This is an OpenSCAD render of a custom 5.25" drive tray which holds a CompactFlash Adapter and the Gotek Floppy Emulator board. The intention was to take full advantage of FlashFloppy's enhancements to the Gotek Floppy Emulator (specifically, a rotary encoder for selection and OLED screen for information) and make a CF adpater accessible for easy removal on my RetroPC project.
- A slot for inserting and removing CF Cards from an ACS brand CF-to-IDE flash adapter
- A spot to mount a FlashFloppy enhanced Gotek Floppy Emulator
- A window sized for 0.96" OLED screen that connects to a FlashFloppy enhanced Gotek Floppy Emulator
- A rotary encoder for connecting to a FlashFloppy enhanced Gotek Floppy Emulator
- Cura Slicer v4.7.1+
- OpenSCAD v2019.5+
- Gotek Floppy Emulator -
- 0.96" Dual color OLED display -
- Rotary encoder -
- 3D Printer of your choice
- FlashFloppy Gotek Firmware -
- HxCFloppyEmulator software -