APPM 5630 at CU Boulder Prof. Becker, Spring 2025. Meeting time: MWF 11:15 -- 12:05 PM, DUAN G2B21
Office hours:
- Mon 3-4:30 and Thursday 1-2:30, hybrid (in my office or via zoom; see Canvas for zoom link)
- Our TA Nic Rummel's office hours are Thurs 4:30-5:30
This repo contains in-class demos and some homework solutions (much of it is from Spring 2023 and 2021 or even Fall 2018 when this class was taught as a special topics course 4720/5720)
- Here is the class policy/procedures document (and if you need it for some reason, the 2018 policies/syllabus (PDF)).
- Here is the syllabus (details on the content) document (and if you need it, the day-by-day schedule from Fall 2018 has even more details on what we covered)
List of previous semesters' class projects
We will follow instructors' notes. The supplementary texts we used most often:
- Convex Optimization by Boyd and Vandenberghe, Cambridge University Press 2004
- First-Order Methods in Optimization by Amir Beck, SIAM 2017, see also SIAM website
- Convex Analysis and Monotone Operator Theory in Hilbert Spaces by Bauschke and Combettes, 2nd edition, Springer 2017
More details on textbooks in the syllabus.