requires ""
Some common functions and extensions of JSON are provided here.
module JSON-EXT
imports JSON
imports STRING
imports BOOL
appends two JSON lists.reverseJSONs
reverses a JSON list.
syntax JSONs ::= JSONs "+JSONs" JSONs [function]
// ------------------------------------------------
rule .JSONs +JSONs JS' => JS'
rule (J , JS) +JSONs JS' => J , (JS +JSONs JS')
syntax JSONs ::= reverseJSONs ( JSONs ) [symbol(reverseJSONs), function]
| reverseJSONsAux ( JSONs , JSONs ) [symbol(reverseJSONsAux), function]
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
rule reverseJSONs(JS) => reverseJSONsAux(JS, .JSONs)
rule reverseJSONsAux(.JSONs, JS') => JS'
rule reverseJSONsAux((J, JS:JSONs), JS') => reverseJSONsAux(JS, (J, JS'))
quick-sorts a list of key-value pairs.sortedJSONs
is a predicate saying whether a given list of JSONs is sorted or not.
syntax JSONs ::= qsortJSONs ( JSONs ) [symbol(qsortJSONs), function]
| #entriesLT ( String , JSONs ) [symbol(#entriesLT), function]
| #entriesGE ( String , JSONs ) [symbol(#entriesGE), function]
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
rule qsortJSONs(.JSONs) => .JSONs
rule qsortJSONs(KEY : VALUE, REST) => qsortJSONs(#entriesLT(KEY, REST)) +JSONs (KEY : VALUE , qsortJSONs(#entriesGE(KEY, REST)))
rule #entriesLT(_KEY, .JSONs) => .JSONs
rule #entriesLT( KEY, (KEY': VALUE, REST)) => KEY': VALUE , #entriesLT(KEY, REST) requires KEY' <String KEY
rule #entriesLT( KEY, (KEY': _, REST)) => #entriesLT(KEY, REST) requires notBool KEY' <String KEY
rule #entriesGE(_KEY, .JSONs) => .JSONs
rule #entriesGE( KEY, (KEY': VALUE, REST)) => KEY': VALUE , #entriesGE(KEY, REST) requires KEY' >=String KEY
rule #entriesGE( KEY, (KEY': _, REST)) => #entriesGE(KEY, REST) requires notBool KEY' >=String KEY
syntax Bool ::= sortedJSONs ( JSONs ) [symbol(sortedJSONs), function]
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
rule sortedJSONs( .JSONs ) => true
rule sortedJSONs( _KEY : _ ) => true
rule sortedJSONs( (KEY : _) , (KEY' : VAL) , REST ) => KEY <=String KEY' andThenBool sortedJSONs((KEY' : VAL) , REST)
TODO: Adding Int
to JSONKey
is a hack to make certain parts of semantics easier.
syntax JSONKey ::= Int
// ----------------------
module JSON-RPC
imports K-IO
imports LIST
imports JSON-EXT
<web3input> $INPUT:Int </web3input>
<web3output> $OUTPUT:Int </web3output>
<jsonrpc> "":JSON </jsonrpc>
<callid> 0:JSON </callid>
<method> "":JSON </method>
<params> [ .JSONs ] </params>
<batch> undef </batch>
<web3response> .List </web3response>
syntax JSON ::= "undef" [symbol(JSON-RPCundef)]
// -----------------------------------------------
syntax Bool ::= isProperJson ( JSON ) [symbol(isProperJson), function]
| isProperJsonList ( JSONs ) [symbol(isProperJsonList), function]
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
rule isProperJson(_) => false [owise]
rule isProperJson(null) => true
rule isProperJson(_:Int) => true
rule isProperJson(_:Bool) => true
rule isProperJson(_:String) => true
rule isProperJson(_:JSONKey : J) => isProperJson(J)
rule isProperJson([ JS ]) => isProperJsonList(JS)
rule isProperJson({ JS }) => isProperJsonList(JS)
rule isProperJsonList(.JSONs) => true
rule isProperJsonList(J, JS) => isProperJson(J) andBool isProperJsonList(JS)
syntax JSONs ::= flattenJSONs ( JSONs ) [symbol(flattenJSONs), function]
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
rule flattenJSONs(.JSONs ) => .JSONs
rule flattenJSONs([.JSONs], JL) => flattenJSONs(JL)
rule flattenJSONs([J,JS] , JL) => J, flattenJSONs([JS], JL)