- Rewrite the compiler in novah itself (?)
- Website (https://novahlang.github.io/)
- Add javadoc like capabilities to comments (using markdown probably)
- Primitive types support
- IDE support (WIP)
- LSP implemented in the compiler (WIP)
- Auto derive Show and maybe some other type classes
- Tail call optimization for recursive functions
- Computation expressions
- Standard library (WIP)
- Multi line strings
- Anonymous function arguments
- Full pattern destructuring for function and let parameters
- Multi-expression pattern matching
- Full support for pattern matching (records, lists, named, guards)
- Generic programming with instance arguments (implicits)
- Literal syntax for basic data structures
- Persistent data structures
- Row polymorphism
- Java interoperability
- Full compilation cycle and runnable main
- Support all Java primitives
- Type constructors (ex: List Int)
- Create a canonical formatter for the language (WIP)