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Converting gramps data into RDF


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# rename the config file and edit it
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bash -i yourgrampsdocument.xml

Vocabularies used for the representation of gramps data

The conversion of gramps data borrows the following classes and properties from the following vocabularies:

For the Family, no convenient type has been found in the vocabularies above. A namespace has been used for the type Family and the relation fatherInFamily, motherInFamily and offspringInFamily

Prefixes and URI

@prefix schema: <> .
@prefix foaf: <> .
@prefix pnv: <> .
@prefix dcterms: <> .
@prefix bibo: <> .
@prefix bio: <> .
@prefix gn: <> .
@prefix skos: <> .
@prefix cito: <> .
@prefix wgs: <> .
@prefix rico: <> .
@prefix grp: <> .

Correspondance between gramps xml vocabulary and RDF vocabulary

BN = blank node

TODO : citation et place ont encore beaucoup de lfd:

Gramps XML RDF
tags -[a]-> skos:conceptScheme,
tag -[a]-> skos:Concept,
-[skos:prefLabel]-> "./name"
foreach distinct(
-[a]-> skos:conceptScheme,
[ for each distinct( -[a]-> skos:concept,
[ person/attribute/@value)
person -[a]-> foaf:Person
IRI : .../Person/@id
person/gender -[foaf:gender]->
person/name -[pnv:hasName]-> ; see below Case 1
person/object TODO
person/childof -[grp:offspringInFamily]->
person/parentin -[grp:parentInFamily]->
person/noteref -[skos:note]->
person/citationref -[dcterms:references]->
person/tagref -[dcterms:references]->
person/eventref <-[bio:agent]-
person/attribute -[a]->AttributeReference
-[dcterms:references]-> to the
sko:concept (see above attribute)
person/attribute/citationref -[dcterms:references]->
family -[a]-> grp:Family
family/father -[grp:motherInFamily]->
family/mother -[grp:fatherInFamily]->
family/childref -[grp:offspringInFamily]->
family/citationref dcterms:references
citation -[a]-> cito:Citation ?
citation/confidence roar ou prov?
citation/page bibo:pages
citation/dateval/@val dcterms:date
citation/sourceref -[dcterms:source]-> ? cf abo.
source bibo:Document
source/stitle dcterms:title
source/objectref -[dcterms:references]
object[file/mime="image/jpeg"] -[a]-> bibo:Image
object/file/@src -[bibo:locator]->
object/file/@checksum -[grp:checksum]->
object/file/@description -[bibo:shortDescription]->
object[not(file/mime="image/jpeg")] -[a]-> bibo:Document
object/file/@src -[bibo:locator]->
object/file/@checksum -[grp:checksum]->
object/file/@description -[bibo:shortDescription]->
object/file/@mime -[grp:mime]->
event -[a]-> bio:Event
event/type -[dcterms:type]->
event/date -[bio:date]->
event/place -[bio:place]->
event/description -[dcterms:description]->
event/citationref -[dcterms:references]->
placeobj/@id -[a]-> gn:Feature
? -[rdf:about]->[id]
placeobj/@type -[gn:featureClass] -> gn:PPL, etc.
placeobj/coord/@long -[wgs:long]->
placeobj/coord/@lat -[wgs:lat]->
placeobj/ptitle -[gn:name]->
placeobj/pname/@value -[gn:alternateName]->
placeobj/pname/@lang ^lang
placeobj/placeref -[gn:parentFeature]->
placeobj/noteref -[skos:note]->
placeobj/citation refdcterm:references
note -[a]->bibo:Note

Case 1: rendering of person name

The pnv:hasName property link a foaf:Person to one or several pnv:PersonName.

The following gramps XML fragment:

    <person handle="_cf24a93e8e11269f423" change="1590755154" id="I0035">
      <name type="Birth Name">
      <name alt="1" type="Traditional name">
      <name alt="1" type="Traditional name">
        <citationref hlink="_e77c3f26ec35af9d75489634e52"/>

is represented as:

      <> a  foaf:Person ;
         rdfs:label      "" ;
         skos:prefLabel: "" ;
         pnv:hasName [ a pnv:PersonName ;
            rdfs:label            "Waro Natiame" ;
            pnv:givenName         "Waro" ;
            pnv:surname            "Natiame" ;
            pnv:literalName       "Waro Natiame" ;
            pnv:nameSpecification "Birth Name" ] ,
          [ a pnv:PersonName ;
            rdfs:label            "Eisak" ;
            pnv:givenName         "Eisak" ;
            pnv:literalName       "Eisak";
            pnv:nameSpecification "Traditional Name" ] ,
          [ a pnv:PersonName ;
            rdfs:label            "Feiawe" ;
            pnv:givenName         "Feiawe" ;
            pnv:literalName       "Feiawe" ;
            pnv:nameSpecification "Traditional Name" ] .

Exemple 2: biographic event

Biographic events :

  • bio:Event and its subtype (birth, death, etc.)
    • bio:place
    • bio:date "The date should be formatted as specified in ISO8601. For example: 2003-03-15 corresponds to the 15th March 2003, and 2003-03-15T13:21-05:00 corresponds to 15th March 2003, 8:21 am, US Eastern Standard Time."
  • foaf:Person; properties:
    • bio:father
    • bio:mother
    • bio:child
    • bio:event


@prefix roar: <> .
@prefix rdfs: <> .
@prefix pnv: <> .
@prefix bio: <> .
@prefix sem: <> .
@prefix xsd: <> .
@prefix wo2slachtoffer: <> .
@prefix prov: <> .

a roar:PersonReconstruction ;
rdfs:label "Willem Hermanus Brizee" ;
pnv:hasName [
    a pnv:PersonName ;
    pnv:givenName "Willem Hermanus" ;
    pnv:surname "Brizee" ;
    pnv:literalName "Willem Hermanus Brizee"
] ;
bio:birth [
    a bio:Birth ;
    bio:principal <go:595_I000342> ;
    bio:place <> ;
    sem:hasTimeStamp "1914-06-14"^^xsd:date
] ;
bio:death [
    a bio:Death ;
    bio:principal <go:595_I000342> ;
    sem:hasTimeStamp "1945-05-03"^^xsd:date ;
    bio:place <>
] ;

Exemple 3: Citation

? The Note entity represent gramps note.