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Deploy TiDB to Kubernetes on Your Laptop

This document describes how to deploy a TiDB cluster to Kubernetes on your laptop (Linux or macOS) for development or testing.

Docker in Docker (DinD) runs Docker containers as virtual machines and runs another layer of Docker containers inside the first layer of Docker containers. kubeadm-dind-cluster uses this technology to run the Kubernetes cluster in Docker containers. TiDB Operator uses a modified DinD script to manage the DinD Kubernetes cluster.


Before deploying a TiDB cluster to Kubernetes, make sure the following requirements are satisfied:

  • Resources requirement: CPU 2+, Memory 4G+

    Note: For macOS, you need to allocate 2+ CPU and 4G+ Memory to Docker. For details, see Docker for Mac configuration.

  • Docker: 17.03 or later

    Note: Legacy Docker Toolbox users must migrate to Docker for Mac by uninstalling Legacy Docker Toolbox and installing Docker for Mac, because DinD cannot run on Docker Toolbox and Docker Machine.

    Note: kubeadm validates installed Docker version during the installation process. If you are using Docker later than 18.06, there would be warning messages. The cluster might still be working, but it is recommended to use a Docker version between 17.03 and 18.06 for better compatibility. You can find older versions of docker here.

  • Helm Client: version >= 2.9.0 and < 3.0.0

  • Kubectl: 1.10 at least, 1.13 or later recommended

    Note: The outputs of different versions of kubectl might be slightly different.

  • For Linux users, kubeadm might produce warning messages during the installation process if you are using kernel 5.x or later versions. The cluster might still be working, but it is recommended to use kernel version 3.10+ or 4.x for better compatibility.

  • root access or permissions to operate with the Docker daemon.

  • Supported filesystem

    For Linux users, if the host machine uses an XFS filesystem (default in CentOS 7), it must be formatted with ftype=1 to enable d_type support, see Docker's documentation for details.

    You can check if your filesystem supports d_type using command xfs_info / | grep ftype, where / is the data directory of you installed Docker daemon.

    If your root directory / uses XFS without d_type support, but there is another partition does, or is using another filesystem, it is also possible to change the data directory of Docker to use that partition.

    Assume a supported filesystem is mounted at path /data, use the following instructions to let Docker use it:

    # Create a new directory for docker data storage
    mkdir -p /data/docker
    # Stop docker daemon
    systemctl stop docker.service
    # Make sure the systemd directory exist
    mkdir -p /etc/systemd/system/docker.service.d/
    # Overrite config
    cat << EOF > /etc/systemd/system/docker.service.d/docker-storage.conf
    ExecStart=/usr/bin/dockerd --data-root /data/docker -H fd:// --containerd=/run/containerd/containerd.sock
    # Restart docker daemon
    systemctl daemon-reload
    systemctl start docker.service

Step 1: Deploy a Kubernetes cluster using DinD

First, make sure that the docker daemon is running, and you can install and set up a Kubernetes cluster (version 1.12) using DinD for TiDB Operator with the script in our repository:

# Get the code
$ git clone --depth=1

# Set up the cluster
$ cd tidb-operator
$ manifests/local-dind/ up

If the cluster fails to pull Docker images during the startup due to the firewall, you can set the environment variable KUBE_REPO_PREFIX to before running the script as follows (the Docker images used are pulled from UCloud Docker Registry):

$ manifests/local-dind/ up

An alternative solution is to configure HTTP proxies in DinD:

$ export DIND_HTTP_PROXY=http://<ip>:<port>
$ export DIND_HTTPS_PROXY=http://<ip>:<port>
$ export DIND_NO_PROXY=.svc,.local,,0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9 # whitelist internal domains and IP addresses
$ manifests/local-dind/ up

There might be some warnings during the process due to various settings and environment of your system, but the command should exit without any error. You can verify the k8s cluster is up and running by:

# Get the cluster information
$ kubectl cluster-info
Kubernetes master is running at
KubeDNS is running at
kubernetes-dashboard is running at

# List host nodes (in the DinD installation, they are docker containers) in the cluster
$ kubectl get nodes -o wide
kube-master   Ready    master   11m     v1.12.5    <none>        Debian GNU/Linux 9 (stretch)   3.10.0-957.12.1.el7.x86_64   docker://18.9.0
kube-node-1   Ready    <none>   9m32s   v1.12.5    <none>        Debian GNU/Linux 9 (stretch)   3.10.0-957.12.1.el7.x86_64   docker://18.9.0
kube-node-2   Ready    <none>   9m32s   v1.12.5    <none>        Debian GNU/Linux 9 (stretch)   3.10.0-957.12.1.el7.x86_64   docker://18.9.0
kube-node-3   Ready    <none>   9m32s   v1.12.5    <none>        Debian GNU/Linux 9 (stretch)   3.10.0-957.12.1.el7.x86_64   docker://18.9.0

Step 2: Install TiDB Operator in the DinD Kubernetes cluster

Once the k8s cluster is up and running, we can install TiDB Operator into it using helm:

$ helm install charts/tidb-operator --name=tidb-operator --namespace=tidb-admin --set scheduler.kubeSchedulerImageName=mirantis/hypokube --set scheduler.kubeSchedulerImageTag=final

Then wait a few minutes until TiDB Operator is running:

$ kubectl get pods --namespace tidb-admin -l
NAME                                       READY     STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
tidb-controller-manager-5cd94748c7-jlvfs   1/1       Running   0          1m
tidb-scheduler-56757c896c-clzdg            2/2       Running   0          1m

Step 3: Deploy a TiDB cluster in the DinD Kubernetes cluster

By using helm along with TiDB Operator, we can easily set up a TiDB cluster:

$ helm install charts/tidb-cluster --name=demo --namespace=tidb

And wait a few minutes for all TiDB components to get created and ready:

# Use `Ctrl + C` to exit watch mode
$ kubectl get pods --namespace tidb -l -o wide --watch

# Get basic information of the TiDB cluster
$ kubectl get tidbcluster -n tidb
NAME   PD                       STORAGE   READY   DESIRE   TIKV                       STORAGE   READY   DESIRE   TIDB                       READY   DESIRE
demo   pingcap/pd:v3.0.1        1Gi       3       3        pingcap/tikv:v3.0.1        10Gi      3       3        pingcap/tidb:v3.0.1        2       2

$ kubectl get statefulset -n tidb
demo-pd     3         3         1m
demo-tidb   2         2         1m
demo-tikv   3         3         1m

$ kubectl get service -n tidb
NAME              TYPE        CLUSTER-IP       EXTERNAL-IP   PORT(S)                          AGE
demo-discovery    ClusterIP    <none>        10261/TCP                        1m
demo-grafana      NodePort     <none>        3000:32503/TCP                   1m
demo-pd           ClusterIP   <none>        2379/TCP                         1m
demo-pd-peer      ClusterIP   None             <none>        2380/TCP                         1m
demo-prometheus   NodePort     <none>        9090:32448/TCP                   1m
demo-tidb         NodePort    <none>        4000:32714/TCP,10080:32680/TCP   1m
demo-tidb-peer    ClusterIP   None             <none>        10080/TCP                        1m
demo-tikv-peer    ClusterIP   None             <none>        20160/TCP                        1m

$ kubectl get configmap -n tidb
NAME                              DATA   AGE
demo-monitor                      5      1m
demo-monitor-dashboard-extra-v3   2      1m
demo-monitor-dashboard-v2         5      1m
demo-monitor-dashboard-v3         5      1m
demo-pd                           2      1m
demo-tidb                         2      1m
demo-tikv                         2      1m

$ kubectl get pod -n tidb
NAME                              READY     STATUS      RESTARTS   AGE
demo-discovery-649c7bcbdc-t5r2k   1/1       Running     0          1m
demo-monitor-58745cf54f-gb8kd     2/2       Running     0          1m
demo-pd-0                         1/1       Running     0          1m
demo-pd-1                         1/1       Running     0          1m
demo-pd-2                         1/1       Running     0          1m
demo-tidb-0                       1/1       Running     0          1m
demo-tidb-1                       1/1       Running     0          1m
demo-tikv-0                       1/1       Running     0          1m
demo-tikv-1                       1/1       Running     0          1m
demo-tikv-2                       1/1       Running     0          1m

Access the database and monitor dashboards

To access the TiDB cluster, use kubectl port-forward to expose services to the host. The port numbers in command are in <host machine port>:<k8s service port> format.

Note: If you are deploying DinD on a remote machine rather than a local PC, there might be problems accessing "localhost" of that remote system. When you use kubectl 1.13 or later, it is possible to expose the port on instead of the default by adding --address to the kubectl port-forward command.

  • Access TiDB using the MySQL client

    Before you start testing your TiDB cluster, make sure you have installed a MySQL client.

    1. Use kubectl to forward the host machine port to the TiDB service port:

      $ kubectl port-forward svc/demo-tidb 4000:4000 --namespace=tidb

      Note: If the proxy is set up sucessfully, it will print something like Forwarding from -> 4000. After testing, press Ctrl + C to stop the proxy and exit.

    2. Then, to connect to TiDB using the MySQL client, open a new terminal tab or window and run the following command:

      $ mysql -h -P 4000 -u root
  • View the monitor dashboards

    1. Use kubectl to forward the host machine port to the Grafana service port:

      $ kubectl port-forward svc/demo-grafana 3000:3000 --namespace=tidb

      Note: If the proxy is set up sucessfully, it will print something like Forwarding from -> 3000. After testing, press Ctrl + C to stop the proxy and exit.

    2. Then, open your web browser at http://localhost:3000 to access the Grafana monitoring interface.

      • Default username: admin
      • Default password: admin
  • Permanent remote access

    Although this is a very simple demo cluster and does not apply to any serious usage, it is useful if it can be accessed remotely without kubectl port-forward, which might require an open terminal.

    TiDB, Prometheus, and Grafana are exposed as NodePort Services by default, so it is possible to set up a reverse proxy for them.

    1. Find their listing port numbers using the following command:

      $ kubectl get service -n tidb | grep NodePort
      demo-grafana      NodePort     <none>        3000:32503/TCP                   1m
      demo-prometheus   NodePort     <none>        9090:32448/TCP                   1m
      demo-tidb         NodePort    <none>        4000:32714/TCP,10080:32680/TCP   1m

      In this sample output, the ports are: 32503 for Grafana, 32448 for Prometheus, and 32714 for TiDB.

    2. Find the host IP addresses of the cluster.

      DinD is a K8s cluster running inside Docker containers, so Services expose ports to the containers' address, instead of the real host machine. We can find IP addresses of Docker containers by the following command:

      $ kubectl get nodes -o yaml | grep address
      - address:
      - address: kube-master
      - address:
      - address: kube-node-1
      - address:
      - address: kube-node-2
      - address:
      - address: kube-node-3

      Use the IP addresses for reverse proxy.

    3. Set up a reverse proxy.

      Either (or all) of the container IPs can be used as upstream for a reverse proxy. You can use any reverse proxy server that supports TCP (for TiDB) or HTTP (for Grafana and Prometheus) to provide remote access. HAProxy and NGINX are two common choices.

Scale the TiDB cluster

You can scale out or scale in the TiDB cluster simply by modifying the number of replicas.

  1. Edit the charts/tidb-cluster/values.yaml file with your preferred text editor.

    For example, to scale out the cluster, you can modify the number of TiKV replicas from 3 to 5, or the number of TiDB replicas from 2 to 3.

  2. Run the following command to apply the changes:

    helm upgrade demo charts/tidb-cluster --namespace=tidb

Note: If you need to scale in TiKV, the consumed time depends on the volume of your existing data, because the data needs to be migrated safely.

Use kubectl get pod -n tidb to verify the number of each compoments equal to values in the charts/tidb-cluster/values.yaml file, and all pods are in Running state.

Upgrade the TiDB cluster

  1. Edit the charts/tidb-cluster/values.yaml file with your preferred text editor.

    For example, change the version of PD/TiKV/TiDB image to v3.0.1.

  2. Run the following command to apply the changes:

    helm upgrade demo charts/tidb-cluster --namespace=tidb

Use kubectl get pod -n tidb to verify that all pods are in Running state. Then you can connect to the database and use tidb_version() function to verify the version:

MySQL [(none)]> select tidb_version();
*************************** 1. row ***************************
tidb_version(): Release Version: v3.0.1
Git Commit Hash: 06f3f63d5a87e7f0436c0618cf524fea7172eb93
Git Branch: HEAD
UTC Build Time: 2019-05-28 12:48:52
GoVersion: go version go1.12 linux/amd64
Race Enabled: false
TiKV Min Version: 2.1.0-alpha.1-ff3dd160846b7d1aed9079c389fc188f7f5ea13e
Check Table Before Drop: false
1 row in set (0.001 sec)

Destroy the TiDB cluster

When you are done with your test, use the following command to destroy the TiDB cluster:

$ helm delete demo --purge

Note: This only deletes the running pods and other resources, the data is persisted.

If you do not need the data anymore, run the following commands to clean up the data. (Be careful, this permanently deletes the data).

$ kubectl get pv -l -o name | xargs -I {} kubectl patch {} -p '{"spec":{"persistentVolumeReclaimPolicy":"Delete"}}'
$ kubectl delete pvc --namespace tidb --all

Stop and Re-start the Kubernetes cluster

  • If you want to stop the DinD Kubernetes cluster, run the following command:

    $ manifests/local-dind/ stop

    You can use docker ps to verify that there is no docker container running.

  • If you want to restart the DinD Kubernetes after you stop it, run the following command:

    $ manifests/local-dind/ start

Destroy the DinD Kubernetes cluster

If you want to clean up the DinD Kubernetes cluster, run the following commands:

$ manifests/local-dind/ clean
$ sudo rm -rf data/kube-node-*

Warning: You must clean the data after you destroy the DinD Kubernetes cluster, otherwise the TiDB cluster would fail to start when you try to bring a new cluster up again.