String index access using text.charAt(index) // text[index] will not work
String Compare t1.compareTo(t2) return +v, 0, -v // compare string value with position such as a < b, d > c \n
t1 == t2 will not give correct comparism. String t="jahid"; String s=new String("jahid") will compare wrongly \n *text.subString(index_begin, index_end); text(5,8) will return (index 5 to 8-1) if index_end not provided, it will take from the last string *Strings are Immutable //can't modify in Java
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder("Jahid"); // It is mutable
support all the String methods,
support more function like
sb.setCharAt(index, 'R');
sb.insert(index, 'S');
sb.delete(index_begin, number_char);
sb.append("hello"); // add string at last