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SDK of the Facebook Messenger Platform for Node.js


The Facebook Messenger Platform SDK can be installed with NPM.

$ npm install facebook-bot-messenger

Getting started

Require the SDK

var MessengerPlatform = require('facebook-bot-messenger');

Create bot server with bot client instance (support on v.1.1.x)

sample is following

var bot = MessengerPlatform.create({
  pageID: '<your page id>',
  appID: '<your app id>',
  appSecret: '<your app secret>',
  validationToken: '<your validation token>',
  pageToken: '<your page token>'
bot.on(MessengerPlatform.Events.MESSAGE, function(userId, message) {
  // add code below.

Using with Node http server

var server = require('http').createServer(handler);
var bot = MessengerPlatform.create({
  pageID: '<your page id>',
  appID: '<your app id>',
  appSecret: '<your app secret>',
  validationToken: '<your validation token>',
  pageToken: '<your page token>'
}, server);
bot.on(MessengerPlatform.Events.MESSAGE, function(userId, message) {
  // add code below.

Using with Express 3/4

var app = require('express')();
var server = require('http').Server(app);
var bot = MessengerPlatform.create({
  pageID: '<your page id>',
  appID: '<your app id>',
  appSecret: '<your app secret>',
  validationToken: '<your validation token>',
  pageToken: '<your page token>'
}, server);
bot.on(MessengerPlatform.Events.MESSAGE, function(userId, message) {
  // add code below.

Create the bot client instance

Instance of bot client is a handler of the Messenger Platform.

var bot = MessengerPlatform.create({
  pageID: '<your page id>',
  appID: '<your app id>',
  appSecret: '<your app secret>',
  validationToken: '<your validation token>',
  pageToken: '<your page token>'

Call API

You can call API through the bot client instance.

Get profile

Get detail information of user.

bot.getProfile('<user id>').then(function(data) {
  // add your code when success.
}).catch(function(error) {
  // add your code when error.

When MessengerPlatform#getProfile() success return JSON object.

Send action

Send readed message

bot.sendReadedAction('<user id>');

Send typing on

bot.sendTypingAction('<user id>');

Send typing off

bot.sendClearTypingAction('<user id>');

Send message

sample is following

bot.sendTextMessage('<user id>', '<message>');

This procedure sends a message to the destination that is associated with .

More advanced sample is below;

var textMessageBuilder = new MessengerPlatform.TextMessageBuilder('<message>');
bot.sendMessage('<user id>', textMessageBuilder);

And other send method;

Send image attachment message

bot.sendImageMessage('<user id>', '<url>', '<is reusable');

Send audio attachment message

bot.sendAudioMessage('<user id>', '<url>', '<is reusable');

Send video attachment message

bot.sendVideoMessage('<user id>', '<url>', '<is reusable');

Send file attachment message

bot.sendFileMessage('<user id>', '<url>', '<is reusable');

Message builder

Type of message depends on the type of instance of MessageBuilder. That means this method sends text message if you pass TextMessageBuilder

The type of instance of MessageBuilder


var builder = new MessengerPlatform.TextMessageBuilder('<message>');


var builder = new MessengerPlatform.QuickRepliesMessageBuilder('Pick a color:');
builder.addImageOption('Red', 'DEVELOPER_DEFINED_PAYLOAD_FOR_PICKING_RED', '')
       .addImageOption('Green', 'DEVELOPER_DEFINED_PAYLOAD_FOR_PICKING_GREEN', '');


var builder = new MessengerPlatform.AttachmentMessageBuilder();
builder.addImageAttachment('<url>', '<is reusable>');

Template attachment message:

  • Generic
var element = new MessengerPlatform.GenericElementTemplateBuilder('Welcome to Peter\'s Hats', '', '', 'We\'ve got the right hat for everyone.');
element1.addButton(new MessengerPlatform.URLButtonBuilder('View Website', ''));
var template = new MessengerPlatform.GenericTemplateBuilder();
var builder = new MessengerPlatform.AttachmentMessageBuilder(template);
  • Button
var btnUrl = new MessengerPlatform.URLButtonBuilder('Show Website', '');
var btnPostback = new MessengerPlatform.PostbackButtonBuilder('Start Chatting', 'DEVELOPER_DEFINED_PAYLOAD');
var template = new MessengerPlatform.ButtonTemplateBuilder('What do you want to do next?', [btnUrl, btnPostback]);
var builder = new MessengerPlatform.AttachmentMessageBuilder(template);
  • List
var element1 = new MessengerPlatform.ListElementTemplateBuilder('Classic Black T-Shirt', '', '100% Cotton, 200% Comfortable');
element1.setDefaultAction('', '', true, MessengerPlatform.WebviewHeight.TALL)
        .addURLButton('Buy', '');

var element2 = new MessengerPlatform.ListElementTemplateBuilder('Classic Gray T-Shirt', '', '100% Cotton, 200% Comfortable');
element2.setDefaultAction('', '', true, MessengerPlatform.WebviewHeight.TALL)
        .addURLButton('Buy', '');
var template = new MessengerPlatform.ListTemplateBuilder();
        .addPostbackButton('View More', 'USER_DEFINED_PAYLOAD');
var builder = new MessengerPlatform.AttachmentMessageBuilder(template);
  • Receipt
var template = new MessengerPlatform.ReceiptTemplateBuilder('Stephane Crozatier', '12345678902', 'USD', 'Visa 2345');
        .addElement('Classic White T-Shirt', 50, '', 2, '100% Soft and Luxurious Cotton', 'USD')
        .addElement('Classic Gray T-Shirt', 25, '', 1, '100% Soft and Luxurious Cotton', 'USD')
        .setAddress(['1 Hacker Way'], 'Menlo Park', 'CA', '94025', 'US')
        .setSummary('56.14', '75.00', '4.95', '6.19')
        .addAdjustment('New Customer Discount', 20)
        .addAdjustment('$10 Off Coupon', 10);
var builder = new MessengerPlatform.AttachmentMessageBuilder(template);


Facebook's server sends user action (message, message delivered, message read and etc.) to your bot server. Request of that contains event(s); event is action of the user.

Webhook events:

  • MESSAGE Event name will occur when a message has been sent to your page. You may receive text messages or messages with attachments.
  • MESSAGE_DELIVERED Event name will occur when a message a page has sent has been delivered.
  • MESSAGE_READ Event name will occur when a message a page has sent has been read by the user.
  • MESSAGE_ECHO Event name will occur when a message has been sent by your page. You may receive text messsages or messages with attachments.
  • POSTBACK Event name will occur when a Postback button, Get Started button, Persistent menu or Structured Message is tapped.
  • OPTIN Event name will occur when the Send-to-Messenger plugin has been tapped.
  • REFERRAL Event name will occur when an link is used with a referral param and only in a case this user already has a thread with this bot.
  • PAYMENTS Event name will occurs when a persons taps the pay button from the checkout dialog rendered by the Buy Button.
  • CHECKOUT_UPDATE Event name enables you to update pricing for flexible-amount transactions on the checkout dialog displayed by the Buy Button.
  • ACCOUNT_LINKING Event name will occur when the Linked Account or Unlink Account call-to-action have been tapped.

See Also