The TypeSpec table has just one column, which indexes the specification of a Type, stored in the Blob heap. This provides a metadata token for that Type (rather than simply an index into the Blob heap). This is required, typically, for array operations, such as creating, or calling methods on the array class.
The TypeSpec table has the following column:
- Signature (index into the Blob heap, where the blob is formatted as specified in §II.23.2.14)
Note that TypeSpec tokens can be used with any of the CIL instructions that take a TypeDef or TypeRef token; specifically, castclass
, cpobj
, initobj
, isinst
, ldelema
, ldobj
, mkrefany
, newarr
, refanyval
, sizeof
, stobj
, box
, and unbox
This contains informative text only.
The TypeSpec table can contain zero or more rows
Signature shall index a valid Type specification in the Blob heap [ERROR]
There shall be no duplicate rows, based upon Signature [ERROR]
End informative text.