworkTopologyStrategy are currently supported.
can also be passed as an option
WITH DBPROPERTIES (class='SimpleStrategy', replication_factor='5')
WITH DBPROPERTIES (class='NetworkTopologyStrategy', cassandra='1')
Altering the replication factor of a keyspace is also allowed but the new replication class must be valid.
ALTER NAMESPACE casscatalog.ksname SET DBPROPERTIES (replication_factor='2')
Similarly replication within NetworkTopologyStrategies can also be altered.
Dropping a keyspace from the catalog will also drop the keyspace in Cassandra. The default command will not
allow for dropping a non empty keyspace unless the keyword CASCADE
is added
DROP DATABASE casscatalog.ksname
All standard create table syntax can be used with the Cassandra Catalog and will create tables in the
connected Cassandra Cluster. The only required option is the partitioning which can be defined using the
Clustering key can be set by the table option clustering_key
which takes a
list of strings in form columnName.[asc,desc]
Any normal Cassandra Table options can be passed as well but those not known to the Java Driver
will be ignored. Map options should be formatted as '{key=value, key2=value2}'
CREATE TABLE casscatalog.ksname.testTable (key_1 Int, key_2 Int, key_3 Int, cc1 STRING, cc2 String, cc3 String, value String)
USING cassandra
PARTITIONED BY (key_1, key_2, key_3)
clustering_key='cc1.asc, cc2.desc, cc3.asc',
Any statements that involve creating a Table are also supported like CREATE TABLE AS SELECT
All table properties can be changed and normal columns can be added and removed using alter statements
ALTER TABLE casscatalog.ksname.testTable ADD COLUMNS (newCol INT)
Similarly to keyspaces, tables can be dropped directly from Spark. This will drop the underlying Cassandra Table as well.
DROP TABLE casscatalog.ksname.testTable
All normal SparkSQL can be used on a Cassandra Catalog for reading and writing and there is also a programmatic interface. All properties assigned to the parent catalog will be inherited by all tables in that catalog.
Reading with SQL
SELECT * FROM casscatalog.ksname.testTable
Reading with Scala"casscatalog.ksname.testTable")
Writing with Sql
INSERT INTO casscatalog.ksname.testTable SELECT * from casscatalog.ksname.testTable2
Writing with Scala
The connector will automatically pushdown all valid predicates to Cassandra. The Datasource will also automatically only select columns from Cassandra which are required to complete the query. This can be monitored with the explain command.
For example in the following query only the value
column is required and the where clause
is automatically pushed down
spark.sql("SELECT value FROM WHERE key = 1").explain
== Physical Plan ==
*(1) Project [value#54]
+- BatchScan[value#54] Cassandra Scan: - Cassandra Filters: [["key" = ?, 1]] - Requested Columns: [value]
Requests for Cassandra table information that do not require actual column values will be automatically convereted into Cassandra count operations. This will prevent any data (other than the number of rows satisfying the query) to be sent to Spark.
In this example we see that only a "RowCountRef" is used in the Cassandra Request, signifying the count pushdown.
spark.sql("SELECT Count(*) FROM WHERE key = 1").explain
== Physical Plan ==
*(1) HashAggregate(keys=[], functions=[count(1)])
+- *(1) HashAggregate(keys=[], functions=[partial_count(1)])
+- *(1) Project
+- BatchScan[] Cassandra Scan: - Cassandra Filters: [["key" = ?, 1]] - Requested Columns: [RowCountRef]
Joins with a Cassandra Table using a Partition Key may be automatically
converted into a joinWithCassandraTable
style join if it is more efficient to
query Cassandra that way.
By default (directJoinSetting=auto
) the Spark Cassandra Connector converts a
join to a Direct Join when the following formula is true:
(table size * directJoinSizeRatio) > size of keys
is a setting thay my be adjusted just like any other
Spark Cassandra Setting. See Parameters section
for details.
Automatic Direct Join conversion may be permanently disabled or enabled with
and directJoinSetting=on
For example to disregard the directJoinSizeRatio
parameter and convert all the
suitable joins to Direct Joins start spark-sql
spark-sql --conf directJoinSetting=on
Note that not all joins are suitable for Direct Join conversion. The following conditions must be met for the conversion to happen:
- At least one side of the join is a CassandraSourceRelation
- The join condition fully restricts the partition key
- The join keys types must match
Direct Join example with the following table:
v int)
val range = spark.range(1, 1000).selectExpr("cast(id as int) key") // note the key type must match PRIMARY KEY type
val joinTarget ="myCatalog.ks.kv")
range.join(joinTarget, joinTarget("k") === range("key")).explain()
== Physical Plan ==
*(2) Project [key#2, k#8, v#9]
+- Cassandra Direct Join [k = key#2] ks.kv - Reading (k, v) Pushed {}
+- *(1) Project [cast(id#0L as int) AS key#2]
+- *(1) Range (1, 1000, step=1, splits=12)
Through Cassandra Spark Extensions special functions are added to SparkSQL.
- If the column represents an actual C* column this will be replaced with the WriteTime of that column as in CQL. -
- Similar to writetime, this will replace a valid C* column reference with a TTL value instead.
Read Example
SELECT TTL(v) as t, WRITETIME(t) FROM casscatalog.ksname.testTable WHERE k = 1
There are specific write options which can be used to assign WriteTime and TTL. These values can be set as either a literal value or a reference to a named column.
Example using another column as ttl
.option("keyspace", "ksname")
.option("table", "tab")
.option("ttl", "ttlCol") //Use the values in ttlCol as the TTL for these inserts
Example using a literal value to set ttl
.option("keyspace", "ksname")
.option("table", "tab")
.option("ttl", "1000") //Use 1000 as the TTL
The DatasourceV2 still supports almost all of the same usages that the original
api served. There are a few exceptions but the old pattern of
are both still valid. One addition has been that the
format string now only needs to be specified as cassandra
without the full class name.
These methods are still useful if you need to express certain options only for a specific read or write, and not for the entire catalog.
When using these methods you are required to set an option for table
and keyspace
Example Read
.option("keyspace", "ksname")
.option("table", "tab")
For More information on configuration and settings using this api check the older Datasource V1 which is all still valid for configuration.