Pull requests, bug reports, and all other forms of contribution are welcomed and highly encouraged!
Whenever you open a issue or a PR, please use this title format
[Priority Tag] Short Title
For Priority Tag, you can use [P0]
, [P0]
is the highest priority, which means everyone should stop working and focus on this PR. For Minor issues, use [Minor]
. For bugs, please use [Bug Fix]
and see below.
It becomes tricky if you have pyvene
installed while debugging with this codebase, since imports can be easily messed up. Please run,
pip uninstall pyvene
When adding new methods or APIs, unit tests are now enforced. To run existing tests, you can kick off the python unittest command in the discovery mode as,
cd pyvene
python -m unittest discover -p '*TestCase.py'
For specific test case, yoou can run
cd pyvene
python -m unittest tests.integration_tests.ComplexInterventionWithGPT2TestCase
When checking in new code, please also consider to add new tests in the same PR. Please include test results in the PR to make sure all the existing test cases are passing. Please see the qa_runbook.ipynb
notebook about a set of conventions about how to add test cases. The code coverage for this repository is currently low
, and we are adding more automated tests.
[Describe your PR Here]
**Testing Done**:
[Provide logs, screen-shots, and files that contain tests you have done]
Go to issues, and open with a title formatted as,
[Bug Fix] Short Title
For external requests (i.e., you are not in our core dev team), please use,
[External] Short Title
Please email us!