- Updated Stack Quality Integration.
- Added config option to customize SHIFT+Click quantity.
- Support click/shift+click on shop items to add +1/+5 to current item.
- Suppress Mouse Wheel scrolling to better support BetterShopMenu grid layout.
- Added API to support mod integrations.
- Added compatibility with Better Shop Menu's grid layout.
- Added integration with Stack Quality.
- Disable ShoppingCart in FishTank and Dresser.
- Draw hover item over Shopping Cart menu.
- Added categories to Shopping Cart.
- Fixed being unable to sell Weapons.
- Fixed being unable to purchase Tools and Weapons.
- Fixed compatibility with StackQuality.
- Fixed purchased Stardrop being added to inventory.
- Shift menu to left so accommodate more screen resolutions.
- Added NexusMods update key to manifest.
- Initial Version