File tree
27,212 files changed
lines changed- .github/workflows
- docs
- modules/ROOT
- pages
- gulp.d
- lib
- tasks
- node_modules
- .bin
- @babel
- code-frame
- lib
- core
- lib
- config
- files
- helpers
- validation
- gensync-utils
- parser
- util
- tools
- transformation
- file
- node_modules
- .bin
- @babel
- code-frame
- lib
- helper-validator-identifier
- lib
- scripts
- highlight
- lib
- json5
- dist
- lib
- semver
- bin
- source-map
- dist
- lib
- generator
- lib
- generators
- node
- node_modules/source-map
- dist
- lib
- helper-function-name
- lib
- helper-get-function-arity
- lib
- helper-member-expression-to-functions
- lib
- helper-module-imports
- lib
- helper-module-transforms
- lib
- helper-optimise-call-expression
- lib
- helper-replace-supers
- lib
- helper-simple-access
- lib
- helper-split-export-declaration
- lib
- helper-validator-identifier
- lib
- scripts
- helpers
- lib
- highlight
- lib
- parser
- bin
- lib
- typings
- template
- lib
- node_modules/@babel
- code-frame
- lib
- helper-validator-identifier
- lib
- scripts
- highlight
- lib
- traverse
- lib
- path
- inference
- lib
- scope
- lib
- node_modules
- @babel
- code-frame
- lib
- helper-validator-identifier
- lib
- scripts
- highlight
- lib
- globals
- types
- lib
- asserts
- generated
- builders
- flow
- generated
- react
- typescript
- clone
- comments
- constants
- generated
- converters
- definitions
- modifications
- flow
- typescript
- retrievers
- traverse
- utils
- react
- validators
- generated
- react
- node_modules/@babel/helper-validator-identifier
- lib
- scripts
- scripts
- generators
- utils
- @nodelib
- fs.scandir
- out
- adapters
- providers
- types
- utils
- fs.stat
- out
- adapters
- providers
- types
- fs.walk
- out
- providers
- readers
- types
- @sindresorhus/is
- dist
- source
- tests
- @stylelint
- postcss-css-in-js
- postcss-markdown
- @types
- color-name
- eslint-visitor-keys
- glob
- json-schema
- json5
- minimatch
- minimist
- node
- fs
- ts3.2
- ts3.5
- ts3.7
- normalize-package-data
- parse-json
- q
- unist
- @typescript-eslint
- experimental-utils
- dist
- eslint-utils
- ts-eslint
- ts-eslint-scope
- node_modules/eslint-scope
- lib
- parser
- dist
- scope
- typescript-estree
- dist
- ts-estree
- node_modules
- .bin
- semver
- bin
- JSONStream
- examples
- test
- fixtures
- accepts
- acorn
- bin
- dist
- acorn-jsx
- acorn-node
- lib
- bigint
- class-fields
- dynamic-import
- export-ns-from
- import-meta
- numeric-separator
- private-class-elements
- static-class-features
- test
- acorn-walk
- dist
- ajv
- dist
- lib
- compile
- dot
- dotjs
- refs
- scripts
- alphanum-sort
- lib
- ansi-colors
- types
- ansi-escapes
- node_modules/type-fest
- source
- ansi-gray
- ansi-regex
- ansi-styles
- ansi-wrap
- anymatch
- append-buffer
- arch
- archive-type
- node_modules/file-type
- archy
- examples
- test
- argparse
- lib
- action
- append
- store
- argument
- help
- arr-diff
- arr-filter
- arr-flatten
- arr-map
- arr-union
- array-each
- array-find-index
- array-from
- array-includes
- .github
- workflows
- test
- array-initial
- node_modules/is-number
- array-last
- node_modules/is-number
- array-slice
- array-sort
- node_modules/kind-of
- array-union
- array-unique
- array.prototype.flat
- .github
- workflows
- test
- arrify
- asciidoctor.js
- dist
- browser
- css
- graalvm
- nashorn
- node
- umd
- asn1
- lib
- ber
- asn1.js
- lib
- asn1
- base
- constants
- decoders
- encoders
- node_modules/bn.js
- lib
- util
- assert
- node_modules
- inherits
- util
- support
- test
- browser
- node
- assert-plus
- assign-symbols
- astral-regex
- async-done
- async-each
- async-settle
- asynckit
- lib
- at-least-node
- atob
- bin
- autoprefixer
- bin
- data
- lib
- hacks
- node_modules
- caniuse-lite
- data
- features
- regions
- dist
- lib
- unpacker
- postcss
- docs
- api
- assets
- guidelines
- lib
- supports-color
- aws-sign2
- aws4
- bach
- lib
- bail
- balanced-match
- base
- node_modules
- define-property
- is-accessor-descriptor
- is-data-descriptor
- is-descriptor
- base64-js
- batch
- bcrypt-pbkdf
- bin-build
- bin-check
- bin-version
- node_modules
- execa
- lib
- get-stream
- pump
- bin-version-check
- node_modules
- .bin
- semver
- bin
- bin-wrapper
- node_modules
- download
- node_modules/pify
- file-type
- got
- node_modules/pify
- make-dir
- node_modules/pify
- p-cancelable
- p-event
- p-timeout
- pify
- prepend-http
- url-parse-lax
- binary-extensions
- bindings
- bl
- test
- bn.js
- lib
- body
- test
- boolbase
- brace-expansion
- braces
- lib
- node_modules/extend-shallow
- brorand
- test
- browser-pack
- bin
- example
- sourcemap
- node_modules/through2
- test
- browser-pack-flat
- example
- out
- src
- lib
- node_modules/through2
- private_modules/identifierfy
- test
- bare-module
- colliding-unused
- comment
- dedupe
- a
- b
- dep-order
- destructure
- dynamic-require
- eager-cycles
- exports-name
- expose
- globals
- input-source-map
- lazy-cycles
- lazy-expose
- lazy-order
- module-parent
- parent-cycle
- remove-decl
- set-exports
- shorthand
- simplify
- source-map
- standalone
- typeof-require
- variable
- browser-process-hrtime
- browser-resolve
- node_modules/resolve
- example
- lib
- test
- dotdot
- abc
- module_dir
- xmodules/aaa
- ymodules/aaa
- zmodules/bbb
- node_path
- x
- aaa
- ccc
- y
- bbb
- ccc
- pathfilter/deep_ref
- node_modules/deep
- deeper
- precedence
- aaa
- bbb
- resolver
- bar/node_modules/foo
- baz
- biz/node_modules
- garply
- lib
- grux
- tiv
- incorrect_main
- other_path
- lib
- punycode/node_modules/punycode
- quux/foo
- without_basedir
- node_modules
- subdirs/node_modules/a
- b/c
- browserify
- .github
- assets
- bin
- example
- api
- browser
- multiple_bundles
- static
- source_maps
- js
- build
- wunder
- lib
- node_modules
- glob
- through2
- test
- array
- async
- bare
- bin_tr_error
- bom
- browser_field_file
- browser_field_resolve
- a
- b
- c
- d
- e
- f
- browserify-aes
- modes
- browserify-cipher
- browserify-des
- browserify-rsa
- node_modules/bn.js
- lib
- util
- browserify-sign
- browser
- node_modules/readable-stream
- lib
- internal/streams
- browserify-zlib
- lib
- src
Some content is hidden
Large Commits have some content hidden by default. Use the searchbox below for content that may be hidden.
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