;;; init.el --- Emacs-Kick --- A feature rich Emacs config for (neo)vi(m)mers -*- lexical-binding: t; -*-
;; Author: Rahul Martim Juliato
;; Version: 0.1.0
;; Package-Requires: ((emacs "30.0"))
;; License: GPL-2.0-or-later
;;; Commentary:
;; =====================================================================
;; ==================== READ THIS BEFORE CONTINUING ====================
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;; ======== .-----. ========
;; ======== .----------------------. | === | ========
;; ======== |.-""""""""""""""""""-.| |-----| ========
;; ======== || || | === | ========
;; ======== || EMACS-KICK || |-----| ========
;; ======== || || | === | ========
;; ======== || || |-----| ========
;; ======== ||M-x || |:::::| ========
;; ======== |'-..................-'| |____o| ========
;; ======== `"")----------------(""` ___________ ========
;; ======== /::::::::::| |::::::::::\ \ no mouse \ ========
;; ======== /:::========| |==hjkl==:::\ \ required \ ========
;; ======== '""""""""""""' '""""""""""""' '""""""""""' ========
;; ======== ========
;; =====================================================================
;; =====================================================================
;; What is Emacs-Kick?
;; Emacs-Kick is `not' a distribution.
;; Emacs-Kick is a starting point for your own configuration. The goal
;; is that you can read every line of code, top-to-bottom, understand
;; what your configuration is doing, and modify it to suit your needs.
;; Once you've done that, you can start exploring, configuring, and
;; tinkering to make Emacs your own! That might mean leaving Emacs
;; Kick just the way it is for a while or immediately breaking it into
;; modular pieces. It's up to you!
;; If you don't know anything about Emacs Lisp, I recommend taking
;; some time to read through a guide.
;; One possible example which will only take 10-15 minutes:
;; - https://learnxinyminutes.com/docs/elisp/
;; After understanding a bit more about Emacs Lisp, you can use `M-x
;; info RET` (info) for a reference on how Emacs integrates it.
;; Emacs-Kick Guide:
;; Well, this config ASSUMES you already knows (neo)vi(m) bindings,
;; and the bases of how it works. This is the `Emacs config for
;; vimmers'. So, if you're not familiar with it, go for
;; `kickstart.nvim', get used to it, and than come back.
;; On Emacs help can be found multiple ways.
;; With this config, the leader key as SPC.
;; - <leader> h i opens the info (Also `M-x info RET')
;; - <leader> h v explores available variables
;; - <leader> h f explores avaliable functions
;; - <leader> h k explores avaliable keybindings
;; If, at any time you need to find some functionality, Emacs `M-x'
;; (Meta is alt on most cases, option or command), works like a
;; command pallete, you can for example type `M-x quit' and be
;; presented with various options to quit Emacs.
;; Once you've completed that, you can continue working through
;; `AND READING' the rest of the kickstart configuration.
;; I have left several comments throughout the configuration. These
;; are hints about where to find more information about the relevant
;; settings, packages, or Emacs features used in Emacs-Kick.
;; Feel free to delete them once you know what you're doing, but they
;; should serve as a guide for when you are first encountering a few
;; different constructs in your Emacs config.
;; If you encounter any errors while installing Emacs-Kick,
;; check the *Messages* buffer for more information. You can switch
;; buffers using `<leader> SPC`, and all option menus can be navigated
;; with `C-p` and `C-n`.
;; I hope you enjoy your Emacs journey,
;; - Rahul
;; P.S. You can delete this when you're done too. It's your config
;; now! :)
Performance Hacks Emacs is an Elisp interpreter, and when running programs or packages, it can occasionally experience pauses due to garbage collection. By increasing the garbage collection threshold, we reduce these pauses during heavy operations, leading to smoother performance.
(setq gc-cons-threshold #x40000000)
Set the maximum output size for reading process output, allowing for larger data transfers.
(setq read-process-output-max (* 1024 1024 4))
Do I really need a speedy startup? Well, this config launches Emacs in about ~0.3 seconds, which, in modern terms, is a miracle considering how fast it starts with external packages. It wasn’t until the recent introduction of tools for lazy loading that a startup time of less than 20 seconds was even possible. Other fast startup methods were introduced over time. You may have heard of people running Emacs as a server, where you start it once and open multiple clients instantly connected to that server. Some even run Emacs as a systemd or sysV service, starting when the machine boots. While this is a great way of using Emacs, we WON’T be doing that here. I think 0.3 seconds is fast enough to avoid issues that could arise from running Emacs as a server, such as ‘What version of Node is my LSP using?’. Again, this setup configures Emacs much like how a Vimmer would configure Neovim.
Emacs already comes with its on package manager. Others are available, but let’s stick with the defaults when it makes sense.
Requires the Emacs default package manager, so we can set it. Kind of an ‘import’.
(require 'package)
;; Add MELPA (Milkypostman’s Emacs Lisp Package Archive) to the list of package archives. ;; This allows you to install packages from this widely-used repository, similar to how ;; pip works for Python or npm for Node.js. While Emacs comes with ELPA (Emacs Lisp ;; Package Archive) configured by default, which contains packages that meet specific ;; licensing criteria, MELPA offers a broader range of packages and is considered the ;; standard for Emacs users. You can also add more package archives later as needed.
(add-to-list 'package-archives '("melpa" . "https://melpa.org/packages/") t)
;; Initialize the package system. In Emacs, a package is a collection of Elisp code ;; that extends the functionality of the editor, similar to plugins in Neovim. ;; By calling `package-initialize’, we load the list of available packages from ;; the configured archives (like MELPA) and make them ready for installation and use. ;; This process is akin to using lazy.nvim or packer.nvim in Neovim, which manage ;; plugin installations and configurations. While there are third-party package managers ;; available for Emacs, such as straight.el and use-package, we are sticking with ;; the default package manager for simplicity in this configuration.
;; Define a global customizable variable `ek-use-nerd-fonts’ to control the use of ;; Nerd Fonts symbols throughout the configuration. This boolean variable allows ;; users to easily enable or disable the use of symbols from Nerd Fonts, providing ;; flexibility in appearance settings. By setting it to `t’, we enable Nerd Fonts ;; symbols; setting it to `nil’ would disable them.
(defcustom ek-use-nerd-fonts t
"Configuration for using Nerd Fonts Symbols."
:type 'boolean
:group 'appearance)
;; From now on, you’ll see configurations using the `use-package’ macro, which ;; allows us to organize our Emacs setup in a modular way. These configurations ;; look like this: ;; ;; (use-package some-package ;; :ensure t ;; Ensure the package is installed. ;; :config ;; Configuration settings for the package. ;; ;; Additional settings can go here. ;; ) ;; ;; This approach simplifies package management, enabling us to easily control ;; both built-in (first-party) and external (third-party) packages. While Emacs ;; is a vast and powerful editor, using `use-package’ helps streamline our ;; configuration for better organization and customization. As we proceed, ;; you’ll see smaller `use-package’ declarations for specific packages, which ;; will help us enable the desired features and improve our workflow.
This is biggest one. Keep going, plugins (oops, I mean packages) will be shorter :)
(use-package emacs
:ensure nil
:custom ;; Set custom variables to configure Emacs behavior.
(column-number-mode t) ;; Display the column number in the mode line.
(auto-save-default nil) ;; Disable automatic saving of buffers.
(create-lockfiles nil) ;; Prevent the creation of lock files when editing.
(delete-by-moving-to-trash t) ;; Move deleted files to the trash instead of permanently deleting them.
(delete-selection-mode 1) ;; Enable replacing selected text with typed text.
(display-line-numbers-type 'relative) ;; Use relative line numbering in programming modes.
(global-auto-revert-non-file-buffers t) ;; Automatically refresh non-file buffers.
(history-length 25) ;; Set the length of the command history.
(inhibit-startup-message t) ;; Disable the startup message when Emacs launches.
(initial-scratch-message "") ;; Clear the initial message in the *scratch* buffer.
(ispell-dictionary "en_US") ;; Set the default dictionary for spell checking.
(make-backup-files nil) ;; Disable creation of backup files.
(pixel-scroll-precision-mode t) ;; Enable precise pixel scrolling.
(pixel-scroll-precision-use-momentum nil) ;; Disable momentum scrolling for pixel precision.
(ring-bell-function 'ignore) ;; Disable the audible bell.
(split-width-threshold 300) ;; Prevent automatic window splitting if the window width exceeds 300 pixels.
(switch-to-buffer-obey-display-actions t) ;; Make buffer switching respect display actions.
(tab-always-indent 'complete) ;; Make the TAB key complete text instead of just indenting.
(tab-width 4) ;; Set the tab width to 4 spaces.
(treesit-font-lock-level 4) ;; Use advanced font locking for Treesit mode.
(truncate-lines t) ;; Enable line truncation to avoid wrapping long lines.
(use-dialog-box nil) ;; Disable dialog boxes in favor of minibuffer prompts.
(use-short-answers t) ;; Use short answers in prompts for quicker responses (y instead of yes)
(warning-minimum-level :emergency) ;; Set the minimum level of warnings to display.
:hook ;; Add hooks to enable specific features in certain modes.
(prog-mode . display-line-numbers-mode) ;; Enable line numbers in programming modes.
;; By default emacs gives you access to a lot of *special* buffers, while navigating with [b and ]b,
;; this might be confusing for newcomers. This settings make sure ]b and [b will always load a
;; file buffer. To see all buffers use <leader> SPC, <leader> b l, or <leader> b i.
(defun skip-these-buffers (_window buffer _bury-or-kill)
"Function for `switch-to-prev-buffer-skip'."
(string-match "\\*[^*]+\\*" (buffer-name buffer)))
(setq switch-to-prev-buffer-skip 'skip-these-buffers)
;; Configure font settings based on the operating system.
;; Ok, this kickstart is meant to be used on the terminal, not on GUI.
;; But without this, I fear you could start Graphical Emacs and be sad :(
(set-face-attribute 'default nil :family "Fira Code" :height 100)
(when (eq system-type 'darwin) ;; Check if the system is macOS.
(setq mac-command-modifier 'meta) ;; Set the Command key to act as the Meta key.
(set-face-attribute 'default nil :family "Fira Code" :height 130))
;; Save manual customizations to a separate file instead of cluttering `init.el'.
;; You can M-x customize, M-x customize-group, or M-x customize-themes, etc.
;; The saves you do manually using the Emacs interface would overwrite this file.
;; The following makes sure those customizations are in a separate file.
(setq custom-file (locate-user-emacs-file "custom-vars.el")) ;; Specify the custom file path.
(load custom-file 'noerror 'nomessage) ;; Load the custom file quietly, ignoring errors.
:init ;; Initialization settings that apply before the package is loaded.
(tool-bar-mode -1) ;; Disable the tool bar for a cleaner interface.
(menu-bar-mode -1) ;; Disable the menu bar for a more streamlined look.
(when scroll-bar-mode
(scroll-bar-mode -1)) ;; Disable the scroll bar if it is active.
(global-hl-line-mode 1) ;; Enable highlight of the current line
(global-auto-revert-mode 1) ;; Enable global auto-revert mode to keep buffers up to date with their corresponding files.
(indent-tabs-mode -1) ;; Disable the use of tabs for indentation (use spaces instead).
(recentf-mode 1) ;; Enable tracking of recently opened files.
(savehist-mode 1) ;; Enable saving of command history.
(save-place-mode 1) ;; Enable saving the place in files for easier return.
(winner-mode) ;; Enable winner mode to easily undo window configuration changes.
(xterm-mouse-mode 1) ;; Enable mouse support in terminal mode.
(file-name-shadow-mode 1) ;; Enable shadowing of filenames for clarity.
;; Set the default coding system for files to UTF-8.
(modify-coding-system-alist 'file "" 'utf-8)
;; Add a hook to run code after Emacs has fully initialized.
(add-hook 'after-init-hook
(lambda ()
(message "Emacs has fully loaded. This code runs after startup.")
;; Insert a welcome message in the *scratch* buffer displaying loading time and activated packages.
(with-current-buffer (get-buffer-create "*scratch*")
(insert (format
";; Welcome to Emacs!
;; Loading time : %s
;; Packages : %s
(number-to-string (length package-activated-list))))))))
This section configures window management in Emacs, enhancing the way buffers are displayed for a more efficient workflow. The `window’ use-package helps streamline how various buffers are shown, especially those related to help, diagnostics, and completion.
Note: I have left some commented-out code below that may facilitate your Emacs journey later on. These configurations can be useful for displaying other types of buffers in side windows, allowing for a more organized workspace.
(use-package window
:ensure nil ;; This is built-in, no need to fetch it.
;; ("\\*.*e?shell\\*"
;; (display-buffer-in-side-window)
;; (window-height . 0.25)
;; (side . bottom)
;; (slot . -1))
("\\*\\(Backtrace\\|Warnings\\|Compile-Log\\|[Hh]elp\\|Messages\\|Bookmark List\\|Ibuffer\\|Occur\\|eldoc.*\\)\\*"
(window-height . 0.25)
(side . bottom)
(slot . 0))
;; Example configuration for the LSP help buffer,
;; keeps it always on bottom using 25% of the available space:
(window-height . 0.25)
(side . bottom)
(slot . 0))
;; Configuration for displaying various diagnostic buffers on
;; bottom 25%:
("\\*\\(Flymake diagnostics\\|xref\\|ivy\\|Swiper\\|Completions\\)"
(window-height . 0.25)
(side . bottom)
(slot . 1))
In Emacs, the `dired’ package provides a powerful and built-in file manager that allows you to navigate and manipulate files and directories directly within the editor. If you’re familiar with `oil.nvim’, you’ll find that `dired’ offers similar functionality natively in Emacs, making file management seamless without needing external plugins.
This configuration customizes `dired’ to enhance its usability. The settings below specify how file listings are displayed, the target for file operations, and associations for opening various file types with their respective applications. For example, image files will open with `feh’, while audio and video files will utilize `mpv’.
(use-package dired
:ensure nil ;; This is built-in, no need to fetch it.
(dired-listing-switches "-lah --group-directories-first") ;; Display files in a human-readable format and group directories first.
(dired-dwim-target t) ;; Enable "do what I mean" for target directories.
'(("\\.\\(png\\|jpe?g\\|tiff\\)" "feh" "xdg-open" "open") ;; Open image files with `feh' or the default viewer.
("\\.\\(mp[34]\\|m4a\\|ogg\\|flac\\|webm\\|mkv\\)" "mpv" "xdg-open" "open") ;; Open audio and video files with `mpv'.
(".*" "open" "xdg-open"))) ;; Default opening command for other files.
(dired-kill-when-opening-new-dired-buffer t) ;; Close the previous buffer when opening a new `dired' instance.
(when (eq system-type 'darwin)
(let ((gls (executable-find "gls"))) ;; Use GNU ls on macOS if available.
(when gls
(setq insert-directory-program gls)))))
In this section, we introduce ERC (Emacs Relay Chat), a built-in IRC client that allows you to engage in real-time chat directly within Emacs. While we’re aiming to maintain functionality similar to Neovim, it’s important to recognize that Emacs is often viewed as more than just a text editor. Many users leverage Emacs for a variety of tasks beyond editing text: from watching videos and listening to music, to managing emails and even serving as a window manager in Xorg, freeing themselves from traditional desktop environments.
While this kickstarter focuses on essential configurations, I wanted to present ERC as a glimpse into Emacs’s versatility. With ERC, you can seamlessly connect to IRC channels and interact with communities without leaving your editor.
(use-package erc
:defer t ;; Load ERC when needed rather than at startup. (Load it with `M-x erc RET')
(erc-join-buffer 'window) ;; Open a new window for joining channels.
(erc-hide-list '("JOIN" "PART" "QUIT")) ;; Hide messages for joins, parts, and quits to reduce clutter.
(erc-timestamp-format "[%H:%M]") ;; Format for timestamps in messages.
(erc-autojoin-channels-alist '((".*\\.libera\\.chat" "#emacs"))));; Automatically join the #emacs channel on Libera.Chat.
In this configuration, we’re setting up isearch, Emacs’s incremental search feature. Since we’re utilizing Vim bindings, keep in mind that classic Vim search commands (like `/’ and `?’) are not bound in the same way. Instead, you’ll need to use the standard Emacs shortcuts:
- `C-s’ to initiate a forward search
- `C-r’ to initiate a backward search
The following settings enhance the isearch experience:
(use-package isearch
:ensure nil ;; This is built-in, no need to fetch it.
(setq isearch-lazy-count t) ;; Enable lazy counting to show current match information.
(setq lazy-count-prefix-format "(%s/%s) ") ;; Format for displaying current match count.
(setq lazy-count-suffix-format nil) ;; Disable suffix formatting for match count.
(setq search-whitespace-regexp ".*?") ;; Allow searching across whitespace.
:bind (("C-s" . isearch-forward) ;; Bind C-s to forward isearch.
("C-r" . isearch-backward))) ;; Bind C-r to backward isearch.
The VC (Version Control) package is included here for awareness and completeness. While its support for Git is limited and generally considered subpar, it is good to know that it exists and can be used for other version control systems like Mercurial, Subversion, and Bazaar. Magit, which is often regarded as the “father” of Neogit, will be configured later for an enhanced Git experience. The keybindings below serve as a reminder of some common VC commands. But don’t worry, you can always use `M-x command’ :)
(use-package vc
:ensure nil ;; This is built-in, no need to fetch it.
:defer t
(("C-x v d" . vc-dir) ;; Open VC directory for version control status.
("C-x v =" . vc-diff) ;; Show differences for the current file.
("C-x v D" . vc-root-diff) ;; Show differences for the entire repository.
("C-x v v" . vc-next-action)) ;; Perform the next version control action.
;; Better colors for <leader> g b (blame file)
(setq vc-annotate-color-map
'((20 . "#f5e0dc")
(40 . "#f2cdcd")
(60 . "#f5c2e7")
(80 . "#cba6f7")
(100 . "#f38ba8")
(120 . "#eba0ac")
(140 . "#fab387")
(160 . "#f9e2af")
(180 . "#a6e3a1")
(200 . "#94e2d5")
(220 . "#89dceb")
(240 . "#74c7ec")
(260 . "#89b4fa")
(280 . "#b4befe"))))
Smerge is included for resolving merge conflicts in files. It provides a simple interface to help you keep changes from either the upper or lower version during a merge. This package is built-in, so there’s no need to fetch it separately. The keybindings below did not needed to be setted, are here just to show you how to work with it in case you are curious about it.
(use-package smerge-mode
:ensure nil ;; This is built-in, no need to fetch it.
:defer t
:bind (:map smerge-mode-map
("C-c ^ u" . smerge-keep-upper) ;; Keep the changes from the upper version.
("C-c ^ l" . smerge-keep-lower) ;; Keep the changes from the lower version.
("C-c ^ n" . smerge-next) ;; Move to the next conflict.
("C-c ^ p" . smerge-previous))) ;; Move to the previous conflict.
Eldoc provides helpful inline documentation for functions and variables in the minibuffer, enhancing the development experience. It can be particularly useful in programming modes, as it helps you understand the context of functions as you type. This package is built-in, so there’s no need to fetch it separately. The following line enables Eldoc globally for all buffers.
(use-package eldoc
:ensure nil ;; This is built-in, no need to fetch it.
Flymake is an on-the-fly syntax checking extension that provides real-time feedback about errors and warnings in your code as you write. This can greatly enhance your coding experience by catching issues early. The configuration below activates Flymake mode in programming buffers.
(use-package flymake
:ensure nil ;; This is built-in, no need to fetch it.
:defer t
:hook (prog-mode . flymake-mode)
'((error "!»" compilation-error) (warning "»" compilation-warning)
(note "»" compilation-info))))
Org-mode is a powerful system for organizing and managing your notes, tasks, and documents in plain text. It offers features like task management, outlining, scheduling, and much more, making it a versatile tool for productivity. The configuration below simply defers loading Org-mode until it’s explicitly needed, which can help speed up Emacs startup time.
(use-package org
:ensure nil ;; This is built-in, no need to fetch it.
:defer t) ;; Defer loading Org-mode until it's needed.
`which-key’ is an Emacs package that displays available keybindings in a popup window whenever you partially type a key sequence. This is particularly useful for discovering commands and shortcuts, making it easier to learn Emacs and improve your workflow. It helps users remember key combinations and reduces the cognitive load of memorizing every command.
(use-package which-key
:ensure nil ;; This is built-in, no need to fetch it.
:defer t ;; Defer loading Which-Key until after init.
(after-init . which-key-mode)) ;; Enable which-key mode after initialization.
From this point onward, all configurations will be for third-party packages that enhance Emacs’ functionality and extend its capabilities.
Vertico enhances the completion experience in Emacs by providing a vertical selection interface for both buffer and minibuffer completions. Unlike traditional minibuffer completion, which displays candidates in a horizontal format, Vertico presents candidates in a vertical list, making it easier to browse and select from multiple options.
In buffer completion, `switch-to-buffer’ allows you to select from open buffers. Vertico streamlines this process by displaying the buffer list in a way that improves visibility and accessibility. This is particularly useful when you have many buffers open, allowing you to quickly find the one you need.
In minibuffer completion, such as when entering commands or file paths, Vertico helps by showing a dynamic list of potential completions, making it easier to choose the correct one without typing out the entire string.
(use-package vertico
:ensure t
(after-init . vertico-mode) ;; Enable vertico after Emacs has initialized.
(vertico-count 10) ;; Number of candidates to display in the completion list.
(vertico-resize nil) ;; Disable resizing of the vertico minibuffer.
(vertico-cycle nil) ;; Do not cycle through candidates when reaching the end of the list.
;; Customize the display of the current candidate in the completion list.
;; This will prefix the current candidate with “» ” to make it stand out.
;; Reference: https://github.com/minad/vertico/wiki#prefix-current-candidate-with-arrow
(advice-add #'vertico--format-candidate :around
(lambda (orig cand prefix suffix index _start)
(setq cand (funcall orig cand prefix suffix index _start))
(if (= vertico--index index)
(propertize "» " 'face '(:foreground "#80adf0" :weight bold))
" ")
Orderless enhances completion in Emacs by allowing flexible pattern matching. It works seamlessly with Vertico, enabling you to use partial strings and regular expressions to find files, buffers, and commands more efficiently. This combination provides a powerful and customizable completion experience.
(use-package orderless
:ensure t
:defer t ;; Load Orderless on demand.
:after vertico ;; Ensure Vertico is loaded before Orderless.
(setq completion-styles '(orderless basic) ;; Set the completion styles.
completion-category-defaults nil ;; Clear default category settings.
completion-category-overrides '((file (styles partial-completion))))) ;; Customize file completion styles.
Marginalia enhances the completion experience in Emacs by adding additional context to the completion candidates. This includes helpful annotations such as documentation and other relevant information, making it easier to choose the right option.
(use-package marginalia
:ensure t
(after-init . marginalia-mode))
Consult provides powerful completion and narrowing commands for Emacs. It integrates well with other completion frameworks like Vertico, enabling features like previews and enhanced register management. It’s useful for navigating buffers, files, and xrefs with ease.
(use-package consult
:ensure t
:defer t
;; Enhance register preview with thin lines and no mode line.
(advice-add #'register-preview :override #'consult-register-window)
;; Use Consult for xref locations with a preview feature.
(setq xref-show-xrefs-function #'consult-xref
xref-show-definitions-function #'consult-xref))
Embark provides a powerful contextual action menu for Emacs, allowing you to perform various operations on completion candidates and other items. It extends the capabilities of completion frameworks by offering direct actions on the candidates. Just `<leader> .’ over any text, explore it :)
(use-package embark
:ensure t
:defer t)
Embark-Consult provides a bridge between Embark and Consult, ensuring that Consult commands, like previews, are available when using Embark.
(use-package embark-consult
:ensure t
(embark-collect-mode . consult-preview-at-point-mode)) ;; Enable preview in Embark collect mode.
Treesit-auto simplifies the use of Tree-sitter grammars in Emacs, providing automatic installation and mode association for various programming languages. This enhances syntax highlighting and code parsing capabilities, making it easier to work with modern programming languages.
(use-package treesit-auto
:ensure t
:after emacs
(treesit-auto-install 'prompt)
(treesit-auto-add-to-auto-mode-alist 'all)
(global-treesit-auto-mode t))
Markdown Mode provides support for editing Markdown files in Emacs, enabling features like syntax highlighting, previews, and more. It’s particularly useful for README files, as it can be set to use GitHub Flavored Markdown for enhanced compatibility.
(use-package markdown-mode
:defer t
:ensure t
:mode ("README\\.md\\'" . gfm-mode) ;; Use gfm-mode for README.md files.
:init (setq markdown-command "multimarkdown")) ;; Set the Markdown processing command.
Company Mode provides a text completion framework for Emacs. It enhances the editing experience by offering context-aware suggestions as you type. With support for multiple backends, Company Mode is highly customizable and can be integrated with various modes and languages.
(use-package company
:defer t
:ensure t
(company-tooltip-align-annotations t) ;; Align annotations with completions.
(company-minimum-prefix-length 1) ;; Trigger completion after typing 1 character
(company-idle-delay 0.2) ;; Delay before showing completion (adjust as needed)
(company-tooltip-maximum-width 50)
;; While using C-p C-n to select a completion candidate
;; C-y quickly shows help docs for the current candidate
(define-key company-active-map (kbd "C-y")
(lambda ()
(define-key company-active-map [tab] 'company-complete-selection)
(define-key company-active-map (kbd "TAB") 'company-complete-selection)
(define-key company-active-map [ret] 'company-complete-selection)
(define-key company-active-map (kbd "RET") 'company-complete-selection)
(after-init . global-company-mode)) ;; Enable Company Mode globally after initialization.
Emacs comes with an integrated LSP client called `eglot’, which offers basic LSP functionality. However, `eglot’ has limitations, such as not supporting multiple language servers simultaneously within the same buffer (e.g., handling both TypeScript, Tailwind and ESLint LSPs together in a React project). For this reason, the more mature and capable `lsp-mode’ is included as a third-party package, providing advanced IDE-like features and better support for multiple language servers and configurations.
(use-package lsp-mode
:ensure t
:defer t
:hook (;; Replace XXX-mode with concrete major mode (e.g. python-mode)
(bash-ts-mode . lsp) ;; Enable LSP for Bash
(typescript-ts-mode . lsp) ;; Enable LSP for TypeScript
(tsx-ts-mode . lsp) ;; Enable LSP for TSX
(js-mode . lsp) ;; Enable LSP for JavaScript
(js-ts-mode . lsp) ;; Enable LSP for JavaScript (TS mode)
(lsp-mode . lsp-enable-which-key-integration)) ;; Integrate with Which Key
:commands lsp
(lsp-keymap-prefix "C-c l") ;; Set the prefix for LSP commands.
(lsp-inlay-hint-enable t) ;; Enable inlay hints.
(lsp-completion-provider :none) ;; Disable the default completion provider.
(lsp-session-file (locate-user-emacs-file ".lsp-session")) ;; Specify session file location.
(lsp-log-io nil) ;; Disable IO logging for speed.
(lsp-idle-delay 0) ;; Set the delay for LSP to 0 (debouncing).
(lsp-keep-workspace-alive nil) ;; Disable keeping the workspace alive.
;; Core settings
(lsp-enable-xref t) ;; Enable cross-references.
(lsp-auto-configure t) ;; Automatically configure LSP.
(lsp-enable-links nil) ;; Disable links.
(lsp-eldoc-enable-hover t) ;; Enable ElDoc hover.
(lsp-enable-file-watchers nil) ;; Disable file watchers.
(lsp-enable-folding nil) ;; Disable folding.
(lsp-enable-imenu t) ;; Enable Imenu support.
(lsp-enable-indentation nil) ;; Disable indentation.
(lsp-enable-on-type-formatting nil) ;; Disable on-type formatting.
(lsp-enable-suggest-server-download t) ;; Enable server download suggestion.
(lsp-enable-symbol-highlighting t) ;; Enable symbol highlighting.
(lsp-enable-text-document-color nil) ;; Disable text document color.
;; Modeline settings
(lsp-modeline-code-actions-enable nil) ;; Keep modeline clean.
(lsp-modeline-diagnostics-enable nil) ;; Use `flymake' instead.
(lsp-modeline-workspace-status-enable t) ;; Display "LSP" in the modeline when enabled.
(lsp-signature-doc-lines 1) ;; Limit echo area to one line.
(lsp-eldoc-render-all nil) ;; Render all ElDoc messages.
;; Completion settings
(lsp-completion-enable t) ;; Enable completion.
(lsp-completion-enable-additional-text-edit t) ;; Enable additional text edits for completions.
(lsp-enable-snippet nil) ;; Disable snippets
(lsp-completion-show-kind t) ;; Show kind in completions.
;; Lens settings
(lsp-lens-enable t) ;; Enable lens support.
;; Headerline settings
(lsp-headerline-breadcrumb-enable-symbol-numbers t) ;; Enable symbol numbers in the headerline.
(lsp-headerline-arrow "▶") ;; Set arrow for headerline.
(lsp-headerline-breadcrumb-enable-diagnostics nil) ;; Disable diagnostics in headerline.
(lsp-headerline-breadcrumb-icons-enable nil) ;; Disable icons in breadcrumb.
;; Semantic settings
(lsp-semantic-tokens-enable nil)) ;; Disable semantic tokens.
You can extend `lsp-mode’ by integrating additional language servers for specific technologies. For example, `lsp-tailwindcss’ provides support for Tailwind CSS classes within your HTML files. By using various LSP packages, you can connect multiple LSP servers simultaneously, enhancing your coding experience across different languages and frameworks.
(use-package lsp-tailwindcss
:ensure t
:defer t
(add-to-list 'lsp-language-id-configuration '(".*\\.erb$" . "html")) ;; Associate ERB files with HTML.
(setq lsp-tailwindcss-add-on-mode t))
The `diff-hl’ package provides visual indicators for version control changes directly in the margin of the buffer, showing lines added, deleted, or changed. This is useful for tracking modifications while you edit files. When enabled, it automatically activates in every buffer that has a corresponding version control backend, offering a seamless experience.
In comparison, Neovim users often rely on plugins like `gitsigns.nvim’ or `vim-signify’, which provide similar functionalities by displaying Git changes in the gutter and offer additional features like highlighting changed lines and displaying blame information. `diff-hl’ aims to provide a comparable experience in Emacs with its own set of customizations.
(use-package diff-hl
:defer t
:ensure t
(find-file . (lambda ()
(global-diff-hl-mode) ;; Enable Diff-HL mode for all files.
(diff-hl-flydiff-mode) ;; Automatically refresh diffs.
(diff-hl-margin-mode))) ;; Show diff indicators in the margin.
(diff-hl-side 'left) ;; Set the side for diff indicators.
(diff-hl-margin-symbols-alist '((insert . "│") ;; Customize symbols for each change type.
(delete . "-")
(change . "│")
(unknown . "?")
(ignored . "i"))))
`magit’ is a powerful Git interface for Emacs that provides a complete set of features to manage Git repositories. With its intuitive interface, you can easily stage, commit, branch, merge, and perform other Git operations directly from Emacs. Magit’s powerful UI allows for a seamless workflow, enabling you to visualize your repository’s history and manage changes efficiently.
In the Neovim ecosystem, similar functionality is provided by plugins such as `fugitive.vim’, which offers a robust Git integration with commands that allow you to perform Git operations directly within Neovim. Another popular option is `neogit’, which provides a more modern and user-friendly interface for Git commands in Neovim, leveraging features like diff views and staging changes in a visual format. Both of these plugins aim to replicate and extend the powerful capabilities that Magit offers in Emacs.
(use-package magit
:ensure t
:defer t)
`xclip’ is an Emacs package that integrates the X Window System clipboard with Emacs. It allows seamless copying and pasting between Emacs and other applications using the clipboard. When `xclip’ is enabled, any text copied in Emacs can be pasted in other applications, and vice versa, providing a smooth workflow when working across multiple environments.
(use-package xclip
:ensure t
:defer t
(after-init . xclip-mode)) ;; Enable xclip mode after initialization.
The `indent-guide’ package provides visual indicators for indentation levels in programming modes, making it easier to see code structure at a glance. It draws vertical lines (by default, a character of your choice) at each level of indentation, helping to improve readability and navigation within the code.
(use-package indent-guide
:defer t
:ensure t
(prog-mode . indent-guide-mode) ;; Activate indent-guide in programming modes.
(setq indent-guide-char "│")) ;; Set the character used for the indent guide.
The `add-node-modules-path’ package ensures that Emacs uses the local `node_modules/.bin’ for a project rather than globally installed binaries. This is essential in JavaScript/TypeScript projects where different versions of tools like `eslint’ and `typescript-language-server’ might be needed per project.
This setup helps prevent conflicts between global and local versions of Node.js tools and ensures consistency across different environments.
Example in the wild: This is an example of a real-world issue often faced by developers using modern tech stacks. When working on multiple projects with different dependencies, Emacs must use the correct local versions instead of relying on globally installed packages. This configuration ensures that the environment is accurate and project-specific tools are properly utilized.
(use-package add-node-modules-path
:ensure t
:defer t
;; Makes sure you are using the local bin for your
;; node project. Local eslint, typescript server...
(eval-after-load 'typescript-ts-mode
'(add-hook 'typescript-ts-mode-hook #'add-node-modules-path))
(eval-after-load 'tsx-ts-mode
'(add-hook 'tsx-ts-mode-hook #'add-node-modules-path))
(eval-after-load 'typescriptreact-mode
'(add-hook 'typescriptreact-mode-hook #'add-node-modules-path))
(eval-after-load 'js-mode
'(add-hook 'js-mode-hook #'add-node-modules-path)))
The `evil’ package provides Vim emulation within Emacs, allowing users to edit text in a modal way, similar to how Vim operates. This setup configures `evil-mode’ to enhance the editing experience.
(use-package evil
:ensure t
:defer t
(after-init . evil-mode)
(setq evil-want-integration t) ;; Integrate `evil' with other Emacs features (optional as it's true by default).
(setq evil-want-keybinding nil) ;; Disable default keybinding to set custom ones.
(evil-set-undo-system 'undo-tree) ;; Uses the undo-tree package as the default undo system
;; Set the leader key to space for easier access to custom commands. (setq evil-want-leader t)
(setq evil-leader/in-all-states t) ;; Make the leader key available in all states.
(setq evil-want-fine-undo t) ;; Evil uses finer grain undoing steps
;; Define the leader key as Space
(evil-set-leader 'normal (kbd "SPC"))
(evil-set-leader 'visual (kbd "SPC"))
;; Scrolls with C-d, C-u
(evil-define-key 'normal 'global (kbd "C-d") 'scroll-up) ;; Scroll down in normal mode.
(evil-define-key 'normal 'global (kbd "C-u") 'scroll-down) ;; Scroll up in normal mode.
;; Keybindings for searching and finding files.
(evil-define-key 'normal 'global (kbd "<leader> s f") 'consult-find)
(evil-define-key 'normal 'global (kbd "<leader> s g") 'consult-grep)
(evil-define-key 'normal 'global (kbd "<leader> s G") 'consult-git-grep)
(evil-define-key 'normal 'global (kbd "<leader> s r") 'consult-ripgrep)
(evil-define-key 'normal 'global (kbd "<leader> s h") 'consult-info)
(evil-define-key 'normal 'global (kbd "<leader> /") 'consult-line)
;; Flymake navigation
(evil-define-key 'normal 'global (kbd "<leader> x x") 'consult-flymake);; Gives you something like `trouble.nvim'
(evil-define-key 'normal 'global (kbd "] d") 'flymake-goto-next-error) ;; Go to next Flymake error
(evil-define-key 'normal 'global (kbd "[ d") 'flymake-goto-prev-error) ;; Go to previous Flymake error
;; Dired commands for file management
(evil-define-key 'normal 'global (kbd "<leader> x d") 'dired)
(evil-define-key 'normal 'global (kbd "<leader> x j") 'dired-jump)
(evil-define-key 'normal 'global (kbd "<leader> x f") 'find-file)
;; Diff-HL navigation for version control
(evil-define-key 'normal 'global (kbd "] c") 'diff-hl-next-hunk) ;; Next diff hunk
(evil-define-key 'normal 'global (kbd "[ c") 'diff-hl-previous-hunk) ;; Previous diff hunk
;; NeoTree command for file exploration
(evil-define-key 'normal 'global (kbd "<leader> e e") 'neotree-toggle)
;; Magit keybindings for Git integration
(evil-define-key 'normal 'global (kbd "<leader> g g") 'magit-status) ;; Open Magit status
(evil-define-key 'normal 'global (kbd "<leader> g l") 'magit-log-current) ;; Show current log
(evil-define-key 'normal 'global (kbd "<leader> g d") 'magit-diff-buffer-file) ;; Show diff for the current file
(evil-define-key 'normal 'global (kbd "<leader> g D") 'diff-hl-show-hunk) ;; Show diff for a hunk
(evil-define-key 'normal 'global (kbd "<leader> g b") 'vc-annotate) ;; Annotate buffer with version control info
;; Buffer management keybindings
(evil-define-key 'normal 'global (kbd "] b") 'switch-to-next-buffer) ;; Switch to next buffer
(evil-define-key 'normal 'global (kbd "[ b") 'switch-to-prev-buffer) ;; Switch to previous buffer
(evil-define-key 'normal 'global (kbd "<leader> b i") 'consult-buffer) ;; Open consult buffer list
(evil-define-key 'normal 'global (kbd "<leader> b b") 'ibuffer) ;; Open Ibuffer
(evil-define-key 'normal 'global (kbd "<leader> b d") 'kill-current-buffer) ;; Kill current buffer
(evil-define-key 'normal 'global (kbd "<leader> b k") 'kill-current-buffer) ;; Kill current buffer
(evil-define-key 'normal 'global (kbd "<leader> b x") 'kill-current-buffer) ;; Kill current buffer
(evil-define-key 'normal 'global (kbd "<leader> b s") 'save-buffer) ;; Save buffer
(evil-define-key 'normal 'global (kbd "<leader> b l") 'consult-buffer) ;; Consult buffer
(evil-define-key 'normal 'global (kbd "<leader>SPC") 'consult-buffer) ;; Consult buffer
;; Project management keybindings
(evil-define-key 'normal 'global (kbd "<leader> p b") 'consult-project-buffer) ;; Consult project buffer
(evil-define-key 'normal 'global (kbd "<leader> p p") 'project-switch-project) ;; Switch project
(evil-define-key 'normal 'global (kbd "<leader> p f") 'project-find-file) ;; Find file in project
(evil-define-key 'normal 'global (kbd "<leader> p g") 'project-find-regexp) ;; Find regexp in project
(evil-define-key 'normal 'global (kbd "<leader> p k") 'project-kill-buffers) ;; Kill project buffers
(evil-define-key 'normal 'global (kbd "<leader> p D") 'project-dired) ;; Dired for project
;; Yank from kill ring
(evil-define-key 'normal 'global (kbd "P") 'consult-yank-from-kill-ring)
(evil-define-key 'normal 'global (kbd "<leader> P") 'consult-yank-from-kill-ring)
;; Embark actions for contextual commands
(evil-define-key 'normal 'global (kbd "<leader> .") 'embark-act)
;; Undo tree visualization
(evil-define-key 'normal 'global (kbd "<leader> u") 'undo-tree-visualize)
;; Help keybindings
(evil-define-key 'normal 'global (kbd "<leader> h m") 'describe-mode) ;; Describe current mode
(evil-define-key 'normal 'global (kbd "<leader> h f") 'describe-function) ;; Describe function
(evil-define-key 'normal 'global (kbd "<leader> h v") 'describe-variable) ;; Describe variable
(evil-define-key 'normal 'global (kbd "<leader> h k") 'describe-key) ;; Describe key
;; Tab navigation
(evil-define-key 'normal 'global (kbd "] t") 'tab-next) ;; Go to next tab
(evil-define-key 'normal 'global (kbd "[ t") 'tab-previous) ;; Go to previous tab
;; Custom example. Formatting with prettier tool.
(evil-define-key 'normal 'global (kbd "<leader> m p")
(lambda ()
(shell-command (concat "prettier --write " (shell-quote-argument (buffer-file-name))))
(revert-buffer t t t)))
;; LSP commands keybindings
(evil-define-key 'normal lsp-mode-map
;; (kbd "gd") 'lsp-find-definition ;; Emacs already provides a better gd
;; (kbd "gr") 'lsp-find-references ;; Emacs already provides a better gr
(kbd "<leader> c a") 'lsp-execute-code-action ;; Execute code actions
(kbd "<leader> r n") 'lsp-rename ;; Rename symbol
(kbd "gI") 'lsp-find-implementation ;; Find implementation
(kbd "<leader> l f") 'lsp-format-buffer) ;; Format buffer via lsp
(defun ek/lsp-describe-and-jump ()
"Show hover documentation and jump to *lsp-help* buffer."
(let ((help-buffer "*lsp-help*"))
(when (get-buffer help-buffer)
(switch-to-buffer-other-window help-buffer))))
;; Open hover documentation
(evil-define-key 'normal 'global (kbd "K") 'ek/lsp-describe-and-jump)
;; Yeah, on terminals, Emacs doesn't support (YET), the use of floating windows,
;; thus, this will open a small buffer bellow your window.
;; This floating frames are called "child frames" and some recent effort is being put
;; into having a translation of those marvelous GUI stuff to terminal. Let's hope
;; we add this to Emacs Kick soom :)
;; Commenting functionality for single and multiple lines
(evil-define-key 'normal 'global (kbd "gcc")
(lambda ()
(if (not (use-region-p))
(comment-or-uncomment-region (line-beginning-position) (line-end-position)))))
(evil-define-key 'visual 'global (kbd "gc")
(lambda ()
(if (use-region-p)
(comment-or-uncomment-region (region-beginning) (region-end)))))
;; Enable evil mode
(evil-mode 1))
The `evil-collection’ package enhances the integration of `evil-mode’ with various built-in and third-party packages. It provides a better modal experience by remapping keybindings and commands to fit the `evil’ style.
(use-package evil-collection
:after evil
:defer t
:ensure t
;; Hook to initialize `evil-collection' when `evil-mode' is activated.
(evil-mode . evil-collection-init)
The `undo-tree’ package provides an advanced and visual way to manage undo history. It allows you to navigate and visualize your undo history as a tree structure, making it easier to manage changes in your buffers.
(use-package undo-tree
:defer t
:ensure t
(after-init . global-undo-tree-mode)
(setq undo-tree-visualizer-timestamps t
undo-tree-visualizer-diff t
;; Increase undo limits to avoid losing history due to Emacs' garbage collection.
;; These values can be adjusted based on your needs.
;; 10X bump of the undo limits to avoid issues with premature
;; Emacs GC which truncates the undo history very aggressively.
undo-limit 800000 ;; Limit for undo entries.
undo-strong-limit 12000000 ;; Strong limit for undo entries.
undo-outer-limit 120000000) ;; Outer limit for undo entries.
;; Set the directory where `undo-tree' will save its history files.
;; This keeps undo history across sessions, stored in a cache directory.
(setq undo-tree-history-directory-alist '(("." . "~/.emacs.d/.cache/undo"))))
The `rainbow-delimiters’ package provides colorful parentheses, brackets, and braces to enhance readability in programming modes. Each level of nested delimiter is assigned a different color, making it easier to match pairs visually.
(use-package rainbow-delimiters
:defer t
:ensure t
(prog-mode . rainbow-delimiters-mode))
A simple major mode to provide .env files with color highlighting
(use-package dotenv-mode
:defer t
:ensure t
The `pulsar’ package enhances the user experience in Emacs by providing visual feedback through pulsating highlights. This feature is especially useful in programming modes, where it can help users easily track actions such as scrolling, error navigation, yanking, deleting, and jumping to definitions.
(use-package pulsar
:defer t
:ensure t
(after-init . pulsar-global-mode)
(setq pulsar-pulse t)
(setq pulsar-delay 0.025)
(setq pulsar-iterations 10)
(setq pulsar-face 'evil-ex-lazy-highlight)
(add-to-list 'pulsar-pulse-functions 'evil-scroll-down)
(add-to-list 'pulsar-pulse-functions 'flymake-goto-next-error)
(add-to-list 'pulsar-pulse-functions 'flymake-goto-prev-error)
(add-to-list 'pulsar-pulse-functions 'evil-yank)
(add-to-list 'pulsar-pulse-functions 'evil-yank-line)
(add-to-list 'pulsar-pulse-functions 'evil-delete)
(add-to-list 'pulsar-pulse-functions 'evil-delete-line)
(add-to-list 'pulsar-pulse-functions 'evil-jump-item)
(add-to-list 'pulsar-pulse-functions 'diff-hl-next-hunk)
(add-to-list 'pulsar-pulse-functions 'diff-hl-previous-hunk))
The `doom-modeline’ package provides a sleek, modern mode-line that is visually appealing and functional. It integrates well with various Emacs features, enhancing the overall user experience by displaying relevant information in a compact format.
(use-package doom-modeline
:ensure t
:defer t
(doom-modeline-buffer-file-name-style 'buffer-name) ;; Set the buffer file name style to just the buffer name (without path).
(doom-modeline-project-detection 'project) ;; Enable project detection for displaying the project name.
(doom-modeline-buffer-name t) ;; Show the buffer name in the mode line.
(doom-modeline-vcs-max-length 25) ;; Limit the version control system (VCS) branch name length to 25 characters.
(if ek-use-nerd-fonts ;; Check if nerd fonts are being used.
(setq doom-modeline-icon t) ;; Enable icons in the mode line if nerd fonts are used.
(setq doom-modeline-icon nil)) ;; Disable icons if nerd fonts are not being used.
(after-init . doom-modeline-mode))
The `neotree’ package provides a file tree explorer for Emacs, allowing easy navigation through directories and files. It presents a visual representation of the file system and integrates with version control to show file states.
(use-package neotree
:ensure t
(neo-show-hidden-files t) ;; By default shows hidden files (toggle with H)
(neo-theme 'nerd) ;; Set the default theme for Neotree to 'nerd' for a visually appealing look.
(neo-vc-integration '(face char)) ;; Enable VC integration to display file states with faces (color coding) and characters (icons).
:defer t ;; Load the package only when needed to improve startup time.
(if ek-use-nerd-fonts ;; Check if nerd fonts are being used.
(setq neo-theme 'nerd-icons) ;; Set the theme to 'nerd-icons' if nerd fonts are available.
(setq neo-theme 'nerd))) ;; Otherwise, fall back to the 'nerd' theme.
The `nerd-icons’ package provides a set of icons for use in Emacs. These icons can enhance the visual appearance of various modes and packages, making it easier to distinguish between different file types and functionalities.
(use-package nerd-icons
:if ek-use-nerd-fonts ;; Load the package only if the user has configured to use nerd fonts.
:ensure t ;; Ensure the package is installed.
:defer t) ;; Load the package only when needed to improve startup time.
The `nerd-icons-dired’ package integrates nerd icons into the Dired mode, providing visual icons for files and directories. This enhances the Dired interface by making it easier to identify file types at a glance.
(use-package nerd-icons-dired
:if ek-use-nerd-fonts ;; Load the package only if the user has configured to use nerd fonts.
:ensure t ;; Ensure the package is installed.
:defer t ;; Load the package only when needed to improve startup time.
(dired-mode . nerd-icons-dired-mode))
The `nerd-icons-completion’ package enhances the completion interfaces in Emacs by integrating nerd icons with completion frameworks such as `marginalia’. This provides visual cues for the completion candidates, making it easier to distinguish between different types of items.
(use-package nerd-icons-completion
:if ek-use-nerd-fonts ;; Load the package only if the user has configured to use nerd fonts.
:ensure t ;; Ensure the package is installed.
:after (:all nerd-icons marginalia) ;; Load after `nerd-icons' and `marginalia' to ensure proper integration.
(nerd-icons-completion-mode) ;; Activate nerd icons for completion interfaces.
(add-hook 'marginalia-mode-hook #'nerd-icons-completion-marginalia-setup)) ;; Setup icons in the marginalia mode for enhanced completion display.
The `catppuccin-theme’ package provides a visually pleasing color theme for Emacs that is inspired by the popular Catppuccin color palette. This theme aims to create a comfortable and aesthetic coding environment with soft colors that are easy on the eyes.
(use-package catppuccin-theme
:ensure t
;; Set the color for changes in the diff highlighting to blue.
`(diff-hl-change ((t (:background unspecified :foreground ,(catppuccin-get-color 'blue))))))
;; Set the color for deletions in the diff highlighting to red.
`(diff-hl-delete ((t (:background unspecified :foreground ,(catppuccin-get-color 'red))))))
;; Set the color for insertions in the diff highlighting to green.
`(diff-hl-insert ((t (:background unspecified :foreground ,(catppuccin-get-color 'green))))))
;; Load the Catppuccin theme without prompting for confirmation.
(load-theme 'catppuccin :no-confirm))
(defun ek/first-install ()
"Install tree-sitter grammars and compile packages on first run..."
(interactive) ;; Allow this function to be called interactively.
(switch-to-buffer "*Messages*") ;; Switch to the *Messages* buffer to display installation messages.
(message ">>> All required packages installed.")
(message ">>> Configuring Emacs-Kick...")
(message ">>> Configuring Tree Sitter parsers...")
(require 'treesit-auto)
(treesit-auto-install-all) ;; Install all available Tree Sitter grammars.
(message ">>> Configuring Nerd Fonts...")
(require 'nerd-icons)
(nerd-icons-install-fonts) ;; Install all available nerd-fonts
(message ">>> Native compile 3rd-party packages...\n")
(require 'comp)
(native-compile-prune-cache) ;; Prune the native compilation cache to free up resources.
;; Iterate through all directories in the user's package directory.
(dolist (dir (directory-files package-user-dir t "^[^.]" t))
(when (file-directory-p dir) ;; Check if the current entry is a directory.
(byte-recompile-directory dir 0 t) ;; Byte compile all files in the directory.
(native-compile-async dir 'recursively))) ;; Asynchronously compile the directory and its subdirectories.
(message ">>> Emacs-Kick installed!!! Press any key to close the installer and open Emacs normally.") ;; Notify the user that the installation is complete.
(read-key) ;; Wait for the user to press any key.
(kill-emacs)) ;; Close Emacs after installation is complete.
(provide 'init)
;;; init.el ends here