This file describes changes in the GAP package SmallClassNr.
- Added missing group with 14 conjugacy classes of order 104 (reported by Thomas Breuer)
- NrSmallClassNrGroups can now take extra parameters, like the functions OneSmallClassNrGroup and AllSmallClassNrGroups
- Janitorial changes
- Small janitorial changes
- Small janitorial changes
Added IdClassNr attribute
SmallClassNrGroup now accepts a pair [ k, i ] as input in addition to k and i as separate parameters
For groups created using SmallClassNrGroup:
- The NrConjugacyClasses and IdClassNr attributes will automatically be set
- PcGroups now explicitly have their Pcgs recognised as a SpecialPcgs
- PermGroups now automatically have their generating set recognised as both a SmallGeneratingSet and a MinimalGeneratingSet
- The size of PermGroups is no longer automatically set
Dropped support for GAP versions < 4.11
Manual slightly expanded
Small janitorial changes
- Removed GAPDoc and AutoDoc as dependencies
- Small janitorial changes
- Added IteratorSmallClassNrGroups
- More freedom in supplying arguments to AllSmallClassNrGroups and OneSmallClassNrGroup
- Initial release