requires "plugin/"
requires ""
requires ""
imports KRYPTO
imports EVM-TYPES
imports JSON-EXT
serves as a wrapper around theKeccak256
syntax Int ::= keccak ( Bytes ) [symbol(keccak), function, total, smtlib(smt_keccak)]
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
rule [keccak]: keccak(WS) => #parseHexWord(Keccak256(WS)) [concrete]
computes the address of a new account given the address and nonce of the creating account.
syntax Int ::= #newAddr ( Int , Int ) [symbol(newAddr), function]
| #newAddr ( Int , Int , Bytes ) [symbol(newAddrCreate2), function]
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
rule [#newAddr]: #newAddr(ACCT, NONCE) => #addr(#parseHexWord(Keccak256(#rlpEncode([#addrBytes(ACCT), NONCE])))) [concrete]
rule [#newAddrCreate2]: #newAddr(ACCT, SALT, INITCODE) => #addr(#parseHexWord(Keccak256(b"\xff" +Bytes #addrBytes(ACCT) +Bytes #wordBytes(SALT) +Bytes #parseByteStack(Keccak256(INITCODE))))) [concrete]
computes the sender of the transaction from its data and signature.sender.pre.EIP155
need to adapt theTW
value before passing it to theECDSARecover
is used by theecrec
precompile and does not need to adapt the parameters.
syntax Account ::= #sender ( TxData , Int , Bytes , Bytes , Int ) [function, symbol(senderTxData) ]
| #sender ( Bytes , Int , Bytes , Bytes ) [function, symbol(senderBytes), total]
| #sender ( Bytes ) [function, symbol(senderReturn) ]
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
rule [sender.pre.EIP155]: #sender(_:TxData, TW => TW +Int 27 , _, _, _) requires TW ==Int 0 orBool TW ==Int 1
rule [sender.EIP155.signed]: #sender(_:TxData, TW => (TW -Int 35) modInt 2, _, _, B) requires TW ==Int 2 *Int B +Int 35 orBool TW ==Int 2 *Int B +Int 36
rule [sender.EIP155.unsigned]: #sender(T:TxData, TW, TR, TS, _) => #sender(#hashTxData(T), TW, TR, TS) [owise]
rule [sender]: #sender(HT, TW, TR, TS) => #sender(ECDSARecover(HT, TW, TR, TS))
rule #sender(b"") => .Account
rule #sender(BYTES) => #addr(#parseHexWord(Keccak256(BYTES))) requires BYTES =/=K b""
computes the address of an account given its private key
syntax Int ::= #addrFromPrivateKey ( String ) [function, symbol(addrFromPrivateKey)]
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
rule [addrFromPrivateKey]: #addrFromPrivateKey ( KEY ) => #addr( #parseHexWord( Keccak256( #parseByteStack( ECDSAPubKey( #parseByteStack( KEY ) ) ) ) ) ) [concrete]
computes the hash of a block header given all the block data.
syntax Int ::= #blockHeaderHash(Int , Int , Int , Int , Int , Int , Bytes, Int , Int , Int , Int , Int , Bytes, Int , Int ) [function, symbol(blockHeaderHash) ]
| #blockHeaderHash(Bytes, Bytes, Bytes, Bytes, Bytes, Bytes, Bytes, Bytes, Bytes, Bytes, Bytes, Bytes, Bytes, Bytes, Bytes ) [function, symbol(blockHashHeaderBytes) ]
| #blockHeaderHash(Int , Int , Int , Int , Int , Int , Bytes, Int , Int , Int , Int , Int , Bytes, Int , Int , Int ) [function, symbol(blockHeaderHashBaseFee) ]
| #blockHeaderHash(Bytes, Bytes, Bytes, Bytes, Bytes, Bytes, Bytes, Bytes, Bytes, Bytes, Bytes, Bytes, Bytes, Bytes, Bytes, Bytes ) [function, symbol(blockHashHeaderBaseFeeBytes) ]
| #blockHeaderHash(Int , Int , Int , Int , Int , Int , Bytes, Int , Int , Int , Int , Int , Bytes, Int , Int , Int , Int ) [function, symbol(blockHeaderHashWithdrawals) ]
| #blockHeaderHash(Bytes, Bytes, Bytes, Bytes, Bytes, Bytes, Bytes, Bytes, Bytes, Bytes, Bytes, Bytes, Bytes, Bytes, Bytes, Bytes, Bytes ) [function, symbol(blockHashHeaderWithdrawalsBytes)]
| #blockHeaderHash(Int , Int , Int , Int , Int , Int , Bytes, Int , Int , Int , Int , Int , Bytes, Int , Int , Int , Int , Int , Int , Int ) [function, symbol(blockHeaderHashBlobBeacon) ]
| #blockHeaderHash(Bytes, Bytes, Bytes, Bytes, Bytes, Bytes, Bytes, Bytes, Bytes, Bytes, Bytes, Bytes, Bytes, Bytes, Bytes, Bytes, Bytes, Bytes, Bytes, Bytes) [function, symbol(blockHashHeaderBlobBeacon) ]
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
rule #blockHeaderHash(HP:Bytes, HO, HC, HR, HT, HE, HB, HD, HI, HL, HG, HS, HX, HM, HN)
=> #parseHexWord( Keccak256( #rlpEncode( [ HP, HO, HC, HR, HT, HE, HB, HD, HI, HL, HG, HS, HX, HM, HN ] ) ) )
rule #blockHeaderHash(HP:Int, HO, HC, HR, HT, HE, HB, HD, HI, HL, HG, HS, HX, HM, HN)
=> #parseHexWord( Keccak256( #rlpEncode( [ #wordBytes(HP), #wordBytes(HO), #addrBytes(HC)
, #wordBytes(HR), #wordBytes(HT), #wordBytes(HE)
, HB, HD, HI, HL, HG, HS, HX
, #wordBytes(HM), #padToWidth(8, #asByteStack(HN))
rule #blockHeaderHash(HP:Bytes, HO, HC, HR, HT, HE, HB, HD, HI, HL, HG, HS, HX, HM, HN, HF)
=> #parseHexWord( Keccak256( #rlpEncode( [ HP, HO, HC, HR, HT, HE, HB, HD, HI, HL, HG, HS, HX, HM, HN, HF ] ) ) )
rule #blockHeaderHash(HP:Int, HO, HC, HR, HT, HE, HB, HD, HI, HL, HG, HS, HX, HM, HN, HF)
=> #parseHexWord( Keccak256( #rlpEncode( [ #wordBytes(HP), #wordBytes(HO), #addrBytes(HC)
, #wordBytes(HR), #wordBytes(HT), #wordBytes(HE)
, HB, HD, HI, HL, HG, HS, HX
, #wordBytes(HM), #padToWidth(8, #asByteStack(HN))
, HF
rule #blockHeaderHash(HP:Bytes, HO, HC, HR, HT, HE, HB, HD, HI, HL, HG, HS, HX, HM, HN, HF, WF)
=> #parseHexWord( Keccak256( #rlpEncode( [ HP, HO, HC, HR, HT, HE, HB, HD, HI, HL, HG, HS, HX, HM, HN, HF, WF ] ) ) )
rule #blockHeaderHash(HP:Int, HO, HC, HR, HT, HE, HB, HD, HI, HL, HG, HS, HX, HM, HN, HF, WF)
=> #parseHexWord( Keccak256( #rlpEncode( [ #wordBytes(HP), #wordBytes(HO), #addrBytes(HC)
, #wordBytes(HR), #wordBytes(HT), #wordBytes(HE)
, HB, HD, HI, HL, HG, HS, HX
, #wordBytes(HM), #padToWidth(8, #asByteStack(HN))
, HF , #wordBytes(WF)
rule #blockHeaderHash(HP:Bytes, HO, HC, HR, HT, HE, HB, HD, HI, HL, HG, HS, HX, HM, HN, HF, WF, UB, EB, BR)
=> #parseHexWord( Keccak256( #rlpEncode( [ HP, HO, HC, HR, HT, HE, HB, HD, HI, HL, HG, HS, HX, HM, HN, HF, WF, UB, EB, BR] ) ) )
rule #blockHeaderHash(HP:Int, HO, HC, HR, HT, HE, HB, HD, HI, HL, HG, HS, HX, HM, HN, HF, WF, UB, EB, BR)
=> #parseHexWord( Keccak256( #rlpEncode( [ #wordBytes(HP), #wordBytes(HO), #addrBytes(HC)
, #wordBytes(HR), #wordBytes(HT), #wordBytes(HE)
, HB, HD, HI, HL, HG, HS, HX
, #wordBytes(HM), #padToWidth(8, #asByteStack(HN))
, HF , #wordBytes(WF) , UB , EB , #wordBytes(BR)
returns the Keccak-256 message hashHT
to be signed. The encoding schemes are applied in#rlpEcondeTxData
syntax Bytes ::= #hashTxData ( TxData ) [symbol(hashTxData), function]
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
rule #hashTxData( TXDATA ) => Keccak256raw( #rlpEncodeTxData(TXDATA) ) requires isLegacyTx (TXDATA)
rule #hashTxData( TXDATA ) => Keccak256raw( b"\x01" +Bytes #rlpEncodeTxData(TXDATA) ) requires isAccessListTx(TXDATA)
rule #hashTxData( TXDATA ) => Keccak256raw( b"\x02" +Bytes #rlpEncodeTxData(TXDATA) ) requires isDynamicFeeTx(TXDATA)
The EVM test-sets are represented in JSON format with hex-encoding of the data and programs. Here we provide some standard parser/unparser functions for that format.
These parsers can interperet hex-encoded strings as Int
s, Bytes
s, and Map
interprets a string as a single hex-encodedWord
interprets a string as a hex-encoded stack of bytes.#alignHexString
makes sure that the length of a (hex)string is even.#parseByteStack
interprets a string as a hex-encoded stack of bytes, but makes sure to remove the leading "0x".#parseWordStack
interprets a JSON list as a stack ofWord
interprets a JSON key/value object as a map fromWord
interprets a string as a 160 bit hex-endcoded address.#parseAccessListStorageKeys
interprets a JSON list object as a Set, casting each string element as aWord
syntax Int ::= #parseWord ( String ) [symbol(#parseWord), function]
| #parseHexWord ( String ) [symbol(#parseHexWord), function]
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
rule #parseHexWord("") => 0
rule #parseHexWord("0x") => 0
rule #parseHexWord(S) => String2Base(replaceAll(S, "0x", ""), 16) requires (S =/=String "") andBool (S =/=String "0x")
rule #parseWord("") => 0
rule #parseWord(S) => #parseHexWord(S) requires lengthString(S) >=Int 2 andBool substrString(S, 0, 2) ==String "0x"
rule #parseWord(S) => String2Int(S) [owise]
syntax String ::= #alignHexString ( String ) [symbol(#alignHexString), function, total]
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
rule #alignHexString(S) => S requires lengthString(S) modInt 2 ==Int 0
rule #alignHexString(S) => "0" +String S requires notBool lengthString(S) modInt 2 ==Int 0
syntax Bytes ::= #parseHexBytes ( String ) [symbol(parseHexBytes), function]
| #parseHexBytesAux ( String ) [symbol(parseHexBytesAux), function]
| #parseByteStack ( String ) [symbol(parseByteStack), function, memo]
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
rule #parseByteStack(S) => #parseHexBytes(replaceAll(S, "0x", ""))
rule #parseHexBytes(S) => #parseHexBytesAux(#alignHexString(S))
rule #parseHexBytesAux("") => .Bytes
rule #parseHexBytesAux(S) => Int2Bytes(lengthString(S) /Int 2, String2Base(S, 16), BE) requires lengthString(S) >=Int 2
syntax Map ::= #parseMap ( JSON ) [symbol(#parseMap), function]
// ---------------------------------------------------------------
rule #parseMap( { .JSONs } ) => .Map
rule #parseMap( { _ : (VALUE:String) , REST } ) => #parseMap({ REST }) requires #parseHexWord(VALUE) ==K 0
rule #parseMap( { KEY : (VALUE:String) , REST } ) => #parseMap({ REST }) [ #parseHexWord(KEY) <- #parseHexWord(VALUE) ] requires #parseHexWord(VALUE) =/=K 0
syntax Int ::= #parseAddr ( String ) [symbol(#parseAddr), function]
// -------------------------------------------------------------------
rule #parseAddr(S) => #addr(#parseHexWord(S))
syntax List ::= #parseAccessListStorageKeys ( JSONs ) [symbol(#parseAccessListStorageKeys), function]
| #parseAccessListStorageKeys ( JSONs , List ) [symbol(#parseAccessListStorageKeysAux), function]
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
rule #parseAccessListStorageKeys( J ) => #parseAccessListStorageKeys(J, .List)
rule #parseAccessListStorageKeys([S:Bytes, REST ], RESULT:List) => #parseAccessListStorageKeys([REST], ListItem(#asWord(S)) RESULT )
rule #parseAccessListStorageKeys([ .JSONs ], RESULT:List) => RESULT
ensures that theString
interperetation of aInt
is wide enough.
syntax String ::= #padByte ( String ) [symbol(#padByte), function]
// ------------------------------------------------------------------
rule #padByte( S ) => S requires lengthString(S) ==K 2
rule #padByte( S ) => "0" +String S requires lengthString(S) ==K 1
syntax String ::= #unparseQuantity ( Int ) [symbol(#unparseQuantity), function]
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
rule #unparseQuantity( I ) => "0x" +String Base2String(I, 16)
syntax String ::= #unparseData ( Int, Int ) [symbol(#unparseData ), function]
| #unparseDataBytes ( Bytes ) [symbol(#unparseDataBytes), function]
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
rule #unparseData( DATA, LENGTH ) => #unparseDataBytes(#padToWidth(LENGTH,#asByteStack(DATA)))
rule #unparseDataBytes( DATA ) => replaceFirst(Base2String(#asInteger(#asByteStack(1) +Bytes DATA), 16), "1", "0x")
Takes an Account and represents it as a 20-byte wide Bytes (or an empty Bytes for a null address)#wordBytes
Takes an Int and represents it as a 32-byte wide Bytes
syntax Bytes ::= #addrBytes ( Account ) [symbol(#addrBytes), function]
| #wordBytes ( Int ) [symbol(#wordBytes), function]
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
rule #addrBytes(.Account) => .Bytes
rule #addrBytes(ACCT) => #padToWidth(20, #asByteStack(ACCT)) requires #rangeAddress(ACCT)
rule #wordBytes(WORD) => #padToWidth(32, #asByteStack(WORD)) requires #rangeUInt(256, WORD)
RLP encoding is used extensively for executing the blocks of a transaction. For details about RLP encoding, see the YellowPaper Appendix B.
RLP encodes an arbitrary precision integer.#rlpEncodeWord
RLP encodes a 256-bit wide EVM word.#rlpEncodeAddress
RLP encodes a 160-bit wide Ethereum address (or the null address: .Account).#rlpEncodeBytes
RLP encodes a Bytes.#rlpEncodeString
RLP encodes a String. All code points must be less thanU+00FF
, andU+00HH
is treated as the byte0xHH
.#rlpEncode( JSON )
can take a JSON array and make an rlp encoding. It must be a JSON array! JSON objects aren't supported. example:#rlpEncode( [ 0, 1, 1, "", #parseByteStack("0xef880") ] )
syntax Bytes ::= #rlpEncodeInt ( Int ) [symbol(#rlpEncodeInt ), function]
| #rlpEncodeWord ( Int ) [symbol(#rlpEncodeWord ), function]
| #rlpEncodeAddress ( Account ) [symbol(#rlpEncodeAddress), function]
| #rlpEncodeString ( String ) [symbol(#rlpEncodeString ), function]
| #rlpEncodeBytes ( Bytes ) [symbol(#rlpEncodeBytes ), function]
| #rlpEncode ( JSON ) [symbol(#rlpEncode ), function]
| #rlpEncode ( JSONs, StringBuffer ) [symbol(#rlpEncodeJsonAux), function]
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
rule #rlpEncodeInt(0) => b"\x80"
rule #rlpEncodeInt(WORD) => #asByteStack(WORD) requires WORD >Int 0 andBool WORD <Int 128
rule #rlpEncodeInt(WORD) => #rlpEncodeBytes(#asByteStack(WORD)) requires WORD >=Int 128
rule #rlpEncodeWord(WORD) => #rlpEncodeBytes(#wordBytes(WORD))
rule #rlpEncodeAddress(ACCT) => #rlpEncodeBytes(#addrBytes(ACCT))
rule #rlpEncodeString(STR) => #rlpEncodeBytes(String2Bytes(STR))
rule #rlpEncodeBytes(BYTES) => b"\x80" requires lengthBytes(BYTES) <Int 1
rule #rlpEncodeBytes(BYTES) => BYTES requires lengthBytes(BYTES) ==Int 1 andBool #asInteger(substrBytes(BYTES, 0, 1)) <Int 128
rule #rlpEncodeBytes(BYTES) => #rlpEncodeLength(BYTES, 128) [owise]
syntax JSON ::= Bytes
rule #rlpEncode( [ J:JSONs ] ) => #rlpEncodeLength( #rlpEncode(J, .StringBuffer) , 192 )
rule #rlpEncode( .JSONs , BUF ) => String2Bytes(StringBuffer2String(BUF))
rule #rlpEncode( (J:Int, REST:JSONs), BUF ) => #rlpEncode(REST, BUF +String Bytes2String(#rlpEncodeInt(J) ))
rule #rlpEncode( (J:String, REST:JSONs), BUF ) => #rlpEncode(REST, BUF +String Bytes2String(#rlpEncodeString(J)))
rule #rlpEncode( (J:Bytes, REST:JSONs), BUF ) => #rlpEncode(REST, BUF +String Bytes2String(#rlpEncodeBytes(J) ))
rule #rlpEncode( ([ J ], REST:JSONs), BUF ) => #rlpEncode(REST, BUF +String Bytes2String(#rlpEncode([ J ]) ))
syntax Bytes ::= #rlpEncodeLength ( Bytes , Int ) [symbol(#rlpEncodeLength), function]
| #rlpEncodeLength ( Bytes , Int , Bytes ) [symbol(#rlpEncodeLengthAux), function]
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
rule #rlpEncodeLength(BYTES, OFFSET) => #asByteStack(lengthBytes(BYTES) +Int OFFSET) +Bytes BYTES requires lengthBytes(BYTES) <Int 56
rule #rlpEncodeLength(BYTES, OFFSET) => #rlpEncodeLength(BYTES, OFFSET, #asByteStack(lengthBytes(BYTES))) requires notBool ( lengthBytes(BYTES) <Int 56 )
rule #rlpEncodeLength(BYTES, OFFSET, BL) => #asByteStack(lengthBytes(BL) +Int OFFSET +Int 55) +Bytes BL +Bytes BYTES
syntax Bytes ::= #rlpEncodeFullAccount ( Int , Int , Map , Bytes ) [symbol(#rlpEncodeFullAccount), function]
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
rule [rlpAcct]: #rlpEncodeFullAccount( NONCE, BAL, STORAGE, CODE )
=> #rlpEncodeLength( #rlpEncodeInt(NONCE)
+Bytes #rlpEncodeInt(BAL)
+Bytes #rlpEncodeBytes( #parseByteStack( Keccak256( #rlpEncodeMerkleTree( #storageRoot( STORAGE ) ) ) ) )
+Bytes #rlpEncodeBytes( #parseByteStack( Keccak256( CODE ) ) )
, 192
syntax Bytes ::= #rlpEncodeTopics ( List , StringBuffer ) [symbol(#rlpEncodeTopics ), function]
| #rlpEncodeReceipt ( Int , Int , Bytes , List ) [symbol(#rlpEncodeReceipt), function]
| #rlpEncodeLogs ( List ) [symbol(#rlpEncodeLogs ), function]
| #rlpEncodeLogsAux ( List , StringBuffer ) [symbol(#rlpEncodeLogsAux), function]
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
rule [rlpReceipt]: #rlpEncodeReceipt(RS, RG, RB, RL)
=> #rlpEncodeLength( #rlpEncodeInt(RS)
+Bytes #rlpEncodeInt(RG)
+Bytes #rlpEncodeBytes(RB)
+Bytes #rlpEncodeLogs(RL)
, 192
rule #rlpEncodeLogs( LOGS ) => #rlpEncodeLogsAux( LOGS, .StringBuffer )
rule #rlpEncodeLogsAux( .List, OUT ) => #rlpEncodeLength(String2Bytes(StringBuffer2String(OUT)),192)
rule #rlpEncodeLogsAux( ( ListItem({ ACCT | TOPICS | DATA }) => .List ) _
, ( OUT => OUT +String Bytes2String(
#rlpEncodeLength( #rlpEncodeAddress(ACCT)
+Bytes #rlpEncodeTopics(TOPICS,.StringBuffer)
+Bytes #rlpEncodeBytes(DATA)
, 192
rule #rlpEncodeTopics( .List, OUT ) => #rlpEncodeLength(String2Bytes(StringBuffer2String(OUT)),192)
rule #rlpEncodeTopics( ( ListItem( X:Int ) => .List ) _
, ( OUT => OUT +String Bytes2String( #rlpEncodeWord(X) ) )
syntax Bytes ::= #rlpEncodeTxData ( TxData ) [symbol(rlpEncodeTxData), function]
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
rule #rlpEncodeTxData( LegacyTxData( TN, TP, TG, TT, TV, TD ) )
=> #rlpEncode( [ TN, TP, TG, #addrBytes(TT), TV, TD ] )
rule #rlpEncodeTxData( LegacySignedTxData( TN, TP, TG, TT, TV, TD, B ) )
=> #rlpEncode( [ TN, TP, TG, #addrBytes(TT), TV, TD, B, 0, 0 ] )
rule #rlpEncodeTxData( AccessListTxData( TN, TP, TG, TT, TV, TD, TC, [TA] ) )
=> #rlpEncode( [ TC, TN, TP, TG, #addrBytes(TT), TV, TD, [TA] ] )
rule #rlpEncodeTxData( DynamicFeeTxData(TN, TF, TM, TG, TT, TV, DATA, TC, [TA]) )
=> #rlpEncode( [ TC, TN, TF, TM, TG, #addrBytes(TT), TV, DATA, [TA] ] )
syntax Bytes ::= #rlpEncodeMerkleTree ( MerkleTree ) [symbol(#rlpEncodeMerkleTree), function]
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
rule #rlpEncodeMerkleTree ( .MerkleTree ) => b"\x80"
rule #rlpEncodeMerkleTree ( MerkleLeaf ( PATH, VALUE ) )
=> #rlpEncodeLength( #rlpEncodeBytes( #HPEncode( PATH, 1 ) )
+Bytes #rlpEncodeString( VALUE )
, 192
rule #rlpEncodeMerkleTree ( MerkleExtension ( PATH, TREE ) )
=> #rlpEncodeLength( #rlpEncodeBytes( #HPEncode( PATH, 0 ) )
+Bytes #rlpMerkleH( #rlpEncodeMerkleTree( TREE ) )
, 192
rule #rlpEncodeMerkleTree ( MerkleBranch ( M , VALUE ) )
=> #rlpEncodeLength( MerkleMapRLP(M, 0) +Bytes MerkleMapRLP(M, 1)
+Bytes MerkleMapRLP(M, 2) +Bytes MerkleMapRLP(M, 3)
+Bytes MerkleMapRLP(M, 4) +Bytes MerkleMapRLP(M, 5)
+Bytes MerkleMapRLP(M, 6) +Bytes MerkleMapRLP(M, 7)
+Bytes MerkleMapRLP(M, 8) +Bytes MerkleMapRLP(M, 9)
+Bytes MerkleMapRLP(M,10) +Bytes MerkleMapRLP(M,11)
+Bytes MerkleMapRLP(M,12) +Bytes MerkleMapRLP(M,13)
+Bytes MerkleMapRLP(M,14) +Bytes MerkleMapRLP(M,15)
+Bytes #rlpEncodeString( VALUE )
, 192
syntax Bytes ::= MerkleMapRLP ( Map , Int ) [symbol(MerkleMapRLP), function]
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
rule MerkleMapRLP(M, I) => #rlpMerkleH( #rlpEncodeMerkleTree( { M[I] orDefault .MerkleTree }:>MerkleTree ) )
syntax Bytes ::= #rlpMerkleH ( Bytes ) [function, symbol(MerkleRLPAux)]
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
rule #rlpMerkleH ( X ) => #rlpEncodeBytes( #parseByteStack( Keccak256( X ) ) )
requires lengthBytes(X) >=Int 32
rule #rlpMerkleH ( X ) => X
requires notBool lengthBytes(X) >=Int 32
RLP decodes a singleBytes
into aJSON
RLP decodes a singleBytes
into aJSONs
, interpereting the input as the RLP encoding of a list.
syntax JSON ::= #rlpDecode ( Bytes ) [symbol(#rlpDecode ), function]
| #rlpDecode ( Bytes , LengthPrefix) [symbol(#rlpDecodeAux), function]
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
rule #rlpDecode(BYTES) => #rlpDecode(BYTES, #decodeLengthPrefix(BYTES, 0))
rule #rlpDecode(BYTES, #str( LEN, POS)) => substrBytes(BYTES, POS, POS +Int LEN)
rule #rlpDecode(BYTES, #list(_LEN, POS)) => [#rlpDecodeList(BYTES, POS)]
syntax JSONs ::= #rlpDecodeList (Bytes , Int ) [symbol(#rlpDecodeList ), function]
| #rlpDecodeList (Bytes , Int , LengthPrefix) [symbol(#rlpDecodeListAux), function]
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
rule #rlpDecodeList(BYTES, POS) => #rlpDecodeList(BYTES, POS, #decodeLengthPrefix(BYTES, POS)) requires POS <Int lengthBytes(BYTES)
rule #rlpDecodeList( _, _) => .JSONs [owise]
rule #rlpDecodeList(BYTES, POS, _:LengthPrefixType(L, P)) => #rlpDecode(substrBytes(BYTES, POS, L +Int P)) , #rlpDecodeList(BYTES, L +Int P)
syntax LengthPrefixType ::= "#str" | "#list"
syntax LengthPrefix ::= LengthPrefixType "(" Int "," Int ")"
| #decodeLengthPrefix ( Bytes , Int ) [symbol(#decodeLengthPrefix), function]
| #decodeLengthPrefix ( Bytes , Int , Int ) [symbol(#decodeLengthPrefixAux), function]
| #decodeLengthPrefixLength ( LengthPrefixType , Bytes , Int , Int ) [symbol(#decodeLengthPrefixLength), function]
| #decodeLengthPrefixLength ( LengthPrefixType , Int , Int , Int ) [symbol(#decodeLengthPrefixLengthAux), function]
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
rule #decodeLengthPrefix(BYTES, START) => #decodeLengthPrefix(BYTES, START, #asWord(substrBytes(BYTES, START, START +Int 1)))
rule #decodeLengthPrefix( _, START, B0) => #str(1, START) requires B0 <Int 128
rule #decodeLengthPrefix( _, START, B0) => #str(B0 -Int 128, START +Int 1) requires B0 >=Int 128 andBool B0 <Int (128 +Int 56)
rule #decodeLengthPrefix(BYTES, START, B0) => #decodeLengthPrefixLength(#str, BYTES, START, B0) requires B0 >=Int (128 +Int 56) andBool B0 <Int 192
rule #decodeLengthPrefix( _, START, B0) => #list(B0 -Int 192, START +Int 1) requires B0 >=Int 192 andBool B0 <Int 192 +Int 56
rule #decodeLengthPrefix(BYTES, START, B0) => #decodeLengthPrefixLength(#list, BYTES, START, B0) [owise]
rule #decodeLengthPrefixLength(#str, BYTES, START, B0) => #decodeLengthPrefixLength(#str, START, B0 -Int 128 -Int 56 +Int 1, #asWord(substrBytes(BYTES, START +Int 1, START +Int 1 +Int (B0 -Int 128 -Int 56 +Int 1))))
rule #decodeLengthPrefixLength(#list, BYTES, START, B0) => #decodeLengthPrefixLength(#list, START, B0 -Int 192 -Int 56 +Int 1, #asWord(substrBytes(BYTES, START +Int 1, START +Int 1 +Int (B0 -Int 192 -Int 56 +Int 1))))
rule #decodeLengthPrefixLength(TYPE, START, LL, L) => TYPE(L, START +Int 1 +Int LL)
syntax JSONs ::= #rlpDecodeTransaction ( Bytes ) [symbol(#rlpDecodeTransaction), function]
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
rule #rlpDecodeTransaction(T) => #range(T, 0, 1), #rlpDecode(#range(T, 1, lengthBytes(T) -Int 1))
- Appendix C and D from the Ethereum Yellow Paper
syntax KItem ::= Int | MerkleTree // For testing purposes
syntax MerkleTree ::= ".MerkleTree"
| MerkleBranch ( Map, String ) [symbol(MerkleBranch )]
| MerkleExtension ( Bytes, MerkleTree ) [symbol(MerkleExtension)]
| MerkleLeaf ( Bytes, String ) [symbol(MerkleLeaf )]
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
syntax MerkleTree ::= MerkleUpdate ( MerkleTree, String, String ) [symbol(MerkleUpdate ), function]
| MerkleUpdate ( MerkleTree, Bytes, String ) [symbol(MerkleUpdateAux), function]
| MerklePut ( MerkleTree, Bytes, String ) [symbol(MerklePut ), function]
| MerkleDelete ( MerkleTree, Bytes ) [symbol(MerkleDelete ), function]
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
rule MerkleUpdate ( TREE, S:String, VALUE ) => MerkleUpdate ( TREE, #nibbleize ( String2Bytes( S ) ), VALUE )
rule MerkleUpdate ( TREE, PATH:Bytes, VALUE ) => MerklePut ( TREE, PATH, VALUE ) requires VALUE =/=String ""
rule MerkleUpdate ( TREE, PATH:Bytes, "" ) => MerkleDelete ( TREE, PATH )
rule MerklePut ( .MerkleTree, PATH, VALUE ) => MerkleLeaf( PATH, VALUE )
rule MerklePut ( MerkleLeaf ( LEAFPATH, _ ), PATH, VALUE ) => MerkleLeaf( LEAFPATH, VALUE )
requires LEAFPATH ==K PATH
rule MerklePut ( MerkleLeaf ( LEAFPATH, LEAFVALUE ), PATH, VALUE )
=> MerklePut ( MerklePut ( MerkleBranch( .Map, "" ), LEAFPATH, LEAFVALUE ), PATH, VALUE )
requires lengthBytes( LEAFPATH ) >Int 0
andBool lengthBytes( PATH ) >Int 0
andBool LEAFPATH[0] =/=Int PATH[0]
rule MerklePut ( MerkleLeaf ( LEAFPATH, LEAFVALUE ), PATH, VALUE )
=> #merkleExtensionBuilder( .Bytes, LEAFPATH, LEAFVALUE, PATH, VALUE )
requires LEAFPATH =/=K PATH
andBool lengthBytes( LEAFPATH ) >Int 0
andBool lengthBytes( PATH ) >Int 0
andBool LEAFPATH[0] ==Int PATH[0]
rule MerklePut ( MerkleExtension ( EXTPATH, EXTTREE ), PATH, VALUE )
=> MerkleExtension ( EXTPATH, MerklePut ( EXTTREE, .Bytes, VALUE ) )
requires EXTPATH ==K PATH
rule MerklePut ( MerkleExtension ( EXTPATH, EXTTREE ), PATH, VALUE )
=> #merkleExtensionBrancher( MerklePut( MerkleBranch( .Map, "" ), PATH, VALUE ), EXTPATH, EXTTREE )
requires lengthBytes( PATH ) >Int 0
andBool EXTPATH[0] =/=Int PATH[0]
rule MerklePut ( MerkleExtension ( EXTPATH, EXTTREE ), PATH, VALUE )
=> #merkleExtensionSplitter( .Bytes, EXTPATH, EXTTREE, PATH, VALUE )
requires EXTPATH =/=K PATH
andBool lengthBytes( PATH ) >Int 0
andBool EXTPATH[0] ==Int PATH[0]
rule MerklePut ( MerkleBranch( M, _ ), PATH, VALUE )
=> MerkleBranch( M, VALUE )
requires lengthBytes( PATH ) ==Int 0
rule MerklePut ( MerkleBranch( M, BRANCHVALUE ), PATH, VALUE )
=> #merkleUpdateBranch ( M, BRANCHVALUE, PATH[0], #range(PATH, 1, lengthBytes(PATH) -Int 1), VALUE )
requires lengthBytes( PATH ) >Int 0
rule MerkleDelete( .MerkleTree, _ ) => .MerkleTree
rule MerkleDelete( MerkleLeaf( LPATH, _V ), PATH ) => .MerkleTree requires LPATH ==K PATH
rule MerkleDelete( MerkleLeaf( LPATH, V ), PATH ) => MerkleCheck( MerkleLeaf( LPATH, V ) ) requires LPATH =/=K PATH
rule MerkleDelete( MerkleExtension( EXTPATH, TREE ), PATH ) => MerkleExtension( EXTPATH, TREE ) requires notBool (lengthBytes(EXTPATH) <=Int lengthBytes(PATH) andBool #range(PATH, 0, lengthBytes(EXTPATH)) ==K EXTPATH)
rule MerkleDelete( MerkleExtension( EXTPATH, TREE ), PATH )
=> MerkleCheck( MerkleExtension( EXTPATH, MerkleDelete( TREE, #range(PATH, lengthBytes(EXTPATH), lengthBytes(PATH) -Int lengthBytes(EXTPATH)) ) ) )
requires lengthBytes(EXTPATH) <=Int lengthBytes(PATH) andBool #range(PATH, 0, lengthBytes(EXTPATH)) ==K EXTPATH
rule MerkleDelete( MerkleBranch( M, _V ), PATH ) => MerkleCheck( MerkleBranch( M, "" ) ) requires lengthBytes(PATH) ==Int 0
rule MerkleDelete( MerkleBranch( M, V ), PATH ) => MerkleBranch( M, V ) requires lengthBytes(PATH) >Int 0 andBool notBool PATH[0] in_keys(M)
rule MerkleDelete( MerkleBranch( M, V ), PATH )
=> MerkleCheck( MerkleBranch( M[PATH[0] <- MerkleDelete( {M[PATH[0]]}:>MerkleTree, #range(PATH, 1, lengthBytes(PATH) -Int 1) )], V ) )
requires lengthBytes(PATH) >Int 0 andBool PATH[0] in_keys(M)
syntax MerkleTree ::= MerkleCheck( MerkleTree ) [symbol(MerkleCheck), function]
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
rule MerkleCheck( TREE ) => TREE [owise]
rule MerkleCheck( MerkleLeaf( _, "" ) => .MerkleTree )
rule MerkleCheck( MerkleBranch( .Map , V ) => MerkleLeaf( .Bytes, V ) )
rule MerkleCheck( MerkleBranch( X |-> T , "" ) => MerkleExtension( #range(#asByteStack(X), 0, 1), T ) ) requires T =/=K .MerkleTree
rule MerkleCheck( MerkleBranch( M => #cleanBranchMap(M), _ ) ) requires .MerkleTree in values(M)
rule MerkleCheck( MerkleExtension( _, .MerkleTree ) => .MerkleTree )
rule MerkleCheck( MerkleExtension( P1, MerkleLeaf( P2, V ) ) => MerkleLeaf( P1 +Bytes P2, V ) )
rule MerkleCheck( MerkleExtension( P1 => P1 +Bytes P2, MerkleExtension( P2, TREE ) => TREE ) )
Takes a mapping ofBytes |-> String
and generates a trie
syntax MerkleTree ::= MerkleUpdateMap ( MerkleTree , Map ) [symbol(MerkleUpdateMap), function]
| MerkleUpdateMapAux ( MerkleTree , Map , List ) [symbol(MerkleUpdateMapAux), function]
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
rule MerkleUpdateMap(TREE, MMAP) => MerkleUpdateMapAux(TREE, MMAP, keys_list(MMAP))
rule MerkleUpdateMapAux(TREE, _, .List ) => TREE
rule MerkleUpdateMapAux(TREE , MMAP, ListItem(KEY) REST)
=> MerkleUpdateMapAux(MerkleUpdate(TREE, #nibbleize(KEY), {MMAP[KEY]}:>String), MMAP, REST)
syntax Bytes ::= #nibbleize ( Bytes ) [symbol(#nibbleize), function]
| #byteify ( Bytes ) [symbol(#byteify ), function]
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
rule #nibbleize ( B ) => ( #range( #asByteStack ( B [ 0 ] /Int 16 ), 0, 1 )
+Bytes ( #range( #asByteStack ( B [ 0 ] %Int 16 ), 0, 1 ) )
) +Bytes #nibbleize ( #range(B, 1, lengthBytes(B) -Int 1) )
requires lengthBytes(B) >Int 0
rule #nibbleize ( B ) => .Bytes requires notBool lengthBytes(B) >Int 0
rule #byteify ( B ) => #range( #asByteStack ( B[0] *Int 16 +Int B[1] ), 0, 1 )
+Bytes #byteify ( #range( B, 2, lengthBytes(B) -Int 2 ) )
requires lengthBytes(B) >Int 0
rule #byteify ( B ) => .Bytes requires notBool lengthBytes(B) >Int 0
syntax Bytes ::= #HPEncode ( Bytes, Int ) [symbol(#HPEncode), function]
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
rule #HPEncode ( X, T ) => #asByteStack ( ( HPEncodeAux(T) +Int 1 ) *Int 16 +Int X[0] ) +Bytes #byteify( #range(X, 1, lengthBytes(X) -Int 1) )
requires lengthBytes(X) %Int 2 =/=Int 0
rule #HPEncode ( X, T ) => #range(#asByteStack ( HPEncodeAux(T) *Int 16 ), 0, 1) +Bytes #byteify( X )
requires notBool lengthBytes(X) %Int 2 =/=Int 0
syntax Int ::= HPEncodeAux ( Int ) [symbol(HPEncodeAux), function]
// ------------------------------------------------------------------
rule HPEncodeAux ( X ) => 0 requires X ==Int 0
rule HPEncodeAux ( X ) => 2 requires notBool X ==Int 0
syntax Map ::= #cleanBranchMap ( Map ) [symbol(#cleanBranchMap), function]
| #cleanBranchMapAux ( Map , List, Set ) [symbol(#cleanBranchMapAux), function]
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
rule #cleanBranchMap( M ) => #cleanBranchMapAux( M, keys_list(M), .Set )
rule #cleanBranchMapAux( M, .List, S ) => removeAll( M, S )
rule #cleanBranchMapAux( X |-> .MerkleTree _, (ListItem(X) => .List) _ , (.Set => SetItem(X)) _ )
rule #cleanBranchMapAux( _, (ListItem(_) => .List) _ , _ ) [owise]
syntax MerkleTree ::= #merkleUpdateBranch ( Map, String, Int, Bytes, String ) [symbol(#merkleUpdateBranch), function]
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
rule #merkleUpdateBranch ( X |-> TREE M, BRANCHVALUE, X, PATH, VALUE )
=> MerkleBranch( M[X <- MerklePut( TREE, PATH, VALUE )], BRANCHVALUE )
rule #merkleUpdateBranch ( M, BRANCHVALUE, X, PATH, VALUE )
=> MerkleBranch( M[X <- MerkleLeaf( PATH, VALUE )], BRANCHVALUE ) [owise]
syntax MerkleTree ::= #merkleExtensionBuilder( Bytes , Bytes , String , Bytes , String ) [symbol(#merkleExtensionBuilder), function]
| #merkleExtensionBuilderAux( Bytes , Bytes , String , Bytes , String ) [symbol(#merkleExtensionBuilderAux), function]
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
rule #merkleExtensionBuilder(PATH, P1, V1, P2, V2)
=> #merkleExtensionBuilderAux(PATH, P1, V1, P2, V2)
requires lengthBytes(P1) >Int 0
andBool lengthBytes(P2) >Int 0
rule #merkleExtensionBuilder(PATH, P1, V1, P2, V2)
=> MerkleExtension( PATH, MerklePut( MerklePut( MerkleBranch( .Map, "" ), P1, V1 ), P2, V2 ) )
rule #merkleExtensionBuilderAux( PATH, P1, V1, P2, V2 )
=> #merkleExtensionBuilder( PATH +Bytes (#range(P1, 0, 1))
, #range(P1, 1, lengthBytes(P1) -Int 1), V1
, #range(P2, 1, lengthBytes(P2) -Int 1), V2
requires P1[0] ==Int P2[0]
rule #merkleExtensionBuilderAux( PATH, P1, V1, P2, V2 )
=> MerkleExtension( PATH, MerklePut( MerklePut( MerkleBranch( .Map, "" ), P1, V1 ), P2, V2 ) )
syntax MerkleTree ::= #merkleExtensionBrancher ( MerkleTree, Bytes, MerkleTree ) [symbol(#merkleExtensionBrancher), function]
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
rule #merkleExtensionBrancher( MerkleBranch(M, VALUE), PATH, EXTTREE )
=> MerkleBranch( M[PATH[0] <- MerkleExtension( #range(PATH, 1, lengthBytes(PATH) -Int 1), EXTTREE )], VALUE )
requires lengthBytes(PATH) >Int 1
rule #merkleExtensionBrancher( MerkleBranch(M, VALUE), PATH, EXTTREE )
=> MerkleBranch( M[PATH[0] <- EXTTREE], VALUE )
requires lengthBytes(PATH) ==Int 1
syntax MerkleTree ::= #merkleExtensionSplitter ( Bytes, Bytes, MerkleTree, Bytes, String ) [symbol(#merkleExtensionSplitter), function]
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
rule #merkleExtensionSplitter( PATH => PATH +Bytes (#range(P1, 0, 1))
, P1 => #range(P1, 1, lengthBytes(P1) -Int 1), _
, P2 => #range(P2, 1, lengthBytes(P2) -Int 1), _
requires lengthBytes(P1) >Int 0
andBool lengthBytes(P2) >Int 0
andBool P1[0] ==Int P2[0]
rule #merkleExtensionSplitter( PATH, P1, TREE, P2, VALUE )
=> MerkleExtension( PATH, #merkleExtensionBrancher( MerklePut( MerkleBranch( .Map, "" ), P2, VALUE ), P1, TREE ) )
requires lengthBytes(P1) >Int 0
andBool lengthBytes(P2) >Int 0
andBool P1[0] =/=Int P2[0]
rule #merkleExtensionSplitter( PATH, P1, TREE, P2, VALUE )
=> MerkleExtension( PATH, MerklePut( TREE, P2, VALUE ) )
requires lengthBytes(P1) ==Int 0
rule #merkleExtensionSplitter( PATH, P1, TREE, P2, VALUE )
=> MerkleExtension( PATH, #merkleExtensionBrancher( MerklePut( MerkleBranch( .Map, "" ), P2, VALUE ), P1, TREE ) )
requires lengthBytes(P2) ==Int 0
syntax Map ::= #intMap2StorageMap( Map ) [symbol(#intMap2StorageMap), function]
| #intMap2StorageMapAux( Map, Map, List ) [symbol(#intMap2StorageMapAux), function]
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
rule #intMap2StorageMap( M ) => #intMap2StorageMapAux( .Map, M, keys_list(M) )
rule #intMap2StorageMapAux( SMAP, _, .List ) => SMAP
rule #intMap2StorageMapAux( SMAP, IMAP, ListItem(K) REST )
=> #intMap2StorageMapAux( #wordBytes(K) |-> Bytes2String(#rlpEncodeInt({IMAP[K]}:>Int)) SMAP, IMAP, REST )
requires {IMAP[K]}:>Int =/=Int 0
rule #intMap2StorageMapAux( SMAP, IMAP, ListItem(K) REST )
=> #intMap2StorageMapAux( SMAP, IMAP, REST )
requires {IMAP[K]}:>Int ==Int 0
syntax MerkleTree ::= #storageRoot( Map ) [symbol(#storageRoot), function]
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
rule #storageRoot( STORAGE ) => MerkleUpdateMap( .MerkleTree, #intMap2StorageMap( STORAGE ) )
syntax Map ::= #precompiledAccountsMap ( Set ) [symbol(#precompiledAccountsMap), function]
| #precompiledAccountsMapAux( List, Map ) [symbol(#precompiledAccountsMapAux), function]
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
rule #precompiledAccountsMap( ACCTS ) => #precompiledAccountsMapAux( Set2List( ACCTS ), .Map )
rule #precompiledAccountsMapAux( .List, M ) => M
rule #precompiledAccountsMapAux( (ListItem( ACCT ) => .List) _, M => M[#parseByteStack ( #unparseData( ACCT, 20 ) ) <- #emptyContractRLP] )
syntax Bytes ::= "#emptyContractRLP" [function]
// -----------------------------------------------
rule #emptyContractRLP => #rlpEncodeLength( #rlpEncodeInt(0)
+Bytes #rlpEncodeInt(0)
+Bytes #rlpEncodeBytes( #parseByteStack( Keccak256(b"\x80") ) )
+Bytes #rlpEncodeBytes( #parseByteStack( Keccak256(b"") ) )
, 192