It is yet another colorspace in image processing frameworks. It is similar to RGB color space but it is more designed based on how human eyes percieve colors.
Y: Represents Luma componet. Also represents brightness of the color
- Our eyes are more sensitive towards this component.
- In image processing it also provides Gray Image
Cr and Cb represents Chrome components of the color
Cb: Cb is the blue component relative to the green component
Cb: Cr is the red component relative to the green component
When in JPEG compression, it uses these sensitivities of the human eye and eliminate the unnecessary details of the image.
It is also called YUV space. It takes less memory thatn RGB space. E.g. Amount of memory required to store a M x N RGB image is M x N x 3 bytes for the same image you can store in YUV space M x N x 1.5 bytes ONLY! YUV channel is arranced as M x N Y then m x N/4 U and M x N/4 V. Thus it takes less memory.