Elm packages that follow the elm-pkg-js
spec provide Port-based functionality that relies on some external Javascript.
automates the retrieval, verification and inclusion of that Javascript into an Elm project.
import { elmPkgJsInit } from "./elm-pkg-js-includes"
// After your Elm app has been initialised as you normally do
var app = Elm.Main.init(...)
// Pass it to the generated elm-pkg-js initialiser
Now the provided init
function for all installed elm-pkg-js
packages will be run, allowing port subscriptions to be attached.
The autogenerated PkgPorts.elm
file has all the ports that installed elm-pkg-js
packages expect.
Include it wherever a package expects a PkgPorts ports msg
For example, with the supermario/copy-to-clipboard
import PkgPorts exposing (ports)
import Clipboard
-- In your update function
update msg model =
case msg of
SomeMsg ->
( model, Clipboard.copy ports "some string" )
elm-pkg-js verify
───> Validating `elm-pkg-js` compliance
───> Overview for (1) elm-pkg-js package:
supermario/copy-to-clipboard v1.0.0
Package: https://package.elm-lang.org/packages/supermario/copy-to-clipboard/1.0.0/
Repo: https://github.com/supermario/copy-to-clipboard
JS: https://github.com/supermario/copy-to-clipboard/src/copy-to-clipboard.js
45 lines of Javascript