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An auditing module for Doctrine 2. Requires ZfcUser to map revisions to users. This module creates an entity to audit a specified target entity and tracks revisions to that target.


This module takes a configuration of entities to audit and creates entities to audit them and revision tracking entities. Included is a view layer to browse the audit records. Routing back to live application data is supported and view helpers allow you to find and browse to the latest audit record from a given audited entity.

Revisions pool all audited entities into revision buckets. Each bucket contains the revision entity for each audited record in a transaction.

Auditing is done in it's own transaction after a flush has been performed. Auditing takes two flushes in one transaction to complete.


Require SoliantEntityAudit with composer

php composer.phar require "soliantconsulting/entity-audit": "dev-master"

Enable SoliantEntityAudit in config/application.config.php:

return array(
    'modules' => array(

Copy config/ to config/autoload/ and edit setting as

return array(
    'audit' => array(
        'datetimeFormat' => 'r',
        'paginatorLimit' => 20,
        'tableNamePrefix' => '',
        'tableNameSuffix' => '_audit',
        'revisionTableName' => 'Revision',
        'revisionEntityTableName' => 'RevisionEntity',
        'entities' => array(           
            'Db\Entity\Song' => array(),
            'Db\Entity\Performer' => array(),

Use the Doctrine command line tool to update the database and create the auditing tables:

vendor/bin/doctrine-module orm:schema-tool:update


AuditEntity - A generated entity which maps to the Target auditable entity. This stores the values for the Target entity at the time a Revision is created.

Revision - An entity which stores the timestap, comment, an user for a single entity manager flush which contains auditable entities.

RevisionEntity - A mapping entity which maps an AuditEntity to a Revision and maps to a Target audited entity. This entity can rehydrate a Target entity and AuditEntity. This also stores the revision type when the Target was audited. INS, UPD, and DEL map to insert, update, and delete. The primary keys of the Target are stored as an array and can be used to rehydrate a Target.

Target entity - An auditable entity specified as string in the audit configuration.


You may configure a custom entity to serve as the user entity for mapping revisions to users. You may configure a custom authentication service too. By default these map to ZfcUserDoctrineORM\Entity\User and zfcuser_auth_service. For example to use a custom entity and service Db\Entity\User for an entity and Zend\Authentication\AuthenticationService would work.

The user entity must implement getDisplayName, getId, and getEmail. The authentication service must implement hasIdentity and getIdentity which returns an instance of the current user entity.

Interfaces are not used so ZfcUser can be used out of the box.


To map a route to an audited entity include route information in the audit => entities config

    'Db\Entity\Song' => array(
        'route' => 'default',
        'defaults' => array(
            'controller' => 'song',
            'action' => 'detail',

Identifier column values from the audited entity will be added to defaults to generate urls through routing.

        $options = $this->auditEntityOptions($revisionEntity->getTargetEntityClass());
        $routeOptions = array_merge($options['defaults'], $revisionEntity->getEntityKeys());
    <a class="btn btn-info" href="<?=
        $this->url($options['route'], $routeOptions);

This is how to map from your application to it's current revision entity:

    <a class="btn btn-info" href="<?=
                'revisionEntityId' => $this->auditCurrentRevisionEntity($auditedEntity)->getId()
        <i class="icon-list"></i>

View Helpers

Return the audit service. This is a helper class. The class is also available via dependency injection factory auditService This class provides the following:

  1. setComment(); Set the comment for the next audit transaction. When a comment is set it will be read at the time the audit Revision is created and added as the comment.

  2. getAuditEntityValues($auditEntity); Returns all the fields and their values for the given audit entity. Does not include many to many relations.

  3. getEntityIdentifierValues($entity); Return all the identifying keys and values for an entity.

  4. getRevisionEntities($entity) Returns all RevisionEntity entities for the given audited entity or RevisionEntity.


Return the latest revision entity for the given entity.

Return a paginator for all revisions of the specified class name.
$view->auditEntityPaginator($page, $entityClassName);

Return a paginator for all RevisionEntity entities for the given entity or 
a paginator attached to every RevisionEntity for the given audited entity class.Pass an entity or a class name string.
$view->auditRevisionEntityPaginator($page, $entity);

Return a paginator for all Revision entities.

Returns the routing information for an entity by class name


If an entity has a __toString method it will be used to title an audit entity limited to 256 characters and stored in the RevisionEntity.

Inspired by SimpleThings