Each row of a SymDocument describes a source document, as shown below. The document can either be referred to indirectly (by its URL) or incorporated directly into the CILDB file as part of the SymMisc heap. The GUID values referred to in this subclause are not defined by this Standard; space is simply reserved for them.
Offset | Size | Field | Description |
0 | 16 | Language | GUID for the language. |
16 | 16 | LanguageVendor | GUID for the language vendor. |
32 | 16 | DocumentType | GUID for the document type. |
48 | 16 | AlgorithmId | GUID of the checksum algorithm; or 0 if there is no checksum. |
64 | 4 | CheckSumSize | Size of the checksum; or 0 if there is no checksum. |
68 | 4 | CheckSumEntry | Index of the checksum in the SymMisc heap; or 0 if there is no checksum. |
72 | 4 | SourceSize | Size of the source in the SymMisc heap; or 0 if the source document is not directly incorporated into the file. |
76 | 4 | SourceEntry | Index of the source in the SymMisc heap; or 0 if the source document is not directly incorporated into the file. |
80 | 4 | UrlEntry | Index of the document URL in the SymString heap. |