- Added support for Python 3.8 and 3.9
- Fixed support for Linux, Windows and macOS
- Minor fix in docs.
- Added examples.
- Fixed documentation examples.
- Added Github CI support.
- Added hooks for plugins.
- Minor bug fixings.
- Fixed coverage and ci.
- Fixed how to stop behaviours.
- Fixed some tests.
- Blackstyled code.
- Fixed issue with third party versions.
- Use factories in tests.
- Updated documentation and examples.
- Minor bug fixing.
- Added BDI plugin (https://github.com/javipalanca/spade_bdi).
- Improved the platform stop (quit_spade).
- Minor bug fixing.
- Hotfix docs.
- Added Python 3.7 support.
- Added Code of Conduct.
- Minor bugs fixed.
- Agents now run in a single event loop managed by the container.
- Behaviors can be waited for using the "join" method.
- To check if a behaviours is done you can now use the "is_done" method.
- The "setup" method is now a coroutine.
- New "quit_spade" helper to stop the whole process.
- The "start" and "stop" methods change depending on the context, since it is the container who will properly start or stop the agent. They return a coroutine or a future depending on whether they are called from a coroutine or a synchronous method.
- Added raw parameter to allow raw web responses.
- Changed default agent urls to the "/spade" namespace to avoid conflicts.
- Added a container mechanism to speedup local sends.
- Added performance example.
- Improved API doc.
- Added container tests.
- Fixed bug when running FSM states.
- Improved Message __str__.
- Fixed bug when thread is not defined in a message.
- aioxmpp send method is now in client instead of stream.
- Added statement to relinquish the cpu at each behaviour loop.
- Message Thread is now stored as metadata for simplicity.
- Added JSON responses in web module.
- Some improvements in aiothread management.
- Added coroutines to start agents from within other agents.
- Improved API doc format.
- Rename internal templates to avoid conflicts.
- Added API doc.
- Minor bug fixes.
- Fixed presence notification updates.
- Fixed FSM graphviz visualization.
- Raise AuthenticationFailure Exception when user is not registered or user or password is wrong.
- Import init improvements.
- Attribute auto_register is now default True.
- Improved documentation.
- Other minor fixes.
- Minor doc fixings and improvements.
- Started writting 3.0 version.