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Adding new libraries

Generally, there are two ways of adding new library:

  1. Creating JSON library descriptor
  2. Integration using Kotlin API

Creating library descriptor

To support new JVM library and make it available via %use magic command you need to create a library descriptor for it.

Check libraries repository to see examples of library descriptors.

Library descriptor is a <libName>.json file with the following fields:

  • properties: a dictionary of properties that are used within library descriptor
  • description: a short library description which is used for generating libraries list in README
  • link: a link to library homepage. This link will be displayed in :help command
  • minKernelVersion: a minimal version of Kotlin kernel which may be used with this descriptor
  • repositories: a list of maven or ivy repositories to search for dependencies
  • dependencies: a list of library dependencies
  • imports: a list of default imports for library
  • init: a list of code snippets to be executed when library is included
  • initCell: a list of code snippets to be executed before execution of any cell
  • shutdown: a list of code snippets to be executed on kernel shutdown. Any cleanup code goes here
  • renderers: a mapping from fully qualified names of types to be rendered to the Kotlin expression returning output value. Source object is referenced as $it
  • resources: a list of JS/CSS resources. See this descriptor for example

*All fields are optional

For the most relevant specification see org.jetbrains.kotlinx.jupyter.libraries.LibraryDescriptor class.

Name of the file should have the <name>.json format where <name> is an argument for '%use' command

Library properties can be used in any parts of library descriptor as $property

To register new library descriptor:

  1. For private usage - create it anywhere on your computer and reference it using file syntax.
  2. Alternative way for private usage - create descriptor in .jupyter_kotlin/libraries folder and reference it using "default" syntax
  3. For sharing with community - commit it to libraries repository and create pull request.

If you are maintaining some library and want to update your library descriptor, create pull request with your update. After your request is accepted, new version of your library will be available to all Kotlin Jupyter users immediately on next kernel startup (no kernel update is needed) - but only if they use %useLatestDescriptors magic. If not, kernel update is needed.

Integration using Kotlin API

You may also add a Kotlin kernel integration to your library using a Gradle plugin.

In the following code snippets <jupyterApiVersion> is one of the published versions from the link above. It is encouraged to use the latest stable version.

First, add the plugin dependency into your buildscript.

For build.gradle:

plugins {
    id "org.jetbrains.kotlin.jupyter.api" version "<jupyterApiVersion>"

For build.gradle.kts:

plugins {
    kotlin("jupyter.api") version "<jupyterApiVersion>"

This plugin adds following dependencies to your project:

Artifact Gradle option to exclude/include Enabled by default Dependency scope Method for adding dependency manually
kotlin-jupyter-api kotlin.jupyter.add.api yes compileOnly addApiDependency(version: String?)
kotlin-jupyter-api-annotations kotlin.jupyter.add.scanner no compileOnly addScannerDependency(version: String?)
kotlin-jupyter-test-kit kotlin.jupyter.add.testkit yes testImplementation addTestKitDependency(version: String?)

You may turn on / turn off the dependency with its default version (version of the plugin) by setting corresponding Gradle option to true or false. If the corresponding option is set to false (by default or in your setup), you still can add it manually using the method from the table inside kotlinJupyter extension like that:

kotlinJupyter {
    addApiDependency() // Use default version
    addApiDependency("") // Use custom artifact version

Adding library integration using KSP plugin

If you are OK with using KSP, you can use annotations to mark integration classes.

First, enable kotlin-jupyter-api-annotations dependency by adding following line to your

kotlin.jupyter.add.scanner = true

Then, implement org.jetbrains.kotlinx.jupyter.api.libraries.LibraryDefinitionProducer or org.jetbrains.kotlinx.jupyter.api.libraries.LibraryDefinition and mark implementation with JupyterLibrary annotation:

import org.jetbrains.kotlinx.jupyter.api.annotations.JupyterLibrary
import org.jetbrains.kotlinx.jupyter.api.*
import org.jetbrains.kotlinx.jupyter.api.libraries.*

internal class Integration : JupyterIntegration() {
    override fun Builder.onLoaded() {
        render<MyClass> { HTML(it.toHTML()) }

For more complicated example see integration of dataframe library.

For a further information see docs for:

  • org.jetbrains.kotlinx.jupyter.api.libraries.JupyterIntegration
  • org.jetbrains.kotlinx.jupyter.api.libraries.LibraryDefinitionProducer
  • org.jetbrains.kotlinx.jupyter.api.libraries.LibraryDefinition

Adding library integration avoiding use of annotation processor

You may want not to use KSP plugin for implementations detection. Then you may refer your implementations right in your buildscript. Note that no checking for existence will be performed in this case.

The following example shows how to refer aforementioned Integration class in your buildscript. Obviously, in this case you shouldn't mark it with JupyterLibrary annotation.

For build.gradle:

processJupyterApiResources {
    libraryProducers = [""]

For build.gradle.kts:

tasks.processJupyterApiResources {
    libraryProducers = listOf("")

Integration testing for the integration logic

You may want to automatically check if your library integrates correctly into kernel. To achieve this, inherit your test class from org.jetbrains.kotlinx.jupyter.testkit.JupyterReplTestCase and use its methods to execute cells. Your library integration descriptors should be already on classpath and will be loaded automatically by the test logic, you don't need to use %use magic or DependsOn annotation to switch on your library. But you may use magics and annotations for other purposes, as usual.

The artifact containing test templates is included automatically into testImplementation configuration if you use the Gradle plugin. You may turn this behavior off by setting kotlin.jupyter.add.testkit Gradle property to false. If you want to include this artifact into your build manually, you'll find the instructions here.

For the examples of integration testing see org.jetbrains.kotlinx.jupyter.testkit.test.JupyterReplTestingTest in this repository or related tests in DataFrame.

Integration using other build systems

If you don't use Gradle as a build system, there is an alternative way.

First, add org.jetbrains.kotlinx:kotlin-jupyter-api:<jupyterApiVersion> as a compile dependency. See configuration instructions for different build systems here

Then add one or more integration classes. They may be derived from LibraryDefinitionProducer or from LibraryDefinition as described above. Note that you don't need @JupyterLibrary annotation in this scenario.

Finally, add file META-INF/kotlin-jupyter-libraries/libraries.json to the JAR resources. This file should contain FQNs of all integration classes in the JSON form:

  "producers": [
    { "fqn" : "org.jetbrains.kotlinx.jupyter.example.GettingStartedIntegration" }

Classes derived from LibraryDefinition should be added to the definitions array. Classes derived from LibraryDefinitionProducer should be added to the producers array.