Each row of a SymVariable table describes a local variable.
Offset | Size | Field | Description |
0 | 4 | Scope | Index of the parent scope |
4 | 4 | Name | Index of the variable's name in the SymString heap. |
8 | 4 | Attributes | Flags describing the variable (see below). |
12 | 4 | Signature | Index of the signature in the SymMisc heap. |
16 | 4 | SignatureSize | Length of the signature. |
20 | 4 | AddressKind | Always 1. |
24 | 4 | Address1 | Local variable number. |
28 | 4 | Address2 | Always 0. |
32 | 4 | Address3 | Always 0. |
36 | 4 | StartOffset | CIL offset where the variable is first visible. |
40 | 4 | EndOffset | CIL offset where the variable is last visible. |
44 | 4 | Sequence | Always 0. |
48 | 4 | IsParam | Always 0. |
52 | 4 | IsHidden | 1 if variable should be hidden from debugger; 0 otherwise. |
The least-significant bit of Attributes indicates whether the variable is user-generated (0) or compiler-generated (1). The other bits are reserved and should be set to zero.
Because parameters are fully described by the Metadata, they do not appear in the SymVariable table.