diff --git a/jcvi/formats/fasta.py b/jcvi/formats/fasta.py
index 6e1a2546..b794f045 100644
--- a/jcvi/formats/fasta.py
+++ b/jcvi/formats/fasta.py
@@ -4,13 +4,14 @@
 import re
 import sys
-import os
 import os.path as op
 import shutil
 import logging
 import string
 import hashlib
+from random import choice
 from itertools import groupby, zip_longest
 from more_itertools import grouper, pairwise
@@ -19,12 +20,13 @@
 from Bio.SeqRecord import SeqRecord
 from Bio.SeqUtils.CheckSum import seguid
-from jcvi.formats.base import BaseFile, DictFile, must_open
-from jcvi.formats.bed import Bed
-from jcvi.utils.cbook import percentage
-from jcvi.utils.console import printf
-from jcvi.utils.table import write_csv
-from jcvi.apps.base import OptionParser, ActionDispatcher, cleanup, need_update
+from ..apps.base import OptionParser, ActionDispatcher, cleanup, need_update
+from ..utils.cbook import percentage
+from ..utils.console import printf
+from ..utils.table import write_csv
+from .base import BaseFile, DictFile, must_open
+from .bed import Bed
 class Fasta(BaseFile, dict):
@@ -166,19 +168,17 @@ def sequence(self, f, asstring=True):
         return seq
-Class derived from https://gist.github.com/933737
-Original code written by David Winter (https://github.com/dwinter)
-Code writted to answer this challenge at Biostar:
+class ORFFinder(object):
+    """
+    Class derived from https://gist.github.com/933737
+    Original code written by David Winter (https://github.com/dwinter)
-(Code includes improvements from Brad Chapman)
+    Code writted to answer this challenge at Biostar:
+    http://biostar.stackexchange.com/questions/5902/
+    (Code includes improvements from Brad Chapman)
-class ORFFinder(object):
-    """Find the longest ORF in a given sequence
+    Find the longest ORF in a given sequence
     "seq" is a string, if "start" is not provided any codon can be the start of
     and ORF. If muliple ORFs have the longest length the first one encountered
     is printed
@@ -356,51 +356,48 @@ def rc(s):
 def main():
     actions = (
+        ("clean", "remove irregular chars in FASTA seqs"),
+        ("diff", "check if two fasta records contain same information"),
-            "given fasta file and seq id, retrieve the sequence " + "in fasta format",
+            "given fasta file and seq id, retrieve the sequence in fasta format",
-        ("longestorf", "find longest orf for CDS fasta"),
-        ("translate", "translate CDS to proteins"),
-        ("info", "run `sequence_info` on fasta files"),
-        ("summary", "report the real no of bases and N's in fasta files"),
-        ("uniq", "remove records that are the same"),
-        ("ids", "generate a list of headers"),
+        ("fastq", "combine fasta and qual to create fastq file"),
-            "trim accession id to the first space or switch id "
-            + "based on 2-column mapping file",
+            "trim accession id to the first space or switch id based on 2-column mapping file",
-        ("pool", "pool a bunch of fastafiles together and add prefix"),
-        ("random", "randomly take some records"),
-        ("simulate", "simulate random fasta file for testing"),
-        ("diff", "check if two fasta records contain same information"),
-        ("identical", "given 2 fasta files, find all exactly identical records"),
-        ("trim", "given a cross_match screened fasta, trim the sequence"),
-        ("trimsplit", "split sequences at lower-cased letters"),
-        ("sort", "sort the records by IDs, sizes, etc."),
         ("filter", "filter the records by size"),
+        ("fromtab", "convert 2-column sequence file to FASTA format"),
+        ("gaps", "print out a list of gap sizes within sequences"),
+        ("gc", "plot G+C content distribution"),
+        ("identical", "given 2 fasta files, find all exactly identical records"),
+        ("ids", "generate a list of headers"),
+        ("info", "run `sequence_info` on fasta files"),
+        ("ispcr", "reformat paired primers into isPcr query format"),
+        ("join", "concatenate a list of seqs and add gaps in between"),
+        ("longestorf", "find longest orf for CDS fasta"),
         ("pair", "sort paired reads to .pairs, rest to .fragments"),
-            "starting from fragment.fasta, find if "
-            + "adjacent records can form pairs",
+            "starting from fragment.fasta, find if adjacent records can form pairs",
-        ("fastq", "combine fasta and qual to create fastq file"),
-        ("tidy", "normalize gap sizes and remove small components in fasta"),
+        ("pool", "pool a bunch of fastafiles together and add prefix"),
+        ("qual", "generate dummy .qual file based on FASTA file"),
+        ("random", "randomly take some records"),
         ("sequin", "generate a gapped fasta file for sequin submission"),
-        ("gaps", "print out a list of gap sizes within sequences"),
-        ("join", "concatenate a list of seqs and add gaps in between"),
+        ("simulate", "simulate random fasta file for testing"),
-            "include or exclude a list of records (also performs on "
-            + ".qual file if available)",
+            "include or exclude a list of records (also performs on .qual file if available)",
-        ("qual", "generate dummy .qual file based on FASTA file"),
-        ("clean", "remove irregular chars in FASTA seqs"),
-        ("ispcr", "reformat paired primers into isPcr query format"),
-        ("fromtab", "convert 2-column sequence file to FASTA format"),
-        ("gc", "plot G+C content distribution"),
+        ("sort", "sort the records by IDs, sizes, etc."),
+        ("summary", "report the real no of bases and N's in fasta files"),
+        ("tidy", "normalize gap sizes and remove small components in fasta"),
+        ("translate", "translate CDS to proteins"),
+        ("trim", "given a cross_match screened fasta, trim the sequence"),
+        ("trimsplit", "split sequences at lower-cased letters"),
+        ("uniq", "remove records that are the same"),
     p = ActionDispatcher(actions)
@@ -410,8 +407,6 @@ def simulate_one(fw, name, size):
     Simulate a random sequence with name and size
-    from random import choice
     seq = Seq("".join(choice("ACGT") for _ in range(size)))
     s = SeqRecord(seq, id=name, description="Fake sequence")
     SeqIO.write([s], fw, "fasta")
diff --git a/jcvi/formats/gff.py b/jcvi/formats/gff.py
index 46c99b52..d4ee94bb 100644
--- a/jcvi/formats/gff.py
+++ b/jcvi/formats/gff.py
@@ -23,7 +23,7 @@
 from ..annotation.reformat import atg_name
 from ..utils.cbook import AutoVivification
-from ..utils.range import range_minmax
+from ..utils.range import Range, range_minmax
 from ..utils.orderedcollections import DefaultOrderedDict, OrderedDict, parse_qs
 from .base import DictFile, LineFile, must_open, is_number
@@ -484,8 +484,6 @@ def to_range(obj, score=None, id=None, strand=None):
     Given a gffutils object, convert it to a range object
-    from jcvi.utils.range import Range
     if score or id:
         _score = score if score else obj.score
         _id = id if id else obj.id
@@ -503,39 +501,39 @@ def main():
         ("addparent", "merge sister features and infer their parent"),
         ("bed", "parse gff and produce bed file for particular feature type"),
         ("bed12", "produce bed12 file for coding features"),
-        ("fromgtf", "convert gtf to gff3 format"),
-        ("gtf", "convert gff3 to gtf format"),
-        ("gb", "convert gff3 to genbank format"),
-        ("sort", "sort the gff file"),
+        ("chain", "fill in parent features by chaining children"),
+        ("children", "find all children that belongs to the same parent"),
+        ("cluster", "cluster transcripts based on shared splicing structure"),
+        ("extract", "extract contig or features from gff file"),
         ("filter", "filter the gff file based on Identity and Coverage"),
-        ("sizes", "calculate sizes of features in gff file"),
-        ("format", "format the gff file, change seqid, etc."),
             "fix boundaries of parent features by range chaining child features",
-        ("chain", "fill in parent features by chaining children"),
-        ("rename", "change the IDs within the gff3"),
-        ("uniq", "remove the redundant gene models"),
-        ("liftover", "adjust gff coordinates based on tile number"),
-        ("note", "extract certain attribute field for each feature"),
-        ("load", "extract the feature (e.g. CDS) sequences and concatenate"),
-        ("extract", "extract contig or features from gff file"),
-        ("split", "split the gff into one contig per file"),
-        ("merge", "merge several gff files into one"),
-        ("parents", "find the parents given a list of IDs"),
-        ("children", "find all children that belongs to the same parent"),
+        (
+            "fixpartials",
+            "fix 5/3 prime partial transcripts, locate nearest in-frame start/stop",
+        ),
+        ("format", "format the gff file, change seqid, etc."),
         ("frombed", "convert from bed format to gff3"),
+        ("fromgtf", "convert gtf to gff3 format"),
         ("fromsoap", "convert from soap format to gff3"),
         ("gapsplit", "split alignment GFF3 at gaps based on CIGAR string"),
+        ("gb", "convert gff3 to genbank format"),
+        ("gtf", "convert gff3 to gtf format"),
+        ("liftover", "adjust gff coordinates based on tile number"),
+        ("load", "extract the feature (e.g. CDS) sequences and concatenate"),
+        ("merge", "merge several gff files into one"),
+        ("note", "extract certain attribute field for each feature"),
         ("orient", "orient the coding features based on translation"),
+        ("parents", "find the parents given a list of IDs"),
+        ("rename", "change the IDs within the gff3"),
+        ("sizes", "calculate sizes of features in gff file"),
+        ("sort", "sort the gff file"),
         ("splicecov", "tag gff introns with coverage info from junctions.bed"),
+        ("split", "split the gff into one contig per file"),
         ("summary", "print summary stats for features of different types"),
-        ("cluster", "cluster transcripts based on shared splicing structure"),
-        (
-            "fixpartials",
-            "fix 5/3 prime partial transcripts, locate nearest in-frame start/stop",
-        ),
+        ("uniq", "remove the redundant gene models"),
     p = ActionDispatcher(actions)