Testing WebGL code is much harder than testing regular JavaScript. GPU and browser dependent commands may not run under Node. Rendering behavior differs cross platforms and hardware. Since it draws into a canvas, there is also no precisely verifiable output.
The @deck.gl/test-utils module is used to ensure the quality and stability of the deck.gl framework. It is also available for those who need to test their own custom layers and/or deck.gl applications.
Lifecycle test functions are designed to allow for integration with different unit test frameworks. Some of the details depend on the test framework you are using. deck.gl itself uses tape
so the tests in the deck.gl repository contain extensive examples of tape
integration, but it should also be straightforward to integrate with other unit testing frameworks.
Using testLayer util to instantiate a layer and test a series of prop updates:
import test from 'tape-promise/tape';
import {testLayer} from '@deck.gl/test-utils';
import {GeoJsonLayer} from '@deck.gl/layers';
test('GeoJsonLayer#tests', t => {
testLayer({Layer: GeoJsonLayer, testCases: [
// Test case 1
props: {data: []}
// Test case 2
props: {
assert({layer, oldState}) {
t.ok(layer.state.features !== oldState.features, 'should update features');
t.is(subLayers.length, 2, 'should render 2 subLayers');
// Test case 3
updateProps: {
// will be merged with the previous props
lineWidthScale: 3
assert({subLayers}) {
const pathLayer = subLayers.find(layer => layer.id.endsWith('linestrings'));
t.is(pathLayer.props.widthScale, 3, 'widthScale is passed to sub layer');
The generateLayerTests utility automatically generates a series of test cases for testLayers
based on the layer class' default props. It is useful for checking the conformance of a layer class:
import test from 'tape-promise/tape';
import {testLayer, generateLayerTests} from '@deck.gl/test-utils';
import {GeoJsonLayer} from '@deck.gl/layers';
test('GeoJsonLayer#tests', t => {
const testCases = generateLayerTests({
Layer: GeoJsonLayer,
sampleProps: {
assert: ({layer, subLayers}) => {
t.ok(layer.state.features, 'should update features');
t.is(subLayers.length, layer.props.stroked ? 2 : 1, 'correct number of sublayers');
testLayer({Layer: GeoJsonLayer, testCases});
While unit tests are good at capturing issues in layer initialization and prop updates, they do not guarantee that the layer will be correctly rendered to screen. Some issues in e.g. the WebGL shaders can only be spotted in an integration test.
The @deck.gl/test-utils
module offers a SnapshotTestRunner that works with the probe.gl library's BrowserTestDriver
class to perform this task. Together, they enable the following scenario:
- start a controlled Chromium browser instance
- start a server (we use a webpack-dev-server) that bundles a test script.
- the test script renders a set of tests (described below), compares the output against golden images and report the result back to the Node process
- closes down all processes and browser tabs.
- the node process exists with a
(success) or1
if any test failed.
In your node.js start script:
// This is the script that runs in Node.js and starts the browser
const {BrowserTestDriver} = require('@probe.gl/test-utils');
new BrowserTestDriver().run({
server: {
// Bundles and serves the browser script
command: 'webpack-dev-server',
arguments: ['--env.render-test']
headless: true
In your script that is run on the browser:
const {SnapshotTestRunner} = require('@deck.gl/test-utils');
const {ScatterplotLayer} = require('@deck.gl/layers');
const TEST_CASES = [
name: 'ScatterplotLayer',
// `Deck` props
viewState: {
longitude: -122.4,
latitude: 37.8,
zoom: 12,
pitch: 20
layers: [
new ScatterplotLayer({
id: 'circles',
data: './data/scatterplot.json',
getPosition: d => d.position,
getRadius: d => d.size,
getFillColor: [255, 0, 0]
// `done` must be called when ready for screenshot and compare
onAfterRender: ({layers, done}) => {
if (layers[0].props.data.length) {
// data is loaded
// Target rendering result
goldenImage: './test/render/golden-images/scatterplot.png'
new TestRender({width: 800, height: 600})
onTestFail: window.browserTestDriver_fail