All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
The format is based on Keep a Changelog and this project adheres to Semantic Versioning.
- change the a tag to button #26
- change url
- support spaces for content tabs
- add TERMYNAL_PREPROCESSOR_PRIORITY environment variable to control the priority of Termynal preprocessor
- update deps and refactor code
- regular expression error in FENCED_BLOCK_RE (#17)
- the plugin can be configured via mkdocs.plugins
- update urls
- fix the plugin's css
- add the windows style to the close button
- you can override configs for each block
- lang console doesn't work more, use termynal comment string in md
- termynal and superfences compatibility
- fix multiline output, it works without animation
- fix typing
- can change a termynal title via settings
- set white-space to pre for span line
- simplify code
- add type hintings
- fix cmd animation in multiline commands
- make the processor configurable to customize termynal.js behavior (#6)
- check content type to avoid processing errors (#5)
- add "restart" and "faster" button to animation in termynal
- update linters
- Use mkdocs ^1.4
- Added
<!-- termynal -->
- Added
- init