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This is a self-contained distribution of Decentralized Privacy-Preserving Proximity Tracing (DP^3T) server components, including the CovidCode health authority code generation service and a generic UI, packaged with Docker and orchestrated with docker-compose or Swarm. It allows you to quickly setup a server environment to test the DP^3T mobile applications. It is compatible with both the "low-cost" and GAEN versions of the protocols.

DISCLAIMER: This is for testing purposes only. Don't use this in a public network.

Quick start

First, create the secret keys and admin password with:

make -C secrets

You may now edit docker-compose.yml to create a regular user for testing, if needed. (You can also connect to http://localhost:8180 later to create users in the bag-pts realm and add them to group bag-pts-allowed.)

To deploy the server cluster on localhost run:

docker-compose up

then connect to https://localhost for the public interface. Login, generate a code, and use it as follows:

./tests/ 2020-05-21 123 123 123 123

giving the correct data and code. To list exposed buckets for today use:



Check-out the project with:

git clone --recurse-submodules

or just add the submodules to an existing clone with:

git submodule update --init

Build all images with:

docker-compose build


This project is hardcoded for https://localhost. If you want to use something else, just find and replace https://localhost everywhere before rebuilding it, namely:


Many parameters of each web-service can be changed in application properties files in ./authcodews and ./backendws.

Secrets (keys and passwords) are managed as volumes mounted from the ./secrets folder. You cam also opt to deploy in swarm-mode with a local registry and using docker-compose-swarm.yml after loading secrets with:

make -C secrets load

More information

The DP3T project is available at:

The CovidCode service is available at:

The generic health authority UI is available at:

Copyright and license

Copyright (c) 2020 INESC TEC. Developed by the STAYAWAY team. Distribution license EUPL 1.2. See details in file LICENSE.

Note that running these Docker recipes will download binaries or source code of various software packages. Check each of them for copyright information and the corresponding usage and distribution licenses that apply to resulting Docker images.