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Raspberry Pi Ad Block and home weather monitoring with dockers

Docker containers running on Ubuntu Server 20.04.2 LTS.

Pihole with Cloudflare

Using Mr Roach for the detailed guide on setting up PiHole and Cloudflared DoH networking and understand on how to set it up securely.

VisiblitySpots for the dockerfile to help get Cloudflare DoH working on a Raspberry Pi 4.

Cloudflare has been set to only communicate with PiHole with a seperate network and flow using Docker


Please read through Mr Roach's excellent explination on it and how to set it up in your environment.

Once done make sure to change your:


To something in your network. You can then access the PiHole dashboard at

Home Weather Monitoring

Built on Raspberry Pi 4 with the SparkFun Environmental Combo Breakout - CCS811/BME280 (Qwiic) on Python.

Using who provide a full technology stack develop, deploy, and manage projects at any scale; all on the cloud.

Pihole + unbound copied from klutchell.

pHAT Shutown button copied from sparkfun reboot and shutdown guide.

Enviromental Variables Used

Add a database.env file and input the following details

- DEVICE_DB_LOCATION = The device location
- INFLUX_DB_BUCKET = The bucket name for Influx DB
- INFLUX_DB_TOKEN = Token generated from Influx DB. More infomration can be found at [InfluxDB's documentation](
- INFLUX_DB_ORG = The organisation ID for your bucket

Sensor uses Python and influxdb-client-python libaries to write into influxdb.

Setup of initial persistant InfluxDB database and users

You will need to change your InfluxDB external address in the docker-compose.yml file to match your internal network settings.


You can then access the InfluxDB database @

Setup details can be found here and the easiest way is to open up the influxdb url @ http://deviceIP:8086 and follow the intial setup prompts.

Alternatively you can open up a CLI terminal on the docker and type in:

influx setup 

and follow the prompts.

Setup of scripts for the sensor

You will need to change your Sensor external address in the docker-compose.yml file to match your internal network settings.


Environmental files would need to be added. Default is 'database.env' on the composer

The following fields are needed:

- INFLUX_DB_BUCKET: ${Your influxdb bucket that was setup}
- INFLUX_DB_TOKEN: ${Your influxdb token} 
- INFLUX_DB_ORG: ${Your influxdb organisation name}
- DEVICE_DB_LOCATION: ${Input flag to filter by location of devices}
- TELEGRAF_TOKEN: ${Your telegraf token for InfluxDB (If you created a new bucket else use your other token)}

Alternatively you can go into the Python scripts and hardcode these values in directly.

Scripts and configurations that use env variables are:

- telegraf.conf

Finally under / BOMURL please point the URL to your local data feed under Observations - Individual Stations as these feeds provide the necessary .json files which this is written in to accept.

Setup of Grafana

A template dashboard will be in place with some of the datapoints. Follow the instructions here to connect Grafana to Influx DB via Flux.

Queries can only be made with Flux and not the older InfluxQL.